As an essentially literal translation, the ESV Bible is ideally suited for use with a concordance, as the ESV seeks to use the same English word, as far as possible and where appropriate to the meaning in each context, to translate important recurring words in the original languages. However, with a total of more than 757,000 words appearing in the ESV Bible, a shorter concordance such as this must be selective in the words it includes.
In choosing which words to list, the guiding principles were importance, familiarity, and breadth of coverage. Since the ESV is within the stream of English Bible translations that began with the King James Version of 1611, there was a special effort to include references to as many familiar Bible passages as possible. As to breadth of coverage, the goal has been to list key references for many different words rather than more lengthy listings for fewer words.
Passages appearing in more than one of the Synoptic Gospels usually have only one reference, most often to the book of Matthew.
Readers will find the functionality of this concordance greatly increased if, after locating a Bible passage, the cross-reference system is then utilized for further research.
Those desiring a more complete concordance for the ESV Bible should consult The Crossway Comprehensive Concordance, which has more than 300,000 verse listings for nearly 14,000 different words. Readers with internet access will find optimal word-search capability with the search engine at the ESV web site,
Old Testament
Genesis • Gn
Exodus • Ex
Leviticus • Lv
Numbers • Nm
Deuteronomy • Dt
Joshua • Jos
Judges • Jgs
Ruth • Ru
1 Samuel • 1 Sm
2 Samuel • 2 Sm
1 Kings • 1 Kgs
2 Kings • 2 Kgs
1 Chronicles • 1 Chr
2 Chronicles • 2 Chr
Ezra • Ezr
Nehemiah • Neh
Esther • Est
Job • Jb
Psalms • Ps
Proverbs • Prv
Ecclesiastes • Eccl
Song of Solomon • Sg
Isaiah • Is
Jeremiah • Jer
Lamentations • Lam
Ezekiel • Ezk
Daniel • Dn
Hosea • Hos
Joel • Jl
Amos • Am
Obadiah • Ob
Jonah • Jon
Micah • Mi
Nahum • Na
Habakkuk • Hab
Zephaniah • Zep
Haggai • Hg
Zechariah • Zec
Malachi • Mal
New Testament
Matthew • Mt
Mark • Mk
Luke • Lk
John • Jn
Acts • Acts
Romans • Rom
1 Corinthians • 1 Cor
2 Corinthians • 2 Cor
Galatians • Gal
Ephesians • Eph
Philippians • Phil
Colossians • Col
1 Thessalonians • 1 Thes
2 Thessalonians • 2 Thes
1 Timothy • 1 Tm
2 Timothy • 2 Tm
Titus • Ti
Philemon • Phlm
Hebrews • Heb
James • Jas
1 Peter • 1 Pt
2 Peter • 2 Pt
1 John • 1 Jn
2 John • 2 Jn
3 John • 3 Jn
Jude • Jude
Revelation • Rv
Moses and he said, “Is there not A, • Ex 4:14
So A said to them, “Take off the rings • Ex 32:2
And the staff of A was among their • Nm 17:6
congregation saw that A had perished, • Nm 20:29
saying to A, ‘Make for us gods who • Acts 7:40
called by God, just as A was. • Heb 5:4
before God, and A has no covering. • Jb 26:6
in the grave, or your faithfulness in A? • Ps 88:11
Sheol and A lie open before the • Prv 15:11
His name in Hebrew is A, and in Greek • Rv 9:11
For you will not a my soul to Sheol, • Ps 16:10
The Lord will not a him to • Ps 37:33
he will not a his heritage; • Ps 94:14
For you will not a my soul to Hades, • Acts 2:27
‘It is because they a the covenant of the • Dt 29:25
‘Because they a the Lord their • 1 Kgs 9:9
Christ, that he was not a to Hades, • Acts 2:31
for having a their former faith. • 1 Tm 5:12
that you have a the love you had at first. • Rv 2:4
“A, Father, all things are possible for • Mk 14:36
sons, by whom we cry, “A! Father!” • Rom 8:15
into our hearts, crying, “A! Father!” • Gal 4:6
A was a keeper of sheep, and Cain • Gn 4:2
“Where is A your brother?” He said, • Gn 4:9
blood of righteous A to the blood of • Mt 23:35
By faith A offered to God a more • Heb 11:4
a better word than the blood of A. • Heb 12:24
they a him who speaks the truth. • Am 5:10
A what is evil; hold fast to what is • Rom 12:9
statutes, and if your soul a my rules, • Lv 26:15
Lord a the bloodthirsty and • Ps 5:6
A, escaped and fled after David. • 1 Sm 22:20
son of Zeruiah and with A the priest. • 1 Kgs 1:7
His soul shall a in well-being, • Ps 25:13
the Most High will a in the shadow • Ps 91:1
righteousness a in the fruitful field. • Is 32:16
“If you a in my word, you are truly my • Jn 8:31
A in me, and I in you. As the branch • Jn 15:4
so have I loved you. A in my love. • Jn 15:9
a in him, so that when he appears we • 1 Jn 2:28
By this we know that we a in him and • 1 Jn 4:13
ahead and does not a in the teaching • 2 Jn 9
which cannot be moved, but a forever. • Ps 125:1
fruit by itself, unless it a in the vine, • Jn 15:4
whoever says he a in him ought to walk • 1 Jn 2:6
No one who a in him keeps on sinning; • 1 Jn 3:6
whoever a in love a in God, • 1 Jn 4:16
are like a shadow, and there is no a. • 1 Chr 29:15
had a better possession and an a one. • Heb 10:34
When A saw David, she hurried and • 1 Sm 25:23
Then David sent and spoke to A, • 1 Sm 25:39
second, Daniel, by A the Carmelite, • 1 Chr 3:1
At that time A the son of Jeroboam • 1 Kgs 14:1
and A his son reigned in his place. • 2 Chr 12:16
Spirit of God, with a and intelligence, • Ex 31:3
According to their a they gave to the • Ezr 2:69
another one, to each according to his a. • Mt 25:15
is right, but not the a to carry it out. • Rom 7:18
prayed to God, and God healed A, • Gn 20:17
At that time A and Phicol the • Gn 21:22
A said, “What is this you have done to • Gn 26:10
Now A the son of Jerubbaal went to • Jgs 9:1
and to Joab’s brother A the son of • 1 Sm 26:6
So Joab and A his brother killed Abner, • 2 Sm 3:30
And David said to A, “Now Sheba the • 2 Sm 20:6
Zeruiah: A, Joab, and Asahel, three. • 1 Chr 2:16
Every man shall give as he is a, • Dt 16:17
But who is a to build him a house, • 2 Chr 2:6
silver and gold are not a to deliver • Ezk 7:19
our God whom we serve is a • Dn 3:17
“Do you believe that I am a to do this?” • Mt 9:28
Are you a to drink the cup that I am to • Mt 20:22
will be a to separate us from the love • Rom 8:39
Now to him who is a to strengthen you • Rom 16:25
Now to him who is a to do far more • Eph 3:20
kind to everyone, a to teach, patiently • 2 Tm 2:24
him who was a to save him from death, • Heb 5:7
Now to him who is a to keep you from • Jude 24
an open door, which no one is a to shut. • Rv 3:8
under the earth was a to open the scroll • Rv 5:3
of his army was A the son of Ner, • 1 Sm 14:50
sat opposite, and A sat by Saul’s side, • 1 Sm 20:25
A was making himself strong in the • 2 Sm 3:6
And the king lamented for A, saying, • 2 Sm 3:33
I have not come to a them but to fulfill • Mt 5:17
Jesus, who a death and brought life • 2 Tm 1:10
to practice any of these a customs that • Lv 18:30
learn to follow the a practices of those • Dt 18:9
and they made their a images and their • Ezk 7:20
devious person is an a to the Lord, • Prv 3:32
Lying lips are an a to the Lord, • Prv 12:22
the scoffer is an a to mankind. • Prv 24:9
shall set up the a that makes desolate. • Dn 11:31
“So when you see the a of desolation • Mt 24:15
what is exalted among men is an a in • Lk 16:15
were before you, did all of these a, • Lv 18:27
because of these a the Lord your • Dt 18:12
for there are seven a in his heart; • Prv 26:25
on the wing of a shall come one who • Dn 9:27
golden cup full of a and the impurities • Rv 17:4
the Lord will make you a • Dt 28:11
continue in sin that grace may a? • Rom 6:1
of the Holy Spirit you may a in hope. • Rom 15:13
you may a in every good work. • 2 Cor 9:8
make you increase and a in love for • 1 Thes 3:12
that one man Jesus Christ a for many. • Rom 5:15
sin increased, grace a all the more, • Rom 5:20
Lord is slow to anger and a • Nm 14:18
slow to anger and a in steadfast love. • Ps 103:8
and a in steadfast love; and he • Jl 2:13
slow to anger and a in steadfast love, • Jon 4:2
Lord is God in heaven a • Dt 4:39
Be exalted, O God, a the heavens! • Ps 57:5
who sits a the circle of the earth, • Is 40:22
He who comes from a is a all. • Jn 3:31
“You are from below; I am from a. • Jn 8:23
unless it had been given you from a. • Jn 19:11
far a all rule and authority and • Eph 1:21
the name that is a every name, • Phil 2:9
and every perfect gift is from a, • Jas 1:17
A all, keep loving one another • 1 Pt 4:8
Abram, but your name shall be A, • Gn 17:5
Then A took Ishmael his son and all • Gn 17:23
these things God tested A and said to • Gn 22:1
A breathed his last and died • Gn 25:8
“I am the God of A your father. • Gn 26:24
Christ, the son of David, the son of A. • Mt 1:1
yourselves, ‘We have A as our father,’ • Mt 3:9
to A and to his offspring forever.” • Lk 1:55
called out, ‘Father A, have mercy on • Lk 16:24
“A believed God, and it was counted • Rom 4:3
just as A “believed God, and it was • Gal 3:6
By faith A obeyed when he was called • Heb 11:8
carried by the angels to A side. • Lk 16:22
“If you were A children, you • Jn 8:39
are Christ’s, then you are A offspring, • Gal 3:29
Lord said to A, “Go from your • Gn 12:1
A heard that his kinsman had been taken • Gn 14:14
vision: “Fear not, A, I am your shield; • Gn 15:1
Lord made a covenant with A, • Gn 15:18
Now A, David’s son, had a beautiful • 2 Sm 13:1
So A stole the hearts of the men of • 2 Sm 15:6
surrounded A and struck him and • 2 Sm 18:15
“O my son A, O A, my son, • 2 Sm 19:4
A from every form of evil. • 1 Thes 5:22
to a from the passions of the flesh, • 1 Pt 2:11
thanks to God, while the one who a, • Rom 14:6
of heart, because of the a of all things, • Dt 28:47
But I, through the a of your steadfast • Ps 5:7
according to the a of his steadfast love; • Lam 3:32
will be given, and he will have an a, • Mt 13:12
contributed out of their a, but she • Mk 12:44
for out of the a of the heart • Lk 6:45
so that their a may supply your need, • 2 Cor 8:14
Oh, how a is your goodness, which you • Ps 31:19
to let you know the a love that I have • 2 Cor 2:4
may have life and have it a. • Jn 10:10
For as we share a in Christ’s sufferings, • 2 Cor 1:5
because your faith is growing a, • 2 Thes 1:3
pray for those who a you. • Lk 6:28
command them to depart into the a. • Lk 8:31
descend into the a?’” (that is, to bring • Rom 10:7
one of them, for your a betrays you.” • Mt 26:73
substance, and a the work of his hands; • Dt 33:11
A my freewill offerings of praise, O • Ps 119:108
Hear, my son, and a my words, • Prv 4:10
to a his lot and rejoice in his toil— • Eccl 5:19
hear the word and a it and bear fruit, • Mk 4:20
does not a the things of the Spirit • 1 Cor 2:14
meditation of my heart be a • Ps 19:14
lips of the righteous know what is a, • Prv 10:32
fast, and a day a to the Lord? • Is 58:5
Your burnt offerings are not a, nor • Jer 6:20
holy and a to God, which is • Rom 12:1
it is a according to what a person has, • 2 Cor 8:12
thus let us offer to God a worship, • Heb 12:28
but the upright enjoy a. • Prv 14:9
what will their a mean but life from • Rom 11:15
is trustworthy and deserving of full a, • 1 Tm 1:15
If you do well, will you not be a? • Gn 4:7
the Lord a Job’s prayer. • Jb 42:9
and their sacrifices will be a • Is 56:7
a different gospel from the one you a, • 2 Cor 11:4
you a it not as the word of men but • 1 Thes 2:13
and you joyfully a the plundering of • Heb 10:34
we both have a in one Spirit • Eph 2:18
but it shall a that which I purpose, • Is 55:11
which he was about to a at Jerusalem. • Lk 9:31
works that the Father has given me to a, • Jn 5:36
all these things are about to be a?” • Mk 13:4
Son of Man by the prophets will be a. • Lk 18:31
having a the work that you gave me to • Jn 17:4
except what Christ has a through me • Rom 15:18
I have not come of my own a. • Jn 7:28
I lay it down of my own a. • Jn 10:18
All these with one a were devoting • Acts 1:14
being in full a and of one mind. • Phil 2:2
in a with all the curses of the covenant • Dt 29:21
died for our sins in a with • 1 Cor 15:3
teach what a with sound doctrine. • Ti 2:1
“Tell us on whose a this evil has come • Jon 1:8
of evil against you falsely on my a. • Mt 5:11
people will give a for every careless • Mt 12:36
to write an orderly a for you, • Lk 1:3
Turn in the a of your management, • Lk 16:2
But I do not a my life of any value • Acts 20:24
each of us will give an a • Rom 14:12
you anything, charge that to my a. • Phlm 18
eyes of him to whom we must give a. • Heb 4:13
but they will give a to him • 1 Pt 4:5
whole world may be held a to God. • Rom 3:19
in one point has become a for all of it. • Jas 2:10
wish that I myself were a • Rom 9:3
no love for the Lord, let him be a. • 1 Cor 16:22
No longer will there be anything a, • Rv 22:3
“What a do you bring against • Jn 18:29
me evil for good a me because I follow • Ps 38:20
In return for my love they a me, • Ps 109:4
Satan standing at his right hand to a • Zec 3:1
so that they might a him. • Mt 12:10
their conflicting thoughts a • Rom 2:15
witness and has a his brother falsely, • Dt 19:18
forward and maliciously a the Jews. • Dn 3:8
who had maliciously a Daniel were • Dn 6:24
But when he was a by the chief priests • Mt 27:12
And for this hope I am a by Jews, O • Acts 26:7
I must appeal for mercy to my a. • Jb 9:15
let an a stand at his right hand. • Ps 109:6
lest your a hand you over to the judge, • Mt 5:25
go with your a before the magistrate, • Lk 12:58
for the a of our brothers has been • Rv 12:10
In all your ways a him, and he • Prv 3:6
and you who are near, a my might. • Is 33:13
We a our wickedness, O Lord, • Jer 14:20
until they a their guilt and seek my face, • Hos 5:15
I also will a before my Father • Mt 10:32
not see fit to a God, God gave them up • Rom 1:28
the fruit of lips that a his name. • Heb 13:15
himself first, does not a our authority. • 3 Jn 9
I a my sin to you, and I did not cover • Ps 32:5
lying down and are a with all my ways. • Ps 139:3
a man of sorrows, and a with grief; • Is 53:3
hear in heaven and a and judge your • 1 Kgs 8:32
trust in him, and he will a. • Ps 37:5
forgive. O Lord, pay attention and a. • Dn 9:19
complete among you this a of grace. • 2 Cor 8:6
We have a very corruptly • Neh 1:7
done wrong and a wickedly and • Dn 9:5
But for A there was not found a helper • Gn 2:20
And to A he said, “Because you have • Gn 3:17
Thus all the days that A lived • Gn 5:5
But like A they transgressed the • Hos 6:7
Yet death reigned from A • Rom 5:14
For as in A all die, so also • 1 Cor 15:22
“The first man A became a living • 1 Cor 15:45
For A was formed first, then Eve; • 1 Tm 2:13
You shall not a to the word that I • Dt 4:2
a heavy yoke, I will a to your yoke. • 1 Kgs 12:11
Do not a to his words, lest he • Prv 30:6
I will a fifteen years to your life. • Is 38:5
God will a to him the plagues • Rv 22:18
night or day to a every one with tears. • Acts 20:31
but to a you as my beloved children. • 1 Cor 4:14
a the idle, encourage the fainthearted, • 1 Thes 5:14
A the son of Haggith exalted himself, • 1 Kgs 1:5
And A feared Solomon. So he arose • 1 Kgs 1:50
received the Spirit of a as sons, • Rom 8:15
are Israelites, and to them belong the a, • Rom 9:4
law, so that we might receive a as sons. • Gal 4:5
he predestined us for a as sons • Eph 1:5
“A yourself with majesty and dignity; • Jb 40:10
women should a themselves in • 1 Tm 2:9
in everything they may a the doctrine • Ti 2:10
women who hoped in God used to a • 1 Pt 3:5
For the land is full of a; because of the • Jer 23:10
against the sorcerers, against the a, • Mal 3:5
unjust, a, or even like this tax collector. • Lk 18:11
both the adulterer and the a shall surely • Lv 20:10
from the a with her smooth words, • Prv 2:16
and embrace the bosom of an a? • Prv 5:20
This is the way of an a: • Prv 30:20
A wife, who receives strangers instead • Ezk 16:32
my words in this a and sinful generation, • Mk 8:38
You a people! Do you not know that • Jas 4:4
“You shall not commit a. • Ex 20:14
He who commits a lacks sense; • Prv 6:32
it was said, ‘You shall not commit a.’ • Mt 5:27
heart come evil thoughts, murder, a, • Mt 15:19
marries another, commits a.” • Mt 19:9
been caught in the act of a. • Jn 8:4
They have eyes full of a, insatiable for • 2 Pt 2:14
and those who commit a with her I will • Rv 2:22
it is to your a that I go away, • Jn 16:7
Then what a has the Jew? Or what is • Rom 3:1
Christ will be of no a to you. • Gal 5:2
boasters, showing favoritism to gain a. • Jude 16
of your majesty you overthrow your a; • Ex 15:7
Give me not up to the will of my a; • Ps 27:12
you will destroy all the a of my soul, • Ps 143:12
Lord takes vengeance on his a • Na 1:2
things, all his a were put to shame, • Lk 13:17
which none of your a will be able • Lk 21:15
opened to me, and there are many a. • 1 Cor 16:9
a fury of fire that will consume the a. • Heb 10:27
saying, ‘Give me justice against my a.’ • Lk 18:3
and give the a no occasion for slander. • 1 Tm 5:14
Your a the devil prowls around like a • 1 Pt 5:8
all times, and a brother is born for a. • Prv 17:17
be joyful, and in the day of a consider: • Eccl 7:14
the Lord give you the bread of a • Is 30:20
but a wise man listens to a. • Prv 12:15
but with those who take a is wisdom. • Prv 13:10
Listen to a and accept instruction, • Prv 19:20
opposing God!” So they took his a, • Acts 5:39
does sin, we have an a with the Father, • 1 Jn 2:1
Love one another with brotherly a. • Rom 12:10
for you all with the a of Christ Jesus. • Phil 1:8
and brotherly a with love. • 2 Pt 1:7
taskmasters over them to a them with • Ex 1:11
he does not willingly a from his heart • Lam 3:33
sincerely but thinking to a me in my • Phil 1:17
repay with affliction those who a you, • 2 Thes 1:6
and they will be a for four hundred • Gn 15:13
He delivers the a by their affliction • Jb 36:15
gracious to me, for I am lonely and a. • Ps 25:16
glad for as many days as you have a us, • Ps 90:15
Before I was a I went astray, but now I • Ps 119:67
him stricken, smitten by God, and a. • Is 53:4
those a with various diseases and pains, • Mt 4:24
sick and those a with unclean spirits, • Acts 5:16
If we are a, it is for your comfort • 2 Cor 1:6
We are a in every way, but not • 2 Cor 4:8
feet of the saints, has cared for the a, • 1 Tm 5:10
“I have surely seen the a of my people • Ex 3:7
Consider my a and my trouble, and • Ps 25:18
love, because you have seen my a; • Ps 31:7
This is my comfort in my a, that • Ps 119:50
I have tried you in the furnace of a. • Is 48:10
In all their a he was afflicted, and the • Is 63:9
and healing every disease and every a. • Mt 9:35
who comforts us in all our a, so that • 2 Cor 1:4
light momentary a is preparing • 2 Cor 4:17
In all our a, I am overflowing with joy. • 2 Cor 7:4
all our distress and a we have been • 1 Thes 3:7
Many are the a of the righteous, but • Ps 34:19
that imprisonment and a await me. • Acts 20:23
by great endurance, in a, hardships, • 2 Cor 6:4
what is lacking in Christ’s a for the • Col 1:24
that no one be moved by these a. • 1 Thes 3:3
and I was a, because I was naked, • Gn 3:10
the people were a and trembled, • Ex 20:18
Lord, and they shall be a of you. • Dt 28:10
to them, “Do not be a or dismayed; • Jos 10:25
of my life; of whom shall I be a? • Ps 27:1
When I am a, I put my trust in you. • Ps 56:3
He is not a of bad news; • Ps 112:7
She is not a of snow for her household, • Prv 31:21
Fear not, nor be a; have I not told • Is 44:8
Do not be a of them, for I am with you • Jer 1:8
And you, son of man, be not a of them, • Ezk 2:6
“Why are you a, O you of little faith?” • Mt 8:26
“Take heart; it is I. Do not be a.” • Mt 14:27
Jesus said to them, “Do not be a; • Mt 28:10
“Do not be a, Mary, for you have • Lk 1:30
Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be a; • Lk 5:10
be troubled, neither let them be a. • Jn 14:27
Paul one night in a vision, “Do not be a, • Acts 18:9
But if you do wrong, be a, for he • Rom 13:4
a prophet named A came down • Acts 21:10
Why do the wicked live, reach old a, • Jb 21:7
They still bear fruit in old a; they are • Ps 92:14
either in this a or in the a to • Mt 12:32
The harvest is the end of the a, and • Mt 13:39
your coming and of the end of the a?” • Mt 24:3
with you always, to the end of the a.” • Mt 28:20
and in the a to come eternal life. • Mk 10:30
“The sons of this a marry and are • Lk 20:34
it is not a wisdom of this a • 1 Cor 2:6
to deliver us from the present evil a, • Gal 1:4
not only in this a but also in the one to • Eph 1:21
renown, O Lord, throughout all a. • Ps 135:13
God decreed before the a for our glory. • 1 Cor 2:7
the mystery hidden for a in God • Eph 3:9
mystery hidden for a and generations • Col 1:26
us in Christ Jesus before the a began, • 2 Tm 1:9
never lies, promised before the a began • Ti 1:2
And being in an a he prayed more • Lk 22:44
if two of you a on earth about anything • Mt 18:19
Did you not a with me for a denarius? • Mt 20:13
him, but their testimony did not a. • Mk 14:56
a with one another, live in peace; • 2 Cor 13:11
I entreat Syntyche to a in the Lord. • Phil 4:2
water and the blood; and these three a. • 1 Jn 5:8
What a has the temple of God with • 2 Cor 6:16
A the king and Bernice arrived at • Acts 25:13
And A said to Paul, “In a short time • Acts 26:28
A did more to provoke the Lord, • 1 Kgs 16:33
So Elijah went to show himself to A. • 1 Kgs 18:2
rain. And A rode and went to Jezreel. • 1 Kgs 18:45
after this A said to Naboth, “Give me • 1 Kgs 21:2
A who reigned from India to Ethiopia • Est 1:1
In the first year of Darius the son of A, • Dn 9:1
A the son of Jotham, king of Judah, • 2 Kgs 16:1
Again the Lord spoke to A, • Is 7:10
A the son of Ahab began to reign over • 1 Kgs 22:51
Now A fell through the lattice in his • 2 Kgs 1:2
A the son of Jehoram, king of Judah, • 2 Kgs 8:25
saying to A, “Treachery, O A!” • 2 Kgs 9:23
searched for A, and he was captured • 2 Chr 22:9
David came to Nob to A the priest. • 1 Sm 21:1
surely die, A, you and all your father’s • 1 Sm 22:16
for A the Gilonite, David’s counselor, • 2 Sm 15:12
Absalom said to A, “Give your counsel. • 2 Sm 16:20
When A saw that his counsel was not • 2 Sm 17:23
Joshua burned A and made it forever • Jos 8:28
for we a at what is honorable not only • 2 Cor 8:21
A for restoration, comfort one another, • 2 Cor 13:11
The a of our charge is love that issues • 1 Tm 1:5
my teaching, my conduct, my a in life, • 2 Tm 3:10
and the birds of the a devoured it. • Lk 8:5
cloaks and flinging dust into the a, • Acts 22:23
I do not box as one beating the a. • 1 Cor 9:26
to meet the Lord in the a, • 1 Thes 4:17
angel poured out his bowl into the a, • Rv 16:17
him with an a flask of very expensive • Mt 26:7
and the visions of my head a me. • Dn 4:5
rumors of wars. See that you are not a, • Mt 24:6
in a white robe, and they were a. • Mk 16:5
not to be quickly shaken in mind or a, • 2 Thes 2:2
Therefore be a, remembering • Acts 20:31
supplication. To that end keep a • Eph 6:18
Some of the crowd prompted A, • Acts 19:33
a from the commonwealth of Israel • Eph 2:12
a from the life of God because of • Eph 4:18
who once were a and hostile in mind, • Col 1:21
into the ark to keep them a with you. • Gn 6:19
Lord your God are all a today. • Dt 4:4
grass of the field, which today is a and • Mt 6:30
heard that he was a and had been seen • Mk 16:11
He presented himself a to them after • Acts 1:3
came, sin came a and I died. • Rom 7:9
so also in Christ shall all be made a. • 1 Cor 15:22
made us a together with Christ— • Eph 2:5
why, as if you were still a in the world, • Col 2:20
I died, and behold I am a forevermore, • Rv 1:18
You have the reputation of being a, but • Rv 3:1
These two were thrown a into the lake • Rv 19:20
“I am God A; walk before me, • Gn 17:1
God A bless you and make you fruitful • Gn 28:3
“I am God A: be fruitful and • Gn 35:11
to Isaac, and to Jacob, as God A, • Ex 6:3
For the arrows of the A are in me; • Jb 6:4
“Shall a faultfinder contend with the A? • Jb 40:2
High will abide in the shadow of the A. • Ps 91:1
many waters, like the sound of the A, • Ezk 1:24
like the voice of God A when he • Ezk 10:5
who was and who is to come, the A.” • Rv 1:8
For the Lord our God the A reigns. • Rv 19:6
is the Lord God the A and the Lamb. • Rv 21:22
give as a those things that are within, • Lk 11:41
prayers and your a have ascended as • Acts 10:4
“It is not good that the man should be a; • Gn 2:18
for you. You are not able to do it a. • Ex 18:18
you, O Lord, are God a.” • 2 Kgs 19:19
Lord, you a. You have made • Neh 9:6
you a, O Lord, make me dwell • Ps 4:8
For God a my soul waits in silence; • Ps 62:1
woe to him who is a when he falls and • Eccl 4:10
know that you a are the Lord.” • Is 37:20
good? No one is good except God a. • Mk 10:18
it happened that as he was praying a, • Lk 9:18
I am not a, for the Father is with me. • Jn 16:32
justified by works and not by faith a. • Jas 2:24
“I am the A and the Omega,” • Rv 1:8
I am the A and the Omega, • Rv 21:6
I am the A and the Omega, • Rv 22:13
saw Levi the son of A sitting at the tax • Mk 2:14
James the son of A and Simon the • Acts 1:13
Then Noah built an a to the Lord • Gn 8:20
And Moses built an a and called • Ex 17:15
“You shall make the a of acacia wood, • Ex 27:1
for you on the a to make atonement for • Lv 17:11
David built there an a • 2 Sm 24:25
And he repaired the a of the Lord • 1 Kgs 18:30
and they built the a of the God • Ezr 3:2
Then I will go to the a of God, to God • Ps 43:4
you say, ‘If anyone swears by the a, • Mt 23:18
perished between the a and the • Lk 11:51
I found also an a with this inscription, • Acts 17:23
having the golden a of incense and the • Heb 9:4
I saw under the a the souls of those who • Rv 6:9
And I heard the a saying, “Yes, Lord • Rv 16:7
You shall tear down their a and break • Ex 34:13
prophets, they have demolished your a, • Rom 11:3
delight; be intoxicated a in her love. • Prv 5:19
I am with you a, to the end • Mt 28:20
Christ a leads us in triumphal • 2 Cor 2:14
So we are a of good courage. • 2 Cor 5:6
giving thanks a and for everything • Eph 5:20
Rejoice in the Lord a; again I will say, • Phil 4:4
a being prepared to make a defense to • 1 Pt 3:15
And all the people were a, • Mt 12:23
they were all a and glorified God, • Mk 2:12
And the disciples were a at his words. • Mk 10:24
heard him were a at his understanding • Lk 2:47
And her parents were a, but he charged • Lk 8:56
And they were a and astonished, • Acts 2:7
and A his son reigned in his place. • 2 Kgs 12:21
king of Israel captured A king of Judah, • 2 Kgs 14:13
And A said to Amos, “O seer, go, flee • Am 7:12
for which I am an a in chains, that I • Eph 6:20
we are a for Christ, God • 2 Cor 5:20
I make it my a to preach the gospel, • Rom 15:20
jealousy and selfish a in your hearts, • Jas 3:14
son of Paul’s sister heard of their a, • Acts 23:16
they were planning an a to kill him on • Acts 25:3
people say, “A!” Praise the Lord! • Ps 106:48
who is God over all, blessed forever. A. • Rom 9:5
we utter our A to God for his glory. • 2 Cor 1:20
glory and dominion forever and ever. A. • Rv 1:6
‘The words of the A, the faithful and • Rv 3:14
“A! Blessing and glory and wisdom • Rv 7:12
“Surely I am coming soon.” A. • Rv 22:20
“No A or Moabite may enter the • Dt 23:3
He is the father of the A to this day. • Gn 19:38
to himself the A and the Amalekites, • Jgs 3:13
Rabbah of the A and took the royal city. • 2 Sm 12:26
I will restore the fortunes of the A, • Jer 49:6
his firstborn was A, of Ahinoam of • 2 Sm 3:2
and A his son reigned in his place. • 2 Kgs 21:18
A his son, Josiah his son. • 1 Chr 3:14
A was twenty-two years old when he • 2 Chr 33:21
and also the A who were dwelling in • Gn 14:7
and the A dwell in the hill country. • Nm 13:29
peace also between Israel and the A. • 1 Sm 7:14
But a man named A, with his wife • Acts 5:1
was a disciple at Damascus named A. • Acts 9:10
And the high priest A commanded • Acts 23:2
as a sure and steadfast a of the soul, • Heb 6:19
be lifted up, O a doors, that the King • Ps 24:7
rides in the heavens, the a heavens; • Ps 68:33
Do not move an a landmark or enter • Prv 23:10
and the A of Days took his seat; • Dn 7:9
the A of Days came, and judgment • Dn 7:22
For from a generations Moses has • Acts 15:21
and A his brother, casting a net • Mt 4:18
who is called Peter, and A his brother; • Mt 10:2
he named Peter, and A his brother, • Lk 6:14
John speak and followed Jesus was A, • Jn 1:40
disciples, A, Simon Peter’s brother, • Jn 6:8
Philip went and told A; • Jn 12:22
Peter and John and James and A, • Acts 1:13
The a of the Lord found her • Gn 16:7
the a of the Lord called to him • Gn 22:11
the a of the Lord appeared • Ex 3:2
the a of the Lord took his stand • Nm 22:22
And the a of the Lord appeared • Jgs 13:3
the a of the Lord destroying • 1 Chr 21:12
The a of the Lord encamps • Ps 34:7
and the a of his presence saved them; • Is 63:9
who has sent his a and delivered his • Dn 3:28
My God sent his a and shut the lions’ • Dn 6:22
an a of the Lord appeared to him in a • Mt 1:20
for an a of the Lord descended from • Mt 28:2
the sixth month the a Gabriel was sent • Lk 1:26
And the a said to them, “Fear not, for • Lk 2:10
during the night an a of the Lord • Acts 5:19
Now an a of the Lord said to Philip, • Acts 8:26
there stood before me an a • Acts 27:23
disguises himself as an a of light. • 2 Cor 11:14
by sending his a to his servant John, • Rv 1:1
the a of God were ascending and • Gn 28:12
Bless the Lord, O you his a, • Ps 103:20
end of the age, and the reapers are a. • Mt 13:39
no one knows, not even the a of heaven, • Mt 24:36
send me more than twelve legions of a? • Mt 26:53
the a were ministering to him. • Mk 1:13
send out the a and gather his elect • Mk 13:27
“‘He will command his a concerning • Lk 4:10
before the a of God over one sinner • Lk 15:10
they are equal to a and are sons of God, • Lk 20:36
And she saw two a in white, sitting • Jn 20:12
you not know that we are to judge a? • 1 Cor 6:3
on her head, because of the a. • 1 Cor 11:10
on asceticism and worship of a, • Col 2:18
revealed from heaven with his mighty a • 2 Thes 1:7
him for a little while lower than the a; • Heb 2:7
some have entertained a unawares. • Heb 13:2
things into which a long to look. • 1 Pt 1:12
For if God did not spare a when • 2 Pt 2:4
And the a who did not stay within • Jude 6
Lord is slow to a and abounding • Nm 14:18
is slow to a has great understanding, • Prv 14:29
wrath, but a harsh word stirs up a. • Prv 15:1
he who is slow to a quiets contention. • Prv 15:18
is slow to a is better than the mighty, • Prv 16:32
Wrath is cruel, a is overwhelming, • Prv 27:4
the a of the Lord was kindled • Is 5:25
Why do you provoke me to a with the • Jer 44:8
He does not retain his a forever, • Mi 7:18
is slow to a and great in power, • Na 1:3
jealousy, a, hostility, slander, gossip, • 2 Cor 12:20
do not let the sun go down on your a, • Eph 4:26
a, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene • Col 3:8
lifting holy hands without a • 1 Tm 2:8
quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to a; • Jas 1:19
Lord said to Cain, “Why are you a, • Gn 4:6
the Lord was a with Solomon, • 1 Kgs 11:9
Be a, and do not sin; ponder in your • Ps 4:4
O Lord? Will you be a forever? • Ps 79:5
and a backbiting tongue, a looks. • Prv 25:23
Be not quick in your spirit to become a, • Eccl 7:9
contend forever, nor will I always be a; • Is 57:16
I will not be a forever. • Jer 3:12
“Do you do well to be a?” • Jon 4:4
is a with his brother will be liable • Mt 5:22
Be a and do not sin; do not let the sun • Eph 4:26
I will speak in the a of my spirit; • Jb 7:11
My heart is in a within me; the terrors • Ps 55:4
Trouble and a have found me out, • Ps 119:143
a day of distress and a, a day • Zep 1:15
sorrow and unceasing a in my heart. • Rom 9:2
of much affliction and a of heart and • 2 Cor 2:4
People gnawed their tongues in a • Rv 16:10
Take with you seven pairs of all clean a, • Gn 7:2
These are the a you may eat: • Dt 14:4
And he was with the wild a, and the • Mk 1:13
In it were all kinds of a and reptiles • Acts 10:12
resembling mortal man and birds and a • Rom 1:23
one kind for humans, another for a, • 1 Cor 15:39
by all that they, like unreasoning a, • Jude 10
prophetess, A, the daughter of Phanuel, • Lk 2:36
the high priesthood of A and Caiaphas, • Lk 3:2
First they led him to A, for he was the • Jn 18:13
with A the high priest and Caiaphas • Acts 4:6
“Arise, a him, for this is he.” • 1 Sm 16:12
I a you king over Israel.’ • 2 Kgs 9:3
fast, a your head and wash your face, • Mt 6:17
spices, so that they might go and a him. • Mk 16:1
You did not a my head with oil, but she • Lk 7:46
and salve to a your eyes, so that you • Rv 3:18
the priest who is a and consecrated • Lv 16:32
Lord a you king over Israel. • 1 Sm 15:17
my lord, for he is the Lord’s a.’ • 1 Sm 24:10
and shows steadfast love to his a, • 2 Sm 22:51
“Touch not my a ones, do my prophets • 1 Chr 16:22
the Lord and against his A, • Ps 2:2
not turn away the face of your a one. • Ps 132:10
“These are the two a ones who stand • Zec 4:14
out many demons and a with oil • Mk 6:13
she has a my body beforehand • Mk 14:8
It was Mary who a the Lord with • Jn 11:2
a the feet of Jesus and wiped his feet • Jn 12:3
your holy servant Jesus, whom you a, • Acts 4:27
how God a Jesus of Nazareth with the • Acts 10:38
us with you in Christ, and has a us, • 2 Cor 1:21
But you have been a by the Holy One, • 1 Jn 2:20
shall be my holy a oil throughout your • Ex 30:31
a him with oil in the name of the Lord. • Jas 5:14
But the a that you received from • 1 Jn 2:27
profaned? My glory I will not give to a. • Is 48:11
holds true, ‘One sows and a reaps.’ • Jn 4:37
Love one a with brotherly affection. • Rom 12:10
patience, bearing with one a in love, • Eph 4:2
abound in love for one a and for all, • 1 Thes 3:12
encourage one a with these words. • 1 Thes 4:18
how to stir up one a to love and good • Heb 10:24
hospitality to one a without grumbling. • 1 Pt 4:9
So my honesty will a for me later, • Gn 30:33
A me, O Lord, a me, • 1 Kgs 18:37
A me when I call, O God of my • Ps 4:1
Attend to me, and a me; I am restless • Ps 55:2
In your faithfulness a me, in your • Ps 143:1
A soft a turns away wrath, but a harsh • Prv 15:1
of the righteous ponders how to a, • Prv 15:28
a of the tongue is from the Lord. • Prv 16:1
A not a fool according to his folly, lest • Prv 26:4
Before they call I will a; while they are • Is 65:24
“And in that day I will a, declares the • Hos 2:21
up and said, “Have you no a to make? • Mt 26:62
not to meditate beforehand how to a, • Lk 21:14
him at some length, but he made no a. • Lk 23:9
But Jesus gave him no a. • Jn 19:9
who are you, O man, to a back to God? • Rom 9:20
that you may be able to a those who • 2 Cor 5:12
know how you ought to a each person. • Col 4:6
Lord a Job out of the whirlwind • Jb 40:6
Job a the Lord and said: • Jb 42:1
Lord a me and set me free. • Ps 118:5
“You have a correctly; do this, and • Lk 10:28
heard that a is coming, so now many • 1 Jn 2:18
This is the a, he who denies the Father • 1 Jn 2:22
This is the spirit of the a, which you • 1 Jn 4:3
Such a one is the deceiver and the a. • 2 Jn 7
And in A the disciples were first • Acts 11:26
them and send them to A with Paul • Acts 15:22
when Cephas came to A, I opposed • Gal 2:11
sufferings that happened to me at A, • 2 Tm 3:11
the a are a people not strong, yet they • Prv 30:25
I want you to be free from a. • 1 Cor 7:32
casting all your a on him, because he • 1 Pt 5:7
A in a man’s heart weighs him down, • Prv 12:25
pressure on me of my a for all the • 2 Cor 11:28
an a heart, “Be strong; fear not! • Is 35:4
me, Daniel, my spirit within me was a, • Dn 7:15
I tell you, do not be a about your life, • Mt 6:25
“Therefore do not be a about tomorrow, • Mt 6:34
do not be a how you are to speak or • Mt 10:19
Martha, you are a and troubled about • Lk 10:41
which of you by being a can add a • Lk 12:25
married man is a about worldly • 1 Cor 7:33
do not be a about anything, but in • Phil 4:6
Is a too hard for the Lord? • Gn 18:14
God of all flesh. Is a too hard for me? • Jer 32:27
of you agree on earth about a they ask, • Mt 18:19
If you ask me a in my name, I will do it. • Jn 14:14
Owe no one a, except to love • Rom 13:8
For we cannot do a against the truth, • 2 Cor 13:8
and do not fear a that is frightening. • 1 Pt 3:6
set a to the Lord all that first • Ex 13:12
Lord has set a the godly for • Ps 4:3
my Lord; I have no good a from you.” • Ps 16:2
“Set a for me Barnabas and Saul for • Acts 13:2
one is justified by faith a from works • Rom 3:28
For a from the law, sin lies dead. • Rom 7:8
vessel for honorable use, set a as holy, • 2 Tm 2:21
Now a Jew named A, a native of • Acts 18:24
or “I follow A,” or “I follow • 1 Cor 1:12
I planted, A watered, but God gave • 1 Cor 3:6
is Abaddon, and in Greek he is called A. • Rv 9:11
you, and your a will reprove you. • Jer 2:19
I will heal their a; I will love them • Hos 14:4
of Christ Jesus, called to be an a, set • Rom 1:1
then as I am an a to the Gentiles, • Rom 11:13
Am I not an a? Have I not seen Jesus • 1 Cor 9:1
a of Christ Jesus by the will of God, • 2 Cor 1:1
The signs of a true a were performed • 2 Cor 12:12
a preacher and an a (I am telling • 1 Tm 2:7
a and high priest of our confession, • Heb 3:1
The names of the twelve a are these: • Mt 10:2
‘I will send them prophets and a, • Lk 11:49
he was numbered with the eleven a. • Acts 1:26
signs were being done through the a. • Acts 2:43
The a and the elders were gathered • Acts 15:6
has appointed in the church first a, • 1 Cor 12:28
on the foundation of the a and prophets, • Eph 2:20
And he gave the a, the prophets, • Eph 4:11
who call themselves a and are not, • Rv 2:2
and you saints and a and prophets, • Rv 18:20
names of the twelve a of the Lamb. • Rv 21:14
devoted themselves to the a teaching • Acts 2:42
money and laid it at the a feet. • Acts 4:37
through the laying on of the a hands, • Acts 8:18
have received grace and a to bring • Rom 1:5
you are the seal of my a in the Lord. • 1 Cor 9:2
you think that I cannot a to my Father, • Mt 26:53
I was compelled to a to Caesar— • Acts 28:19
God making his a through us. • 2 Cor 5:20
for love’s sake I prefer to a to you—I, • Phlm 9
as an a to God for a good conscience, • 1 Pt 3:21
When shall I come and a before God? • Ps 42:2
“When you come to a before me, • Is 1:12
tombs, which outwardly a beautiful, • Mt 23:27
For we must all a before the judgment • 2 Cor 5:10
you also will a with him in glory. • Col 3:4
but the sins of others a later. • 1 Tm 5:24
now to a in the presence of God on our • Heb 9:24
man looks on the outward a, but • 1 Sm 16:7
a youth, ruddy and handsome in a. • 1 Sm 17:42
astonished at you—his a was so marred, • Is 52:14
a of the fourth is like a son of the gods.” • Dn 3:25
My radiant a was fearfully changed, • Dn 10:8
His a was like lightning, and his • Mt 28:3
praying, the a of his face was altered, • Lk 9:29
boast about outward a and not about • 2 Cor 5:12
These have indeed an a of wisdom in • Col 2:23
for you are not swayed by a. • Mt 22:16
Do not judge by a, but judge with • Jn 7:24
Then the Lord a to Abram • Gn 12:7
Lord a to him by the oaks • Gn 18:1
glory of the Lord a in the cloud. • Ex 16:10
And the Lord a again at Shiloh, • 1 Sm 3:21
went into the holy city and a to many. • Mt 27:53
the week, he a first to Mary Magdalene, • Mk 16:9
there a to him an angel of the Lord • Lk 1:11
And there a to him an angel from • Lk 22:43
divided tongues as of fire a to them • Acts 2:3
to one untimely born, he a also to me. • 1 Cor 15:8
loving kindness of God our Savior a, • Ti 3:4
he has a once for all at the end of the • Heb 9:26
reproach until the a of our Lord • 1 Tm 6:14
also to all who have loved his a. • 2 Tm 4:8
blessed hope, the a of the glory of our • Ti 2:13
each one a before God in Zion. • Ps 84:7
and who can stand when he a? • Mal 3:2
“When the Christ a, will he do more • Jn 7:31
so that when he a we may • 1 Jn 2:28
but we know that when he a we shall • 1 Jn 3:2
righteous has enough to satisfy his a, • Prv 13:25
A worker’s a works for him; his • Prv 16:26
to your throat if you are given to a. • Prv 23:2
for his mouth, yet his a is not satisfied. • Eccl 6:7
our Lord Christ, but their own a, • Rom 16:18
he kept him as the a of his eye. • Dt 32:10
Keep me as the a of your eye; • Ps 17:8
my teaching as the a of your eye; • Prv 7:2
you touches the a of his eye: • Zec 2:8
Now a for us a king to judge us like all • 1 Sm 8:5
a steadfast love and faithfulness to • Ps 61:7
to a you as a servant and witness to • Acts 26:16
I a you a prophet to the nations.” • Jer 1:5
for it refers to the a time of the end. • Dn 8:19
For you also, O Judah, a harvest is a, • Hos 6:11
Lord a a great fish to swallow • Jon 1:17
And he a twelve (whom he also named • Mk 3:14
this child is a for the fall and rising of • Lk 2:34
this the Lord a seventy-two others and • Lk 10:1
but I chose you and a you that you • Jn 15:16
as many as were a to eternal life • Acts 13:48
the authorities resists what God has a, • Rom 13:2
but he has been a by the churches to • 2 Cor 8:19
for which I was a a preacher and • 2 Tm 1:11
And just as it is a for man to die once, • Heb 9:27
not only do them but give a to those • Rom 1:32
what is good, and you will receive his a, • Rom 13:3
For am I now seeking the a of man, • Gal 1:10
is acceptable to God and a by men. • Rom 14:18
who commends himself who is a, • 2 Cor 10:18
just as we have been a by God to be • 1 Thes 2:4
to present yourself to God as one a, • 2 Tm 2:15
To make an a answer is a joy to a man, • Prv 15:23
Syria, and with him Priscilla and A. • Acts 18:18
A and Prisca, together with the church • 1 Cor 16:19
but I went away into A, and returned • Gal 1:17
The letter was written in A and • Ezr 4:7
the Chaldeans said to the king in A, • Dn 2:4
near the city, and it was written in A, • Jn 19:20
ark came to rest on the mountains of A. • Gn 8:4
and escaped into the land of A. • 2 Kgs 19:37
the threshing floor of A the Jebusite. • 2 Sm 24:16
of command, with the voice of an a, • 1 Thes 4:16
But when the a Michael, contending • Jude 9
Paul, standing in the midst of the A, • Acts 17:22
A your case with your neighbor • Prv 25:9
came and began to a with him, • Mk 8:11
Hear now my a and listen to the • Jb 13:6
If a wise man has an a with a fool, the • Prv 29:9
An a arose among them as to which of • Lk 9:46
they are to be well-pleasing, not a, • Ti 2:9
We destroy a and every lofty opinion • 2 Cor 10:5
no one may delude you with plausible a. • Col 2:4
Joseph, from the Jewish town of A. • Lk 23:50
Joseph of A, who was a disciple of • Jn 19:38
A, walk through the length and the • Gn 13:17
“A, my love, my beautiful one, • Sg 2:10
A, shine, for your light has come, • Is 60:1
false prophets will a and lead many • Mt 24:11
means, “Little girl, I say to you, a.” • Mk 5:41
he said, “Young man, I say to you, a.” • Lk 7:14
he called, saying, “Child, a.” • Lk 8:54
I will a and go to my father, and I will • Lk 15:18
“Tabitha, a.” And she opened her eyes, • Acts 9:40
a from the dead, and Christ will shine • Eph 5:14
went into the a to escape the waters • Gn 7:7
“They shall make an a of acacia wood. • Ex 25:10
Bezalel made the a of acacia wood. • Ex 37:1
before the mercy seat that is on the a, • Lv 16:2
“As soon as you see the a of the • Jos 3:3
And the a of God was captured, • 1 Sm 4:11
“The a of the covenant of the Lord.” • Jer 3:16
Noah, while the a was being prepared, • 1 Pt 3:20
the a of his covenant was seen within • Rv 11:19
by a mighty hand and an outstretched a, • Dt 4:34
You with your a redeemed your people, • Ps 77:15
to whom has the a of the Lord • Is 53:1
He has shown strength with his a; he • Lk 1:51
and to whom has the a of the Lord been • Jn 12:38
a yourselves with the same way • 1 Pt 4:1
at the place that in Hebrew is called A. • Rv 16:16
Then Saul clothed David with his a. • 1 Sm 17:38
and put on the a of light. • Rom 13:12
Put on the whole a of God, • Eph 6:11
and underneath are the everlasting a. • Dt 33:27
snapped the ropes off his a like a thread. • Jgs 16:12
he will gather the lambs in his a; • Is 40:11
of fine gold, its chest and a of silver, • Dn 2:32
midst of them, and taking him in his a, • Mk 9:36
took them in his a and blessed them, • Mk 10:16
him up in his a and blessed God and • Lk 2:28
over him, and taking him in his a, • Acts 20:10
was a great a, like an a of God. • 1 Chr 12:22
Though an a encamp against me, my • Ps 27:3
The king is not saved by his great a; • Ps 33:16
Hezekiah at Jerusalem, with a great a. • Is 36:2
on their feet, an exceedingly great a. • Ezk 37:10
Lord utters his voice before his a, • Jl 2:11
sitting on the horse and against his a. • Rv 19:19
Lord smelled the pleasing a, • Gn 8:21
For we are the a of Christ to God • 2 Cor 2:15
it on his head and a him in a purple robe. • Jn 19:2
the armies of heaven, a in fine linen, • Rv 19:14
together in order to a Jesus by stealth • Mt 26:4
the Jews, he proceeded to a Peter also. • Acts 12:3
when he heard that John had been a, • Mt 4:12
officers of the Jews a Jesus and bound • Jn 18:12
And they a them and put them in • Acts 4:3
they a the apostles and put them in • Acts 5:18
came up and a him and ordered • Acts 21:33
Pride and a and the way of evil • Prv 8:13
who say in pride and in a of heart: • Is 9:9
how proud he is!—of his a, his pride, • Is 16:6
As it is, you boast in your a. • Jas 4:16
Everyone who is a in heart is • Prv 16:5
the speech of the a heart of the king • Is 10:12
do not be a toward the branches. • Rom 11:18
love does not envy or boast; it is not a • 1 Cor 13:4
reproach. He must not be a or • Ti 1:7
“The Lord’s a of victory, • 2 Kgs 13:17
The a cannot make him flee; for him • Jb 41:28
night, nor the a that flies by day, • Ps 91:5
he hid me; he made me a polished a; • Is 49:2
Their tongue is a deadly a; it speaks • Jer 9:8
bow and set me as a target for his a. • Lam 3:12
I will shoot three a to the side • 1 Sm 20:20
“Take a bow and a.” So he took a • 2 Kgs 13:15
For the a of the Almighty are in me; • Jb 6:4
For your a have sunk into me, • Ps 38:2
who aim bitter words like a, • Ps 64:3
against you the deadly a of famine, • Ezk 5:16
from your bow, calling for many a. • Hab 3:9
associates wrote to A king of Persia. • Ezr 4:7
Nisan, in the twentieth year of King A, • Neh 2:1
to the thirty-second year of A the king, • Neh 5:14
“Great is A of the Ephesians!” • Acts 19:28
A did what was right in the eyes • 1 Kgs 15:11
A cried to the Lord his God, • 2 Chr 14:11
And A pursued Abner, and as he • 2 Sm 2:19
A the brother of Joab was one of the • 2 Sm 23:24
A the brother of Joab was fourth, • 1 Chr 27:7
‘Who will a to heaven for us and bring • Dt 30:12
Who shall a the hill of the Lord? • Ps 24:3
If I a to heaven, you are there! • Ps 139:8
said in your heart, ‘I will a to heaven; • Is 14:13
For David did not a into the heavens, • Acts 2:34
‘Who will a into heaven?’” (that is, • Rom 10:6
You a on high, leading a host • Ps 68:18
Who has a to heaven and come down? • Prv 30:4
No one has a into heaven except he • Jn 3:13
for I have not yet a to the Father; • Jn 20:17
“When he a on high he led a host of • Eph 4:8
the angels of God a and descending on • Jn 1:51
were to see the Son of Man a to where • Jn 6:62
I saw another angel a from the rising • Rv 7:2
insisting on a and worship of angels, • Col 2:18
self-made religion and a and severity • Col 2:23
Lord; a greatness to our God! • Dt 32:3
A to the Lord the glory due • Ps 29:2
A power to God, whose majesty is over • Ps 68:34
A to the Lord the glory • Ps 96:8
were both naked and were not a. • Gn 2:25
All my enemies shall be a and • Ps 6:10
radiant, and their faces shall never be a. • Ps 34:5
that they may be a of their iniquities; • Ezk 43:10
For whoever is a of me and of my • Mk 8:38
For I am not a of the gospel, for it is • Rom 1:16
things of which you are now a? • Rom 6:21
to do with him, that he may be a. • 2 Thes 3:14
Therefore do not be a of the testimony • 2 Tm 1:8
a worker who has no need to be a, • 2 Tm 2:15
is why he is not a to call them brothers, • Heb 2:11
God is not a to be called their God, • Heb 11:16
let him not be a, but let him glorify • 1 Pt 4:16
So she called his name A. • Gn 30:13
of A he said, “Most blessed of sons • Dt 33:24
12,000 from the tribe of A, • Rv 7:6
of Baal and the 400 prophets of A, • 1 Kgs 18:19
had made a detestable image for A. • 2 Chr 15:16
root out your A images from among • Mi 5:14
I who am but dust and a. • Gn 18:27
his clothes and put on sackcloth and a, • Est 4:1
to scrape himself while he sat in the a. • Jb 2:8
despise myself, and repent in dust and a.” • Jb 42:6
For I eat a like bread and mingle tears • Ps 102:9
He feeds on a; a deluded heart has led • Is 44:20
people, put on sackcloth, and roll in a; • Jer 6:26
himself with sackcloth, and sat in a. • Jon 3:6
sprinkling of defiled persons with the a • Heb 9:13
the Holy Spirit to speak the word in A. • Acts 16:6
of the affliction we experienced in A. • 2 Cor 1:8
to the seven churches that are in A: • Rv 1:4
But you have turned a from the way. • Mal 2:8
He laid a his outer garments, and taking • Jn 13:4
All have turned a; together they have • Rom 3:12
each of you is to put something a and • 1 Cor 16:2
“Why is it that you a my name?” And • Gn 32:29
“When your children a their fathers in • Jos 4:21
“A a sign of the Lord your God; • Is 7:11
They shall a the way to Zion, with faces • Jer 50:5
A rain from the Lord in the • Zec 10:1
“A, and it will be given to you; seek, • Mt 7:7
And whatever you a in prayer, you will • Mt 21:22
the girl, “A me for whatever you wish, • Mk 6:22
the Holy Spirit to those who a him!” • Lk 11:13
I know that whatever you a from God, • Jn 11:22
If you a me anything in my name, I • Jn 14:14
a whatever you wish, and it will be done • Jn 15:7
A, and you will receive, that your joy • Jn 16:24
let them a their husbands at home. • 1 Cor 14:35
abundantly than all that we a or think, • Eph 3:20
You do not have, because you do not a. • Jas 4:2
that he hears us in whatever we a, • 1 Jn 5:15
For everyone who a receives, • Mt 7:8
among you, if his son a for a fish, • Lk 11:11
If anyone a you, ‘Why are you untying • Lk 19:31
And he fell a and dreamed a second • Gn 41:5
he is a and must be awakened.” • 1 Kgs 18:27
ship and had lain down and was fast a. • Jon 1:5
swamped by the waves; but he was a. • Mt 8:24
“Our friend Lazarus has fallen a, • Jn 11:11
still alive, though some have fallen a. • 1 Cor 15:6
we are awake or a we might live • 1 Thes 5:10
For ever since the fathers fell a, all • 2 Pt 3:4
And all the a said “Amen” and praised • Neh 5:13
consecrate a fast; call a solemn a; • Jl 2:15
and to the a of the firstborn who are • Heb 12:23
and fine clothing comes into your a, • Jas 2:2
as my Father a to me, a kingdom, • Lk 22:29
to the area of influence God a to us, • 2 Cor 10:13
all the riches of full a of understanding • Col 2:2
to have the full a of hope until the end, • Heb 6:11
with a true heart in full a of faith, • Heb 10:22
Now faith is the a of things hoped for, • Heb 11:1
is opposite Egypt in the direction of A. • Gn 25:18
the king of A captured Samaria, • 2 Kgs 17:6
shall be carried to A as tribute to the • Hos 10:6
A shall not save us; we will not ride on • Hos 14:3
many were a at you—his appearance • Is 52:14
the crowds were a at his teaching, • Mt 7:28
when his parents saw him, they were a. • Lk 2:48
who were with him were a at the catch • Lk 5:9
all were a at the majesty of God. But • Lk 9:43
uneducated, common men, they were a. • Acts 4:13
I am a that you are so quickly deserting • Gal 1:6
make me understand how I have gone a. • Jb 6:24
are a people who go a in their heart, • Ps 95:10
statutes, but their lies have led them a, • Am 2:4
go in search of the one that went a? • Mt 18:12
to lead a, if possible, the elect. • Mk 13:22
“See that you are not led a. • Lk 21:8
sins and led a by various passions, • 2 Tm 3:6
‘They always go a in their heart; • Heb 3:10
the right way, they have gone a. • 2 Pt 2:15
one wise, she took of its fruit and a, • Gn 3:6
Your words were found, and I a them, • Jer 15:16
I a it, and it was in my mouth as sweet • Ezk 3:3
I a no delicacies, no meat or wine • Dn 10:3
And they all a and were satisfied. • Mt 14:20
not like the bread the fathers a, and died. • Jn 6:58
and all a the same spiritual food, • 1 Cor 10:3
from the hand of the angel and a it. • Rv 10:10
His mother’s name was A; she • 2 Kgs 8:26
Thus they hid him from A, so • 2 Kgs 11:2
“Men of A, I perceive that in every • Acts 17:22
willing to be left behind at A alone, • 1 Thes 3:1
Every a exercises self-control • 1 Cor 9:25
a is not crowned unless he competes • 2 Tm 2:5
you a for our transgressions. • Ps 65:3
a for our sins, for your name’s sake! • Ps 79:9
put an end to sin, and to a for iniquity, • Dn 9:24
love and faithfulness iniquity is a • Prv 16:6
guilt is taken away, and your sin a for.” • Is 6:7
shall offer a bull as a sin offering for a. • Ex 29:36
Aaron shall make a on its horns once a • Ex 30:10
of this seventh month is the Day of A. • Lv 23:27
for his God and made a for the people • Nm 25:13
And how shall I make a, that you • 2 Sm 21:3
the sin offerings to make a for Israel, • Neh 10:33
days shall they make a for the altar • Ezk 43:26
for me; it is high; I cannot a it. • Ps 139:6
are considered worthy to a to that age • Lk 20:35
until we all a to the unity of the faith • Eph 4:13
possible I may a the resurrection from • Phil 3:11
did not pursue righteousness have a it, • Rom 9:30
Only let us hold true to what we have a. • Phil 3:16
Give a to the sound of my cry, my • Ps 5:2
your flocks, and give a to your herds, • Prv 27:23
But they paid no a and went off, • Mt 22:5
said to them, “Pay a to what you hear: • Mk 4:24
must pay much closer a to what we • Heb 2:1
if you pay a to the one who wears the • Jas 2:3
will do well to pay a as to a lamp • 2 Pt 1:19
of all the people were a to the Book • Neh 8:3
Let your ears be a to the voice of my • Ps 130:2
making your ear a to wisdom and • Prv 2:2
a decree went out from Caesar A • Lk 2:1
and you killed the A of life, whom • Acts 3:15
many even of the a believed in him, • Jn 12:42
taxes, for the a are ministers of God, • Rom 13:6
be made known to the rulers and a • Eph 3:10
but against the rulers, against the a, • Eph 6:12
be submissive to rulers and a, • Ti 3:1
right hand of God, with angels, a, • 1 Pt 3:22
store up grain under the a of Pharaoh • Gn 41:35
and will commit your a to his hand. • Is 22:21
teaching them as one who had a, • Mt 7:29
Son of Man has a on earth to forgive • Mt 9:6
and gave them a over unclean spirits, • Mt 10:1
“All a in heaven and on earth has been • Mt 28:18
I will give all this a and their glory, • Lk 4:6
For I too am a man set under a, with • Lk 7:8
“Tell us by what a you do these things, • Lk 20:2
has given him a to execute judgment, • Jn 5:27
that the Father has fixed by his own a. • Acts 1:7
For there is no a except from God, • Rom 13:1
wife does not have a over her own • 1 Cor 7:4
to have a symbol of a on her head, • 1 Cor 11:10
after destroying every rule and every a • 1 Cor 15:24
far above all rule and a and power • Eph 1:21
lust of defiling passion and despise a. • 2 Pt 2:10
first, does not acknowledge our a. • 3 Jn 9
be glory, majesty, dominion, and a, • Jude 25
to him I will give a over the nations, • Rv 2:26
And I will grant a to my two witnesses, • Rv 11:3
his power and his throne and great a. • Rv 13:2
may the Lord a me against you, • 1 Sm 24:12
from my enemies and a myself on my • Is 1:24
I will a their blood, blood I have not • Jl 3:21
never a yourselves, but leave it to • Rom 12:19
you will judge and a our blood on • Rv 6:10
a on her the blood of his servants.” • Rv 19:2
shall be for you a refuge from the a, • Nm 35:12
to them, but an a of their wrongdoings. • Ps 99:8
an a who carries out God’s wrath on • Rom 13:4
because the Lord is an a in all these • 1 Thes 4:6
not only to a God’s wrath but also for • Rom 13:5
A the irreverent babble • 1 Tm 6:20
denying its power. A such people. • 2 Tm 3:5
when I a, I shall be satisfied with • Ps 17:15
My eyes are a before the watches of • Ps 119:148
I a, and I am still with you. • Ps 139:18
I slept, but my heart was a. A sound! • Sg 5:2
A, a, put on strength, O arm • Is 51:9
sleep in the dust of the earth shall a, • Dn 12:2
stay a, for you do not know • Mt 24:42
But stay a at all times, praying that you • Lk 21:36
“A, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, • Eph 5:14
but let us keep a and be sober. • 1 Thes 5:6
that whether we are a or asleep we • 1 Thes 5:10
Blessed is the one who stays a, • Rv 16:15
the ends of the earth are in a at your • Ps 65:8
of Jacob and will stand in a of the God • Is 29:23
He stood in a of my name. • Mal 2:5
they were filled with a and said, • Mt 27:54
glorified God and were filled with a, • Lk 5:26
And a came upon every soul, • Acts 2:43
“How a is this place! This is none other • Gn 28:17
for it is an a thing that I will do with • Ex 34:10
God is in your midst, a great and a • Dt 7:21
appearance of the angel of God, very a. • Jgs 13:6
God is clothed with a majesty. • Jb 37:22
“How a are your deeds! So great is • Ps 66:3
When you did a things that we • Is 64:3
“O Lord, the great and a God, • Dn 9:4
of the Lord is great and very a; • Jl 2:11
great and a day of the Lord • Mal 4:5
his a head fell into the water, • 2 Kgs 6:5
Shall the a boast over him who hews • Is 10:15
Even now the a is laid to the root • Mt 3:10
king of Israel, A the son of Amaziah, • 2 Kgs 15:1
the prophecy of A the son of Oded, • 2 Chr 15:8
So Israel yoked himself to B of Peor. • Nm 25:3
Thus Jehu wiped out B from Israel. • 2 Kgs 10:28
Lord all the vessels made for B, • 2 Kgs 23:4
no longer will you call me ‘My B.’ • Hos 2:16
who have not bowed the knee to B.” • Rom 11:4
between Asa and B king of Israel • 1 Kgs 15:16
B king of Israel went up against • 2 Chr 16:1
The beginning of his kingdom was B, • Gn 10:10
Therefore its name was called B, • Gn 11:9
the child, and behold, the b was crying. • Ex 2:6
of Mary, the b leaped in her womb. • Lk 1:41
you will find a b wrapped in swaddling • Lk 2:12
of Assyria brought people from B, • 2 Kgs 17:24
Nebuchadnezzar the king of B • Ezr 2:1
By the waters of B, there we sat down • Ps 137:1
fallen is B; and all the carved • Is 21:9
To B you shall go, and there • Jer 20:6
carried into exile to B the rest of the • Jer 39:9
Do not fear the king of B, • Jer 42:11
“Is not this great B, which I • Dn 4:30
“Fallen, fallen is B the great, she who • Rv 14:8
But Lot’s wife, behind him, looked b, • Gn 19:26
away my hand, and you shall see my b, • Ex 33:23
he brought the shadow b ten steps, • 2 Kgs 20:11
cast your law behind their b and killed • Neh 9:26
I gave my b to those who strike, • Is 50:6
forgotten me and cast me behind your b, • Ezk 23:35
to the plow and looks b is fit for the • Lk 9:62
he saw that he was healed, turned b, • Lk 17:15
“I am he,” they drew b and fell to • Jn 18:6
the disciples went b to their homes. • Jn 20:10
that whoever brings b a sinner from • Jas 5:20
a scroll written within and on the b, • Rv 5:1
but he went on b in the way of his • Is 57:17
people turned away in perpetual b? • Jer 8:5
“B, b,” says the buyer, but • Prv 20:14
but if your eye is b, your whole body • Mt 6:23
“For no good tree bears b fruit, nor • Lk 6:43
impostors will go on from b to worse, • 2 Tm 3:13
transgression would be sealed up in a b, • Jb 14:17
does so to put them into a b with holes. • Hg 1:6
them a feast and b unleavened bread, • Gn 19:3
And they b unleavened cakes of the • Ex 12:39
it was like the taste of cakes b with oil. • Nm 11:8
the chief cupbearer and the chief b, • Gn 40:2
And B said to the donkey, “Because • Nm 22:29
They have followed the way of B, the • 2 Pt 2:15
some there who hold the teaching of B, • Rv 2:14
to God, “B the son of Zippor, king of • Nm 22:10
(Let me be weighed in a just b, • Jb 31:6
false b is an abomination to the • Prv 11:1
You shall have just b, just weights, • Lv 19:36
weighed in the b and found wanting; • Dn 5:27
They shall not make b patches on • Lv 21:5
they make themselves b for you and • Ezk 27:31
make yourselves as b as the eagle, • Mi 1:16
a little b and a little honey, • Gn 43:11
Is there no b in Gilead? Is there no • Jer 8:22
I will b from them the voice of mirth • Jer 25:10
he will b ungodliness from Jacob”; • Rom 11:26
name of it, The Lord Is My B, • Ex 17:15
You have set up a b for those who fear • Ps 60:4
and his b over me was love. • Sg 2:4
his birthday gave a b for his nobles • Mk 6:21
“When you give a dinner or a b, • Lk 14:12
The b of John, from where did it come? • Mt 21:25
proclaiming a b of repentance for • Mk 1:4
and with the b with which I am • Mk 10:39
been baptized with the b of John, • Lk 7:29
I have a b to be baptized with, • Lk 12:50
he knew only the b of John. • Acts 18:25
therefore with him by b into death, • Rom 6:4
one Lord, one faith, one b, • Eph 4:5
having been buried with him in b, • Col 2:12
B, which corresponds to this, • 1 Pt 3:21
“John the B has been raised from the • Mk 6:14
“The head of John the B.” • Mk 6:24
For John the B has come eating no • Lk 7:33
He will b you with the Holy Spirit • Mt 3:11
John answered them, “I b with water, • Jn 1:26
he who sent me to b with water said • Jn 1:33
(although Jesus himself did not b, • Jn 4:2
did not send me to b but to preach • 1 Cor 1:17
to the Jordan to John, to be b by him. • Mt 3:13
Now when all the people were b, • Lk 3:21
been b with the baptism of John, • Lk 7:29
and people were coming and being b • Jn 3:23
for John b with water, but you will be • Acts 1:5
“Repent and be b every one of you in • Acts 2:38
into Christ Jesus were b into his death? • Rom 6:3
Or were you b in the name of Paul? • 1 Cor 1:13
and all were b into Moses in the • 1 Cor 10:2
we were all b into one body— • 1 Cor 12:13
people mean by being b on behalf of • 1 Cor 15:29
of you as were b into Christ have put • Gal 3:27
b them in the name of the Father and • Mt 28:19
for this purpose I came b with water, • Jn 1:31
Jesus was making and b more disciples • Jn 4:1
withhold water for b these people, • Acts 10:47
notorious prisoner called B. • Mt 27:16
She sent and summoned B • Jgs 4:6
tell of Gideon, B, Samson, Jephthah, • Heb 11:32
world were laid b at your rebuke, • Ps 18:15
Lord will lay b their secret • Is 3:17
so that its foundation will be laid b. • Ezk 13:14
the body that is to be, but a b kernel, • 1 Cor 15:37
but gather the wheat into my b.’” • Mt 13:30
they have neither storehouse nor b, • Lk 12:24
called by the apostles B (which means • Acts 4:36
“Set apart for me B and Saul for the • Acts 13:2
B took Mark with him and sailed • Acts 15:39
Or is it only B and I who have no • 1 Cor 9:6
so that even B was led astray by their • Gal 2:13
the cousin of B (concerning whom • Col 4:10
the blessing on you in your b and in all • Dt 28:8
then your b will be filled with plenty, • Prv 3:10
will tear down my b and build larger • Lk 12:18
Sarai was b; she had no child. • Gn 11:30
None shall miscarry or be b in your • Ex 23:26
The b has borne seven, but she who • 1 Sm 2:5
He gives the b woman a home, • Ps 113:9
“Sing, O b one, who did not bear; • Is 54:1
had no child, because Elizabeth was b, • Lk 1:7
‘Blessed are the b and the wombs • Lk 23:29
“Rejoice, O b one who does not bear; • Gal 4:27
Philip and B; Thomas and Matthew • Mt 10:3
Philip and Thomas, B and Matthew, • Acts 1:13
B, a blind beggar, the son of • Mk 10:46
After him B the son of Zabbai repaired • Neh 3:20
And B the son of Neriah did all that • Jer 36:8
Jeremiah the prophet and B the son of • Jer 43:6
B the Gileadite from Rogelim, • 2 Sm 17:27
B was a very aged man, eighty • 2 Sm 19:32
Og the king of B came out against • Nm 21:33
“Hear this word, you cows of B, who • Am 4:1
let them graze in B and Gilead as in the • Mi 7:14
“You shall also make a b of bronze, • Ex 30:18
four corners were supports for a b. • 1 Kgs 7:30
and removed the b from them, • 2 Kgs 16:17
she took for him a b made of bulrushes • Ex 2:3
One b had very good figs, like first-ripe • Jer 24:2
“A b of summer fruit.” • Am 8:2
in the wall, lowering him in a b. • Acts 9:25
there were three cake b on my head, • Gn 40:16
they took up twelve b full of the broken • Mt 14:20
the broken pieces left over, seven b full. • Mk 8:8
filled twelve b with fragments from • Jn 6:13
David comforted his wife, B, • 2 Sm 12:24
“Call B to me.” So she came into the • 1 Kgs 1:28
For the b is the Lord’s, • 1 Sm 17:47
Philistines for the b against Saul. • 1 Chr 12:19
for the b is not yours but God’s. • 2 Chr 20:15
equipped me with strength for the b; • Ps 18:39
the Lord, mighty in b! • Ps 24:8
not to the swift, nor the b to the strong, • Eccl 9:11
all the nations against Jerusalem to b, • Zec 14:2
sound, who will get ready for b? • 1 Cor 14:8
assemble them for b on the great day • Rv 16:14
made the B and Orion, the Pleiades • Jb 9:9
On their hands they will b you up, • Ps 91:12
They still b fruit in old age; they • Ps 92:14
but a crushed spirit who can b? • Prv 18:14
and he shall b their iniquities. • Is 53:11
like a b. It was raised up on one side. • Dn 7:5
upon them like a b robbed of her cubs; • Hos 13:8
She will b a son, and you shall call his • Mt 1:21
B fruit in keeping with repentance. • Mt 3:8
to b witness about the light, • Jn 1:7
in order that we may b fruit for God. • Rom 7:4
b the image of the man of heaven. • 1 Cor 15:49
B one another’s burdens, and so fulfill • Gal 6:2
for I b on my body the marks of Jesus. • Gal 6:17
offered once to b the sins of many, • Heb 9:28
but the root of the righteous b fruit. • Prv 12:12
every healthy tree b good fruit, but • Mt 7:17
he it is that b much fruit, for apart • Jn 15:5
Love b all things, believes all things, • 1 Cor 13:7
the Holy Spirit also b witness to us; • Heb 10:15
For every b of the forest is mine, • Ps 50:10
has regard for the life of his b, • Prv 12:10
his mind was made like that of a b, • Dn 5:21
the b had four heads, and dominion • Dn 7:6
and they worshiped the b, • Rv 13:4
had not worshiped the b or its image • Rv 20:4
And God made the b of the earth • Gn 1:25
I will remove harmful b from the land, • Lv 26:6
He gives to the b their food, and to the • Ps 147:9
I fought with b at Ephesus? • 1 Cor 15:32
up his eyes to heaven, but b his breast, • Lk 18:13
were mocking him as they b him. • Lk 22:63
they b them and charged them not to • Acts 5:40
and he saw an Egyptian b a Hebrew, • Ex 2:11
and the soldiers, they stopped b Paul. • Acts 21:32
I do not box as one b the air. • 1 Cor 9:26
b, imprisonments, riots, labors, • 2 Cor 6:5
imprisonments, with countless b, • 2 Cor 11:23
that you are a woman b in appearance, • Gn 12:11
He has made everything b in its time. • Eccl 3:11
You are altogether b, my love; • Sg 4:7
branch of the Lord shall be b • Is 4:2
How b upon the mountains are the feet • Is 52:7
For she has done a b thing to me. • Mt 26:10
that is called the B Gate to ask alms • Acts 3:2
“How b are the feet of those who • Rom 10:15
You shall make them for glory and b. • Ex 28:40
to gaze upon the b of the Lord • Ps 27:4
Out of Zion, the perfection of b, • Ps 50:2
strength and b are in his sanctuary. • Ps 96:6
Charm is deceitful, and b is vain, • Prv 31:30
no b that we should desire him. • Is 53:2
with the imperishable b of a gentle • 1 Pt 3:4
every night I flood my b with tears; • Ps 6:6
when I remember you upon my b, • Ps 63:6
its hinges, so does a sluggard on his b. • Prv 26:14
brought to him a paralytic, lying on a b. • Mt 9:2
“Get up, take up your b, and walk.” • Jn 5:8
and let the marriage b be undefiled, • Heb 13:4
let them sing for joy on their b. • Ps 149:5
they rest in their b who walk in their • Is 57:2
sick people on their b to wherever • Mk 6:55
So they made a covenant at B. • Gn 21:32
with all that he had and came to B, • Gn 46:1
Israel and over Judah, from Dan to B.” • 2 Sm 3:10
b in the body of the lion, and honey. • Jgs 14:8
beginning, that we might know, and b, • Is 41:26
See, I have told you b. • Mt 24:25
do not be anxious b what you are to • Mk 13:11
which he promised b through his • Rom 1:2
which he has prepared b for glory— • Rom 9:23
for good works, which God prepared b, • Eph 2:10
“Teacher, I b you to look at my son, • Lk 9:38
enough to dig, and I am ashamed to b. • Lk 16:3
the man who used to sit and b?” • Jn 9:8
So I b you to reaffirm your love for • 2 Cor 2:8
a great crowd, Bartimaeus, a blind b, • Mk 10:46
seen him before as a b were saying, • Jn 9:8
In the b, God created the heavens and • Gn 1:1
latter days of Job more than his b. • Jb 42:12
The fear of the Lord is the b • Prv 1:7
Better is the end of a thing than its b, • Eccl 7:8
In the b was the Word, and the Word • Jn 1:1
He was in the b with God. • Jn 1:2
Jesus knew from the b who those were • Jn 6:64
He is the b, the firstborn from the dead, • Col 1:18
having neither b of days nor end of life, • Heb 7:3
That which was from the b, which we • 1 Jn 1:1
first and the last, the b and the end.” • Rv 22:13
“You are my Son; today I have b you. • Ps 2:7
are my Son, today I have b you.’ • Acts 13:33
“You are my Son, today I have b you”? • Heb 1:5
Give to the one who b from you, • Mt 5:42
and plead with him on b of her people. • Est 4:8
that I will ask the Father on your b; • Jn 16:26
has gone as a forerunner on our b, • Heb 6:20
how one ought to b in the household • 1 Tm 3:15
but the man was harsh and badly b; • 1 Sm 25:3
we b in the world with simplicity and • 2 Cor 1:12
So he changed his b before them • 1 Sm 21:13
women likewise are to be reverent in b, • Ti 2:3
He sent and had John b in the prison, • Mt 14:10
Herod said, “John I b, but who is this • Lk 9:9
those who had been b for the testimony • Rv 20:4
B, which I made as I made you; • Jb 40:15
turned and said to Peter, “Get b me, • Mt 16:23
the boy Jesus stayed b in Jerusalem. • Lk 2:43
on him the cross, to carry it b Jesus. • Lk 23:26
forgetting what lies b and straining • Phil 3:13
and I heard b me a loud voice like a • Rv 1:10
“B, I am the servant of the Lord; • Lk 1:38
“B, the Lamb of God, who takes away • Jn 1:29
Pilate said to them, “B the man!” • Jn 19:5
to his mother, “Woman, b, your son!” • Jn 19:26
“B, the dwelling place of God is with • Rv 21:3
“B, I am making all things new.” • Rv 21:5
“B, I am coming soon, bringing my • Rv 22:12
sing praise to my God while I have b. • Ps 104:33
sing and make melody with all my b! • Ps 108:1
praises to my God while I have my b. • Ps 146:2
My inmost b will exult when your lips • Prv 23:16
cut short, no human b would be saved. • Mt 24:22
joy that a human b has been born into • Jn 16:21
we live and move and have our b’; • Acts 17:28
for every human b who does evil, • Rom 2:9
in the law of God, in my inner b, • Rom 7:22
so that no human b might boast in • 1 Cor 1:29
through his Spirit in your inner b, • Eph 3:16
B bows down; Nebo stoops; • Is 46:1
And I will punish B in Babylon, • Jer 51:44
“that they may b that the Lord, • Ex 4:5
how long will they not b in me, • Nm 14:11
B in the Lord your God, • 2 Chr 20:20
I b that I shall look upon the goodness • Ps 27:13
that you may know and b me • Is 43:10
your days that you would not b if told. • Hab 1:5
“Do you b that I am able to do this?” • Mt 9:28
or ‘There he is!’ do not b it. • Mt 24:23
at hand; repent and b in the gospel.” • Mk 1:15
“Do not fear, only b.” • Mk 5:36
“I b; help my unbelief!” • Mk 9:24
But these have no root; they b for a • Lk 8:13
unless you b that I am he you will die • Jn 8:24
you do not b me, b the works, • Jn 10:38
I b that you are the Christ, • Jn 11:27
B in God; b also in me. • Jn 14:1
it in my side. Do not disbelieve, but b.” • Jn 20:27
“B in the Lord Jesus, and you will be • Acts 16:31
will be counted to us who b in him • Rom 4:24
we b that we will also live with him. • Rom 6:8
that Jesus is Lord and b in your heart • Rom 10:9
greatness of his power toward us who b, • Eph 1:19
For since we b that Jesus died and • 1 Thes 4:14
all people, especially of those who b. • 1 Tm 4:10
Though you do not now see him, you b • 1 Pt 1:8
And he b the Lord, and he • Gn 15:6
and they b in the Lord and • Ex 14:31
Who has b what he has heard from us? • Is 53:1
And the people of Nineveh b God. • Jon 3:5
many b in his name when they saw • Jn 2:23
For not even his brothers b in him. • Jn 7:5
who have not seen and yet have b.” • Jn 20:29
And all who b were together and had • Acts 2:44
receive the Holy Spirit when you b?” • Acts 19:2
nearer to us now than when we first b. • Rom 13:11
preached to you—unless you b in vain. • 1 Cor 15:2
just as Abraham “b God, and it was • Gal 3:6
I know whom I have b, • 2 Tm 1:12
For we who have b enter that rest, • Heb 4:3
“Abraham b God, and it was • Jas 2:23
son of a Jewish woman who was a b, • Acts 16:1
what portion does a b share with an • 2 Cor 6:15
And more than ever b were added to • Acts 5:14
by their good service are b and beloved. • 1 Tm 6:2
and his children are b and not open to • Ti 1:6
All things are possible for one who b.” • Mk 9:23
not doubt in his heart, but b that what • Mk 11:23
whoever b in him should not perish • Jn 3:16
Whoever b in me, as the Scripture has • Jn 7:38
who lives and b in me shall never die. • Jn 11:26
b in him receives forgiveness of sins • Acts 10:43
God for salvation to everyone who b, • Rom 1:16
not work but b in him who justifies • Rom 4:5
b in him will not be put to shame.” • Rom 9:33
Everyone who b that Jesus is the Christ • 1 Jn 5:1
and that by b you may have life in his • Jn 20:31
the right to take along a b wife, • 1 Cor 9:5
Those who have b masters must not • 1 Tm 6:2
on your b you shall go, and dust you • Gn 3:14
Jonah was in the b of the fish three • Jon 1:17
three nights in the b of the great fish, • Mt 12:40
end is destruction, their god is their b, • Phil 3:19
“The secret things b to the Lord • Dt 29:29
The plans of the heart b to man, but • Prv 16:1
It shall b to those who walk on the way; • Is 35:8
Lord our God b mercy and forgiveness, • Dn 9:9
to drink because you b to Christ will • Mk 9:41
Spirit of Christ does not b to him. • Rom 8:9
at his coming those who b to Christ. • 1 Cor 15:23
And those who b to Christ Jesus • Gal 5:24
things that b to salvation. • Heb 6:9
To him b glory and dominion forever • 1 Pt 4:11
and glory and power b to our God, • Rv 19:1
I heard this: that power b to God, • Ps 62:11
For our shield b to the Lord, • Ps 89:18
but the victory b to the Lord. • Prv 21:31
Salvation b to the Lord!” • Jon 2:9
to such b the kingdom of God. • Mk 10:14
“Salvation b to our God who sits • Rv 7:10
That your b ones may be delivered, • Ps 60:5
My b is mine, and I am his; he • Sg 2:16
Let me sing for my b my love song • Is 5:1
“This is my b Son, with whom • Mt 3:17
who was not b I will call ‘b.’” • Rom 9:25
and all for your upbuilding, b. • 2 Cor 12:19
he has blessed us in the B. • Eph 1:6
the Majestic Glory, “This is my b Son, • 2 Pt 1:17
B, let us love one another, for love is • 1 Jn 4:7
King B made a great feast for a • Dn 5:1
Righteousness shall be the b of his • Is 11:5
of camel’s hair and a leather b • Mt 3:4
he took Paul’s b and bound his own • Acts 21:11
having fastened on the b of truth, • Eph 6:14
but his father called him B. • Gn 35:18
Of B he said, “The beloved of the • Dt 33:12
of the people of Israel, of the tribe of B, • Phil 3:5
and I b down to them and fed them. • Hos 11:4
She was b over and could not fully • Lk 13:11
Jesus b down and wrote with his finger • Jn 8:6
But Paul went down and b over him, • Acts 20:10
Paul and Silas away by night to B, • Acts 17:10
Outdoors the sword shall b, and • Dt 32:25
and you b your nation of children,’ • Ezk 36:13
children, I will b them till none is left. • Hos 9:12
repay me evil for good; my soul is b. • Ps 35:12
my soul is b of peace; I have forgotten • Lam 3:17
Lord is God; there is no other b • Dt 4:35
like the Lord: for there is none b • 1 Sm 2:2
and there is no God b you, • 1 Chr 17:20
And there is no other god b me, a • Is 45:21
the ear, no eye has seen a God b you, • Is 64:4
but me, and b me there is no savior. • Hos 13:4
he is one, and there is no other b him. • Mk 12:32
So the city was b till the eleventh year • Jer 52:5
he has b and enveloped me with • Lam 3:5
of Babylon came to Jerusalem and b it. • Dn 1:1
his servants, ‘Bring quickly the b robe, • Lk 15:22
the marketplaces and the b seats in the • Lk 20:46
outsiders, making the b use of the time. • Col 4:5
out of the city to B and lodged there. • Mt 21:17
when Jesus was at B in the house of • Mt 26:6
certain man was ill, Lazarus of B, • Jn 11:1
Passover, Jesus therefore came to B, • Jn 12:1
on the east of B and pitched his tent, • Gn 12:8
He called the name of that place B, • Gn 28:19
man of B in Judah went to sojourn • Ru 1:1
Lord commanded and came to B. • 1 Sm 16:4
O B Ephrathah, who are too little • Mi 5:2
“In B of Judea, for so it is • Mt 2:5
city of David, which is called B, • Lk 2:4
offspring of David, and comes from B, • Jn 7:42
B! For if the mighty works done in • Mt 11:21
and withdrew apart to a town called B. • Lk 9:10
many will fall away and b one another • Mt 24:10
I say to you, one of you will b me, • Mk 14:18
b the Son of Man with a kiss?” • Lk 22:48
For he knew who was to b him; • Jn 13:11
who is it that is going to b you?” • Jn 21:20
Judas Iscariot, who b him. • Mt 10:4
The Son of Man is b into the hands of • Mk 14:41
the night when he was b took bread, • 1 Cor 11:23
his mother Mary had been b to Joseph, • Mt 1:18
to be registered with Mary, his b, who • Lk 2:5
Now concerning the b, I have no • 1 Cor 7:25
Behold, to obey is b than sacrifice, • 1 Sm 15:22
your steadfast love is b than life, • Ps 63:3
in your courts is b than a thousand • Ps 84:10
B is a little with the fear of the • Prv 15:16
B is a dinner of herbs where love is • Prv 15:17
B is a dry morsel with quiet than a • Prv 17:1
B is a neighbor who is near than a • Prv 27:10
good name is b than precious ointment, • Eccl 7:1
For your love is b than wine; • Sg 1:2
for it is b for me to die than to live.” • Jon 4:3
For it is b that you lose one of • Mt 5:29
It is b for you to enter life crippled • Mk 9:43
It would be b for him if a millstone • Lk 17:2
b for you that one man should die for • Jn 11:50
and be with Christ, for that is far b. • Phil 1:23
God had provided something b for us, • Heb 11:40
blood that speaks a b word than the • Heb 12:24
For it is b to suffer for doing good, • 1 Pt 3:17
it would have been b for them never • 2 Pt 2:21
covenant that I make b me and you • Gn 9:12
a flaming torch passed b these pieces. • Gn 15:17
May the Lord judge b you • Gn 16:5
It is a sign forever b me and the people • Ex 31:17
“The Lord will be witness b us, • Jgs 11:10
He shall judge b many peoples, • Mi 4:3
see the distinction b the righteous and • Mal 3:18
is no distinction b Jew and Greek; • Rom 10:12
there is one mediator b God and men, • 1 Tm 2:5
And b the throne and the four living • Rv 5:6
B lest you say in your heart, ‘My power • Dt 8:17
“B of practicing your righteousness • Mt 6:1
“B of false prophets, who come • Mt 7:15
B of the leaven of the Pharisees • Mt 16:11
“B of the scribes, who like to walk • Mk 12:38
who does great things b searching out, • Jb 9:10
I will send you into exile b Babylon.’ • Acts 7:43
as I can testify, and b their means, • 2 Cor 8:3
advancing in Judaism b many of my • Gal 1:14
B the Shuhite, and Zophar the • Jb 2:11
And B conceived and bore Jacob a son. • Gn 30:5
forsake you; b them around your neck; • Prv 3:3
B up the testimony; seal the teaching • Is 8:16
and whatever you b on earth • Mt 16:19
‘B him hand and foot and cast him • Mt 22:13
For he wounds, but he b up; • Jb 5:18
unless he first b the strong man. • Mk 3:27
which b everything together in perfect • Col 3:14
the b of the heavens, and the • Ps 8:8
Look at the b of the air: they • Mt 6:26
much more value are you than the b! • Lk 12:24
and to a stone, ‘You gave me b.’ • Jer 2:27
the b of Jesus Christ took place in • Mt 1:18
but the beginning of the b pains. • Mt 24:8
gladness, and many will rejoice at his b, • Lk 1:14
passed by, he saw a man blind from b. • Jn 9:1
Jacob said, “Sell me your b now.” • Gn 25:31
Thus Esau despised his b. • Gn 25:34
firstborn according to his b and the • Gn 43:33
Esau, who sold his b for a single meal. • Heb 12:16
made their lives b with hard service, • Ex 1:14
the water of Marah because it was b; • Ex 15:23
swords, who aim b words like arrows, • Ps 64:3
But if you have b jealousy and selfish • Jas 3:14
The heart knows its own b, • Prv 14:10
Let all b and wrath and anger and • Eph 4:31
that no “root of b” springs up and • Heb 12:15
and the day shall be b over them; • Mi 3:6
And I looked, and behold, a b horse! • Rv 6:5
the sun became b as sackcloth, • Rv 6:12
Almighty; walk before me, and be b, • Gn 17:1
You shall be b before the Lord • Dt 18:13
I shall be b, and innocent of great • Ps 19:13
May my heart be b in your statutes, • Ps 119:80
be holy and b before him. • Eph 1:4
be pure and b for the day of • Phil 1:10
that you may be b and innocent, • Phil 2:15
holy and righteous and b • 1 Thes 2:10
soul and body be kept b at the coming • 1 Thes 5:23
present you b before the presence • Jude 24
mouth no lie was found, for they are b. • Rv 14:5
and tried to make them b, • Acts 26:11
the ones who b the honorable name • Jas 2:7
and b the glorious ones. • Jude 8
name of God is b among the Gentiles • Rom 2:24
of them the way of truth will be b. • 2 Pt 2:2
Whoever b the name of the Lord • Lv 24:16
but the one who b against the Holy • Lk 12:10
knew, because his sons were b God, • 1 Sm 3:13
He is b! Who can forgive sins • Mk 2:7
b about matters of which they are • 2 Pt 2:12
God, b his name and his dwelling, • Rv 13:6
heard him speak b words against • Acts 6:11
on its horns and b names on its heads. • Rv 13:1
a scarlet beast that was full of b names, • Rv 17:3
every sin and b will be forgiven people, • Mt 12:31
but the b against the Spirit will not be • Mt 12:31
his robes and said, “He has uttered b. • Mt 26:65
that we are going to stone you but for b, • Jn 10:33
lamb shall be without b, • Ex 12:5
children of God without b in the midst • Phil 2:15
like that of a lamb without b or spot. • 1 Pt 1:19
to be found by him without spot or b, • 2 Pt 3:14
and I will b you and make your name • Gn 12:2
I will b those who b you, • Gn 12:3
I will surely b you, and I • Gn 22:17
The Lord b you and keep you; • Nm 6:24
He will love you, b you, and multiply • Dt 7:13
I b the Lord who gives me • Ps 16:7
I will b the Lord at all times; • Ps 34:1
B the Lord, O my soul, • Ps 103:1
that I might b him and multiply him. • Is 51:2
b those who curse you, pray for • Lk 6:28
B those who persecute you; • Rom 12:14
When reviled, we b; when persecuted, • 1 Cor 4:12
“Surely I will b you and multiply you.” • Heb 6:14
And God b them, saying, “Be fruitful • Gn 1:22
all the families of the earth shall be b.” • Gn 12:3
shall all the nations of the earth be b, • Gn 22:18
B is the man who walks not in • Ps 1:1
B be the Lord forever! Amen • Ps 89:52
B be the name of the Lord • Ps 113:2
Whoever has a bountiful eye will be b, • Prv 22:9
“B are the poor in spirit, for • Mt 5:3
“B are those who mourn, for • Mt 5:4
“B are the meek, for they shall • Mt 5:5
“B are those who hunger and • Mt 5:6
“B are the merciful, for they • Mt 5:7
“B are the pure in heart, for • Mt 5:8
“B are the peacemakers, for • Mt 5:9
“B are those who are persecuted for • Mt 5:10
“B are you when others revile you • Mt 5:11
b is the one who is not offended by • Mt 11:6
“B are you among women, • Lk 1:42
‘B is he who comes in the name of • Lk 13:35
B are those who have not seen and yet • Jn 20:29
shall all the families of the earth be b.’ • Acts 3:25
more b to give than to receive.’” • Acts 20:35
b is the man against whom the Lord • Rom 4:8
who has b us in Christ with every • Eph 1:3
waiting for our b hope, the appearing • Ti 2:13
B is the man who remains steadfast • Jas 1:12
for righteousness’ sake, you will be b. • 1 Pt 3:14
B are those who wash their robes, • Rv 22:14
and blessed be everyone who b you!” • Gn 27:29
sworn covenant, b himself in his heart, • Dt 29:19
gates; he b your children within you. • Ps 147:13
but he b the dwelling of the righteous. • Prv 3:33
name great, so that you will be a b. • Gn 12:2
before you today a b and a curse: • Dt 11:26
yet our God turned the curse into a b. • Neh 13:2
Whoever brings b will be enriched, • Prv 11:25
in the fullness of the b of Christ. • Rom 15:29
were called, that you may obtain a b. • 1 Pt 3:9
to the Lamb be b and honor and glory • Rv 5:13
B and glory and wisdom and • Rv 7:12
And all these b shall come upon you • Dt 28:2
A faithful man will abound with b, • Prv 28:20
that I may share with them in its b. • 1 Cor 9:23
anyone who misleads a b man on the • Dt 27:18
Lord opens the eyes of the b. • Ps 146:8
Then the eyes of the b shall be opened, • Is 35:5
to open the eyes that are b, to bring out • Is 42:7
the b receive their sight and the lame • Mt 11:5
“Can a b man lead a b man? • Lk 6:39
a b man was sitting by the roadside • Lk 18:35
that though I was b, now I see.” • Jn 9:25
that you yourself are a guide to the b, • Rom 2:19
wretched, pitiable, poor, b, and naked. • Rv 3:17
your brother’s b is crying to me • Gn 4:10
“Whoever sheds the b of man, by man • Gn 9:6
all the water in the Nile turned into b. • Ex 7:20
when I see the b, I will pass over • Ex 12:13
“Behold the b of the covenant • Ex 24:8
life of every creature is its b: • Lv 17:14
I do not delight in the b of bulls, • Is 1:11
b of all the prophets, shed from • Lk 11:50
not of b nor of the will of the flesh nor • Jn 1:13
flesh and drinks my b has eternal life, • Jn 6:54
we have now been justified by his b, • Rom 5:9
“This cup is the new covenant in my b. • 1 Cor 11:25
him we have redemption through his b, • Eph 1:7
been brought near by the b of Christ. • Eph 2:13
making peace by the b of his cross. • Col 1:20
sanctify the people through his own b. • Heb 13:12
Christ and for sprinkling with his b: • 1 Pt 1:2
and the b of Jesus his Son cleanses us • 1 Jn 1:7
has freed us from our sins by his b • Rv 1:5
ears from hearing of b and shuts his • Is 33:15
because you did not hate b, • Ezk 35:6
and b follows b. • Hos 4:2
“I will b out man whom I have created • Gn 6:7
I will b out of my book. • Ex 32:33
and b out all my iniquities. • Ps 51:9
and I will never b his name out • Rv 3:5
I am he who b out your transgressions • Is 43:25
I have b out your transgressions like a • Is 44:22
turn back, that your sins may be b out, • Acts 3:19
I am ashamed and b to lift my face to • Ezr 9:6
and you shall b for the gardens that you • Is 1:29
ashamed; they did not know how to b. • Jer 6:15
My soul makes its b in the Lord; • Ps 34:2
Do not b about tomorrow, for • Prv 27:1
but let him who boasts b in this, • Jer 9:24
he has something to b about, • Rom 4:2
the one who boasts, b in the Lord.” • 1 Cor 1:31
love does not envy or b; • 1 Cor 13:4
If I must b, I will b of the • 2 Cor 11:30
be it from me to b except in the cross • Gal 6:14
a result of works, so that no one may b. • Eph 2:9
do not b and be false to the truth. • Jas 3:14
The b shall not stand before your eyes; • Ps 5:5
I say to the b, ‘Do not boast,’ • Ps 75:4
insolent, haughty, b, inventors of evil, • Rom 1:30
I am saying with this b confidence, • 2 Cor 11:17
Then what becomes of our b? It is • Rom 3:27
gospel, that gives me no ground for b. • 1 Cor 9:16
arrogance. All such b is evil. • Jas 4:16
a man who b of a gift he does not give. • Prv 25:14
yet it b of great things. How • Jas 3:5
speaking loud b of folly, they • 2 Pt 2:18
they left the b and their father • Mt 4:22
Peter got out of the b and walked on • Mt 14:29
the waves were breaking into the b, • Mk 4:37
went away in the b to a desolate place • Mk 6:32
down and taught the people from the b. • Lk 5:3
on the sea and coming near the b, • Jn 6:19
So B took Ruth, and she became his • Ru 4:13
and B the father of Obed by Ruth, • Mt 1:5
dishonoring of their b among • Rom 1:24
life to your mortal b through his Spirit • Rom 8:11
you not know that your b are members • 1 Cor 6:15
There are heavenly b and earthly • 1 Cor 15:40
may also be manifested in our b. • 2 Cor 4:10
should love their wives as their own b. • Eph 5:28
strong, but his b presence is weak, • 2 Cor 10:10
the whole fullness of deity dwells b, • Col 2:9
for while b training is of some value, • 1 Tm 4:8
“Take, eat; this is my b.” • Mt 26:26
when they did not find his b, they • Lk 24:23
will deliver me from this b • Rom 7:24
For as in one b we have many • Rom 12:4
though absent in b, I am present • 1 Cor 5:3
not know that your b is a temple of • 1 Cor 6:19
we who are many are one b, • 1 Cor 10:17
“This is my b which is for you. • 1 Cor 11:24
For just as the b is one and has • 1 Cor 12:12
Now you are the b of Christ • 1 Cor 12:27
There is one b and one Spirit— • Eph 4:4
because we are members of his b. • Eph 5:30
will transform our lowly b to be like • Phil 3:21
has now reconciled in his b of flesh • Col 1:22
the offering of the b of Jesus Christ • Heb 10:10
but the righteous are b as a lion. • Prv 28:1
we have such a hope, we are very b, • 2 Cor 3:12
are much more b to speak the word • Phil 1:14
And Paul and Barnabas spoke out b, • Acts 13:46
began to speak b in the synagogue, • Acts 18:26
in chains, that I may declare it b, as I • Eph 6:20
to speak the word of God with b. • Acts 4:31
Christ with all b and without • Acts 28:31
in whom we have b and access with • Eph 3:12
bring you into the b of the covenant. • Ezk 20:37
be loosed from this b on the Sabbath • Lk 13:16
unity of the Spirit in the b of peace. • Eph 4:3
“This at last is b of my bones and flesh • Gn 2:23
and a soft tongue will break a b. • Prv 25:15
the b of Joseph, which the people • Jos 24:32
like water, and all my b are out of joint; • Ps 22:14
my b wasted away through my • Ps 32:3
but a crushed spirit dries up the b. • Prv 17:22
dry b, hear the word of the Lord. • Ezk 37:4
spirit does not have flesh and b as you • Lk 24:39
“Not one of his b will be broken.” • Jn 19:36
as a memorial in a b and recite it in the • Ex 17:14
“Take this B of the Law and • Dt 31:26
This B of the Law shall not depart • Jos 1:8
“I have found the B of the Law in the • 2 Kgs 22:8
name shall be found written in the b. • Dn 12:1
whose names are in the b of life. • Phil 4:3
not found written in the b of life, • Rv 20:15
who are written in the Lamb’s b of life. • Rv 21:27
Of making many b there is no end, • Eccl 12:12
sat in judgment, and the b were opened. • Dn 7:10
could not contain the b that would be • Jn 21:25
You shall dwell in b for seven days. • Lv 23:42
palm, and other leafy trees to make b, • Neh 8:15
Now the Jews’ Feast of B was at hand. • Jn 7:2
yet he b the sin of many, and makes • Is 53:12
took our illnesses and b our diseases.” • Mt 8:17
He himself b our sins in his body on • 1 Pt 2:24
man is b to trouble as the sparks fly • Jb 5:7
For unto you is b this day in the city of • Lk 2:11
unless one is b again he cannot • Jn 3:3
this purpose I was b and for this • Jn 18:37
Last of all, as to one untimely b, he • 1 Cor 15:8
set me apart before I was b, • Gal 1:15
servant, being b in the likeness of men. • Phil 2:7
since you have been b again, not of • 1 Pt 1:23
No one b of God makes a practice of • 1 Jn 3:9
Surely he has b our griefs and • Is 53:4
And I have seen and have b witness • Jn 1:34
b vessels from all your neighbors, • 2 Kgs 4:3
not refuse the one who would b from you. • Mt 5:42
the b is the slave of the lender. • Prv 22:7
he will carry them in his b, and gently • Is 40:11
given the key to the shaft of the b pit. • Rv 9:1
about to rise from the b pit and go to • Rv 17:8
hand the key to the b pit and a great • Rv 20:1
went and sold all that he had and b it. • Mt 13:46
you were b with a price. So glorify • 1 Cor 6:20
because he has dealt b with me. • Ps 13:6
and whoever sows b will also reap • 2 Cor 9:6
You shall not b down to them or serve • Ex 20:5
let us worship and b down; let • Ps 95:6
‘To me every knee shall b, every • Is 45:23
every knee shall b to me, • Rom 14:11
the name of Jesus every knee should b, • Phil 2:10
on the earth the seven b of the wrath • Rv 16:1
the b of the Lord shall be • Is 4:2
and a b from his roots shall bear fruit. • Is 11:1
I will raise up for David a righteous B, • Jer 23:5
a righteous B to spring up for David, • Jer 33:15
behold, I will bring my servant the B. • Zec 3:8
and every b that does bear fruit he • Jn 15:2
the birds of the air made nests in its b.” • Lk 13:19
I am the vine; you are the b. Whoever • Jn 15:5
and if the root is holy, so are the b. • Rom 11:16
king of Salem brought out b and wine. • Gn 14:18
I am about to rain b from heaven • Ex 16:4
and the b of the Presence; • Ex 35:13
that man does not live by b alone, • Dt 8:3
ravens brought him b and meat in • 1 Kgs 17:6
Man ate of the b of the angels; • Ps 78:25
and gave them b from heaven in • Ps 105:40
“‘Man shall not live by b alone, • Mt 4:4
Jesus took b, and after blessing it • Mt 26:26
Give us each day our daily b, • Lk 11:3
“I am the b of life; whoever • Jn 6:35
to the breaking of b and the prayers. • Acts 2:42
The b that we break, is it not a • 1 Cor 10:16
as you eat this b and drink the cup, • 1 Cor 11:26
a time to b down, and a time to build • Eccl 3:3
already dead, they did not b his legs. • Jn 19:33
sins that people commit by b faith • Nm 5:6
number of fish, and their nets were b. • Lk 5:6
known to them in the b of the bread. • Lk 24:35
you doing, weeping and b my heart? • Acts 21:13
the law dishonor God by b the law. • Rom 2:23
put on righteousness as a b, • Is 59:17
having put on the b of righteousness, • Eph 6:14
having put on the b of faith and love, • 1 Thes 5:8
everything that has the b of life, • Gn 1:30
breathed into his nostrils the b of life, • Gn 2:7
“Remember that my life is a b; • Jb 7:7
Surely all mankind stands as a mere b! • Ps 39:5
Man is like a b; his days are like a • Ps 144:4
everything that has b praise the • Ps 150:6
gives b to the people on it and spirit • Is 42:5
cover you with skin, and put b in you, • Ezk 37:6
mankind life and b and everything. • Acts 17:25
will kill with the b of his mouth and • 2 Thes 2:8
it was allowed to give b to the image • Rv 13:15
Jesus uttered a loud cry and b his last. • Mk 15:37
this, he b on them and said to them, • Jn 20:22
And you shall take no b, • Ex 23:8
God, who is not partial and takes no b. • Dt 10:17
partiality, and you shall not accept a b, • Dt 16:19
does not take a b against the innocent. • Ps 15:5
The wicked accepts a b in secret to • Prv 17:23
and a b corrupts the heart. • Eccl 7:7
Everyone loves a b and runs after gifts. • Is 1:23
They took b and perverted justice. • 1 Sm 8:3
our God, or partiality or taking b.” • 2 Chr 19:7
captivated my heart, my sister, my b; • Sg 4:9
forget her ornaments, or a b her attire? • Jer 2:32
one who has the b is the bridegroom. • Jn 3:29
and his B has made herself ready; • Rv 19:7
“Come, I will show you the B, • Rv 21:9
The Spirit and the B say, “Come.” • Rv 22:17
comes out like a b leaving his chamber, • Ps 19:5
took their lamps and went to meet the b. • Mt 25:1
guests fast while the b is with them? • Mk 2:19
behold, a b cloud overshadowed them, • Mt 17:5
a man stood before me in b clothing • Acts 10:30
b and pure”—for the fine linen is the • Rv 19:8
river of the water of life, b as crystal, • Rv 22:1
shines b and b until full • Prv 4:18
light from heaven, b than the sun, • Acts 26:13
and I will b them back to this land. • Jer 24:6
but b them up in the discipline and • Eph 6:4
the tablets out of his hands and b them • Ex 32:19
high places and b down the pillars • 2 Chr 14:3
land of Egypt, my covenant that they b, • Jer 31:32
Then he b the loaves and gave them to • Mt 14:19
and she b the flask and poured it over • Mk 14:3
after blessing it b it and gave it • Mk 14:22
“My spirit is b; my days are extinct; • Jb 17:1
a threefold cord is not quickly b. • Eccl 4:12
b cisterns that can hold no water. • Jer 2:13
and Scripture cannot be b— • Jn 10:35
“Not one of his bones will be b.” • Jn 19:36
“Branches were b off so that I might • Rom 11:19
The Lord is near to the b • Ps 34:18
He heals the b and binds up their • Ps 147:3
he has sent me to bind up the b, to • Is 61:1
Lord binds up the b of his people, • Is 30:26
“I am your b, Joseph, whom you sold • Gn 45:4
is a friend who sticks closer than a b. • Prv 18:24
who is near than a b who is far away. • Prv 27:10
First be reconciled to your b, • Mt 5:24
B will deliver b over to death, • Mt 10:21
“If your b sins against you, go and tell • Mt 18:15
he is my b and sister and mother.” • Mk 3:35
for this your b was dead, and is alive; • Lk 15:32
If your b sins, rebuke him, • Lk 17:3
been here, my b would not have died.” • Jn 11:32
do you pass judgment on your b? • Rom 14:10
but b goes to law against b, • 1 Cor 6:6
and wrong his b in this matter, • 1 Thes 4:6
If a b or sister is poorly clothed and • Jas 2:15
loves God must also love his b. • 1 Jn 4:21
“I do not know; am I my b keeper?” • Gn 4:9
do not go to your b house in the day of • Prv 27:10
you see the speck that is in your b eye, • Lk 6:41
And his b were jealous of him, • Gn 37:11
pleasant it is when b dwell in unity! • Ps 133:1
who sows discord among b. • Prv 6:19
is my mother, and who are my b?” • Mt 12:48
And are not his b James and Joseph • Mt 13:55
did it to one of the least of these my b, • Mt 25:40
left house or wife or b or parents or • Lk 18:29
For not even his b believed in him. • Jn 7:5
Mary the mother of Jesus, and his b. • Acts 1:14
be the firstborn among many b. • Rom 8:29
why he is not ashamed to call them b, • Heb 2:11
a b reed he will not break, • Is 42:3
a b reed he will not break, • Mt 12:20
David my father to b a house for the • 1 Kgs 8:17
and on this rock I will b my church, • Mt 16:18
and in three days I will b another, • Mk 14:58
‘This man began to b and was not able • Lk 14:30
What kind of house will you b for me, • Acts 7:49
which is able to b you up and to give • Acts 20:32
are lawful,” but not all things b up. • 1 Cor 10:23
one another and b one another up, • 1 Thes 5:11
like a skilled master b I laid a • 1 Cor 3:10
much more glory as the b of a house • Heb 3:3
whose designer and b is God. • Heb 11:10
stone that the b rejected has become • Ps 118:22
stone that the b rejected has become • Mt 21:42
stone that was rejected by you, the b, • Acts 4:11
stone that the b rejected has become • 1 Pt 2:7
like a man b a house, who dug deep • Lk 6:48
You are God’s field, God’s b. • 1 Cor 3:9
strive to excel in b up the church. • 1 Cor 14:12
for b up the body of Christ, • Eph 4:12
Unless the Lord b the house, • Ps 127:1
“Woe to him who b his house by • Jer 22:13
each one take care how he b upon it. • 1 Cor 3:10
“knowledge” puffs up, but love b up. • 1 Cor 8:1
body grow so that it b itself up in love. • Eph 4:16
that the church may be b up. • 1 Cor 14:5
b on the foundation of the apostles • Eph 2:20
(For every house is b by someone, but • Heb 3:4
Cast your b on the Lord, • Ps 55:22
For my yoke is easy, and my b is light.” • Mt 11:30
lay on you no greater b than these • Acts 15:28
we might not be a b to any of you, • 1 Thes 2:9
others should be eased and you b, • 2 Cor 8:13
b with sins and led astray by various • 2 Tm 3:6
you load people with b hard to bear, • Lk 11:46
Bear one another’s b, and so fulfill the • Gal 6:2
she has done it to prepare me for b. • Mt 26:12
potter’s field as a b place for strangers. • Mt 27:7
spices, as is the b custom of the Jews. • Jn 19:40
The rich man also died and was b, • Lk 16:22
We were b therefore with him by • Rom 6:4
that he was b, that he was raised on • 1 Cor 15:4
having been b with him in baptism, • Col 2:12
to his chest and his clothes not be b? • Prv 6:27
gathered, thrown into the fire, and b. • Jn 15:6
If anyone’s work is b up, he will • 1 Cor 3:15
and if I deliver up my body to be b, • 1 Cor 13:3
heavenly bodies will be b up and • 2 Pt 3:10
And a third of the earth was b up, and • Rv 8:7
bush was b, yet it was not consumed. • Ex 3:2
in his hand a b coal that he had taken • Is 6:6
for action and keep your lamps b, • Lk 12:35
He was a b and shining lamp, and you • Jn 5:35
It is an unhappy b that God has given • Eccl 1:13
I rose and went about the king’s b, • Dn 8:27
off, one to his farm, another to his b, • Mt 22:5
‘Engage in b until I come.’ • Lk 19:13
in idleness, not busy at work, but b. • 2 Thes 3:11
only idlers, but also gossips and b, • 1 Tm 5:13
B truth, and do not sell it; b wisdom, • Prv 23:23
that we may b the poor for silver and • Am 8:6
and those who b as though they had • 1 Cor 7:30
She considers a field and b it; • Prv 31:16
sells all that he has and b that field. • Mt 13:44
since no one b their cargo anymore, • Rv 18:11
and a b among all the peoples • Dt 28:37
a proverb and a b among all peoples. • 1 Kgs 9:7
“He has made me a b of the peoples, • Jb 17:6
have made us a b among the nations, • Ps 44:14
you have been a b of cursing among • Zec 8:13
it lawful to pay taxes to C, • Mk 12:14
give me up to them. I appeal to C.” • Acts 25:11
came into the district of C Philippi, • Mt 16:13
to all the towns until he came to C. • Acts 8:40
the high priest, whose name was C, • Mt 26:3
C spoke to Abel his brother. • Gn 4:8
a more acceptable sacrifice than C, • Heb 11:4
We should not be like C, who was of • 1 Jn 3:12
the way of C and abandoned • Jude 11
from all your c and your distresses, • 1 Sm 10:19
endurance, in afflictions, hardships, c, • 2 Cor 6:4
Lord relented from the c and • 2 Sm 24:16
who is glad at c will not go unpunished. • Prv 17:5
hardens his heart will fall into c. • Prv 28:14
But C quieted the people before Moses • Nm 13:30
C, because he has a different spirit • Nm 14:24
he gave Hebron to C the son of • Jos 14:13
with a graving tool and made a golden c. • Ex 32:4
You had made yourselves a golden c. • Dt 9:16
And bring the fattened c and kill it, • Lk 15:23
people began to c upon the name of the • Gn 4:26
I c upon the Lord, who is • Ps 18:3
to all who c on him in truth. • Ps 145:18
c upon his name, make known his deeds • Is 12:4
c upon him while he is near; • Is 55:6
Before they c I will answer; while they • Is 65:24
C to me and I will answer you, and will • Jer 33:3
and you shall c his name Jesus, • Mt 1:21
I have not come to c the righteous but • Lk 5:32
How then will they c on him • Rom 10:14
prize of the upward c of God in Christ • Phil 3:14
Here is a c for the endurance of the • Rv 14:12
God c the light Day, and the darkness • Gn 1:5
And whatever the man c every living • Gn 2:19
if my people who are c by my name • 2 Chr 7:14
I have c you in righteousness; • Is 42:6
I have c you by name, you are mine. • Is 43:1
The Lord c me from the womb, • Is 49:1
for they shall be c sons of God. • Mt 5:9
For many are c, but few are chosen.” • Mt 22:14
and those whom he c he also justified, • Rom 8:30
For you were c to freedom, • Gal 5:13
just as you were c to the one hope • Eph 4:4
who saved us and c us to a holy • 2 Tm 1:9
For to this you have been c, • 1 Pt 2:21
c us to his own glory and excellence, • 2 Pt 1:3
wash away your sins, c on his name.’ • Acts 22:16
For the gifts and the c of God are • Rom 11:29
For consider your c, brothers: not • 1 Cor 1:26
in a manner worthy of the c to which • Eph 4:1
you worthy of his c and may fulfill • 2 Thes 1:11
to confirm your c and election, • 2 Pt 1:10
When he c to me, I will answer him; I • Ps 91:15
There is no one who c upon your name, • Is 64:7
and he c his own sheep by name • Jn 10:3
who c upon the name of the Lord shall • Acts 2:21
whom the Lord our God c to himself.” • Acts 2:39
works but because of him who c— • Rom 9:11
For “everyone who c on the name of • Rom 10:13
who c you into his own kingdom • 1 Thes 2:12
He who c you is faithful; • 1 Thes 5:24
out a gnat and swallowing a c! • Mt 23:24
It is easier for a c to go through the eye • Mk 10:25
“This is God’s c!” So he called the • Gn 32:2
and shall c around the tabernacle. • Nm 1:50
your God walks in the midst of your c, • Dt 23:14
to him outside the c and bear the • Heb 13:13
day there was a wedding at C • Jn 2:1
So he came again to C in • Jn 4:46
Abram settled in the land of C, • Gn 13:12
“Send men to spy out the land of C, • Nm 13:2
I will give the land of C, • 1 Chr 16:18
a famine throughout all Egypt and C, • Acts 7:11
not take a wife from the C women. • Gn 28:1
a C woman from that region came out • Mt 15:22
before you, and I will drive out the C, • Ex 33:2
the people of Israel lived among the C, • Jgs 3:5
he went and lived in C by the sea, • Mt 4:13
What we have heard you did at C, do • Lk 4:23
in the synagogue, as he taught at C. • Jn 6:59
he carried the people c to Assyria. • 2 Kgs 15:29
of Babylon brought c to Babylon all • 2 Kgs 24:16
sword and be led c among all nations, • Lk 21:24
died to that which held us c, • Rom 7:6
take every thought c to obey Christ, • 2 Cor 10:5
we were held c under the law, • Gal 3:23
no one takes you c by philosophy and • Col 2:8
leading a host of c in your train • Ps 68:18
to proclaim liberty to the c, • Is 61:1
to proclaim liberty to the c and • Lk 4:18
ascended on high he led a host of c, • Eph 4:8
not be yours, for they shall go into c. • Dt 28:41
into c from Jerusalem to Babylon. • 2 Kgs 24:15
plead with you in the land of their c, • 2 Chr 6:37
that time those who had come from c, • Ezr 8:35
until the c of Jerusalem in the fifth • Jer 1:3
is to be taken captive, to c he goes; • Rv 13:10
“Only take c, and keep your soul • Dt 4:9
and the son of man that you c for him? • Ps 8:4
him to an inn and took c of him. • Lk 10:34
Let each one take c how he builds • 1 Cor 3:10
have the same c for one another. • 1 Cor 12:25
or the son of man, that you c for him? • Heb 2:6
O Israel, and be c to do them, that it • Dt 6:3
being c to do according to all the law • Jos 1:7
Pay c attention to yourselves and to all • Acts 20:28
c to devote themselves to good works. • Ti 3:8
from evil, but a fool is reckless and c. • Prv 14:16
account for every c word they speak, • Mt 12:36
When the c of my heart are many, • Ps 94:19
remains to me; no one c for my soul. • Ps 142:4
Lord of hosts c for his flock, • Zec 10:3
a hired hand and c nothing for the • Jn 10:13
anxieties on him, because he c for you. • 1 Pt 5:7
the prophets together at Mount C. • 1 Kgs 18:20
The c stretches a line; he marks it out • Is 44:13
Is not this the c, the son of Mary and • Mk 6:3
Is not this the c son? Is not his mother • Mt 13:55
how the Lord your God c you, • Dt 1:31
borne our griefs and c our sorrows; • Is 53:4
from them and was c up into heaven. • Lk 24:51
God as they were c along by the Holy • 2 Pt 1:21
And he c me away in the Spirit to a • Rv 21:10
I am not able to c all this people alone; • Nm 11:14
Be their shepherd and c them forever. • Ps 28:9
On them he c cherubim and palm • 1 Kgs 6:35
to no other, nor my praise to c idols. • Is 42:8
ministry of death, c in letters on stone, • 2 Cor 3:7
Any hard c they brought to Moses, but • Ex 18:26
and I desire to argue my c with God. • Jb 13:3
one who states his c first seems right, • Prv 18:17
Set forth your c, says the Lord; • Is 41:21
the governor their c against Paul. • Acts 24:1
them, and for my clothing they c lots. • Ps 22:18
Why are you c down, O my soul, • Ps 42:11
C me not away from your presence, • Ps 51:11
C your burden on the Lord, • Ps 55:22
You will c all our sins into the depths • Mi 7:19
by the Spirit of God that I c out • Mt 12:28
“How can Satan c out Satan? • Mk 3:23
they c lots to divide his garments. • Lk 23:34
comes to me I will never c out. • Jn 6:37
let us c off the works of darkness • Rom 13:12
his garments among them by c lots. • Mt 27:35
in their synagogues and c out demons. • Mk 1:39
c all your anxieties on him, because he • 1 Pt 5:7
“Put out your hand and c it by the tail”— • Ex 4:4
were astonished at the c of fish that • Lk 5:9
to c him in something he might say. • Lk 11:54
that they might c him in something he • Lk 20:20
is mine, the c on a thousand hills. • Ps 50:10
and the lowing of c is not heard; • Jer 9:10
that this man was c up into paradise— • 2 Cor 12:3
will be c up together with • 1 Thes 4:17
but her child was c up to God and to • Rv 12:5
and defend my c against an ungodly • Ps 43:1
Who has wounds without c? • Prv 23:29
to the fatherless, plead the widow’s c. • Is 1:17
pleads my c and executes judgment • Mi 7:9
fulfilled: ‘They hated me without a c.’ • Jn 15:25
may have ample c to glory in Christ • Phil 1:26
If your right eye c you to sin, • Mt 5:29
but whoever c one of these little ones • Mt 18:6
or do anything that c your brother to • Rom 14:21
hid themselves in c and in holes • 1 Sm 13:6
people shall enter the c of the rocks • Is 2:19
hid themselves in the c and among the • Rv 6:15
and winter, day and night, shall not c.” • Gn 8:22
make our children c to worship the • Jos 22:25
before my eyes; c to do evil, • Is 1:16
they never c to say, “Holy, holy, holy, • Rv 4:8
love of the Lord never c; • Lam 3:22
“See now, I dwell in a house of c, • 2 Sm 7:2
All was c; no stone was seen. • 1 Kgs 6:18
Tyrians to bring c trees from Lebanon • Ezr 3:7
you shall c the feast of the Lord • Lv 23:39
lost, and is found.’ And they began to c. • Lk 15:24
Let us therefore c the festival, not with • 1 Cor 5:8
each took his c and put fire in it • Lv 10:1
Each had his c in his hand, • Ezk 8:11
and stood at the altar with a golden c, • Rv 8:3
And when the c, who stood facing • Mk 15:39
When the c heard about Jesus, he sent • Lk 7:3
But the c, wishing to save Paul, kept • Acts 27:43
You shall be called C” • Jn 1:42
Apollos,” or “I follow C,” or “I follow • 1 Cor 1:12
and that he appeared to C, then to the • 1 Cor 15:5
when C came to Antioch, I opposed • Gal 2:11
he writes her a c of divorce and puts • Dt 24:1
his wife, let him give her a c of divorce.’ • Mt 5:31
but are like c that the wind drives away. • Ps 1:4
You conceive c; you give birth to • Is 33:11
but the c he will burn with • Mt 3:12
bind him anymore, not even with a c, • Mk 5:3
of Israel that I am wearing this c.” • Acts 28:20
key to the bottomless pit and a great c. • Rv 20:1
“Get up quickly.” And the c fell off his • Acts 12:7
I am an ambassador in c, • Eph 6:20
Remember my c. Grace be • Col 4:18
bound with c as a criminal. • 2 Tm 2:9
and even c and imprisonment. • Heb 11:36
committed them to c of gloomy • 2 Pt 2:4
out from Ur of the C to give you this • Gn 15:7
the literature and language of the C. • Dn 1:4
of man, that he should c his mind. • Nm 23:19
has sworn and will not c his mind, • Ps 110:4
“For I the Lord do not c; • Mal 3:6
did not afterward c your minds and • Mt 21:32
has sworn and will not c his mind, • Heb 7:21
no variation or shadow due to c. • Jas 1:17
But my people have c their glory for • Jer 2:11
not all sleep, but we shall all be c, • 1 Cor 15:51
like a garment they will be c. • Heb 1:12
and endurance produces c, • Rom 5:4
promise the unchangeable c of his • Heb 6:17
Job did not sin or c God with wrong. • Jb 1:22
him no answer, not even to a single c, • Mt 27:14
Who shall bring any c against God’s • Rom 8:33
present the gospel free of c, • 1 Cor 9:18
Every c must be established • 2 Cor 13:1
not domineering over those in your c, • 1 Pt 5:3
the waters; he makes the clouds his c; • Ps 104:3
to Philip, “Go over and join this c.” • Acts 8:29
returned and covered the c and the • Ex 14:28
c of fire and horses of fire separated • 2 Kgs 2:11
Some trust in c and some in horses, but • Ps 20:7
up like clouds; his c like the whirlwind; • Jer 4:13
the noise of many c with horses rushing • Rv 9:9
But if anyone slaps you on the right c, • Mt 5:39
A glad heart makes a c face, • Prv 15:13
but the c of heart has a continual • Prv 15:15
for God loves a c giver. • 2 Cor 9:7
Is anyone c? Let him sing praise. • Jas 5:13
Make one c on the one end, • Ex 25:19
was the length of one wing of the c, • 1 Kgs 6:24
He rode on a c and flew; he came • Ps 18:10
And a c stretched out his hand from • Ezk 10:7
of Eden he placed the c and a flaming • Gn 3:24
the mercy seat were the faces of the c. • Ex 37:9
The c spread out their wings over the • 2 Chr 5:8
You who are enthroned upon the c, • Ps 80:1
God of Israel, enthroned above the c, • Is 37:16
Above it were the c of glory • Heb 9:5
Even a c makes himself known by his • Prv 20:11
Train up a c in the way he should go; • Prv 22:6
Do not withhold discipline from a c; if • Prv 23:13
but a c left to himself brings shame to • Prv 29:15
For to us a c is born, to us a son • Is 9:6
and a little c shall lead them. • Is 11:6
found to be with c from the Holy Spirit. • Mt 1:18
“What then will this c be?” For the • Lk 1:66
by the hand he called, saying, “C, arise.” • Lk 8:54
I was a c, I spoke like a c, • 1 Cor 13:11
“I will surely multiply your pain in c; • Gn 3:16
be saved through c—if they continue • 1 Tm 2:15
The pangs of c come for him, but he • Hos 13:13
together in the pains of c until now. • Rom 8:22
in the anguish of c until Christ is • Gal 4:19
shall teach them diligently to your c, • Dt 6:7
As a father shows compassion to his c, • Ps 103:13
c are a heritage from the Lord, • Ps 127:3
blessed are his c after him! • Prv 20:7
Her c rise up and call her blessed; her • Prv 31:28
the c of the desolate one will be more • Is 54:1
know how to give good gifts to your c, • Mt 7:11
you, unless you turn and become like c, • Mt 18:3
“Let the c come to me, and do not • Lk 18:16
he gave the right to become c of God, • Jn 1:12
with our spirit that we are c of God, • Rom 8:16
and not all are c of Abraham because • Rom 9:7
be imitators of God, as beloved c. • Eph 5:1
Fathers, do not provoke your c to anger, • Eph 6:4
C, obey your parents in everything, • Col 3:20
know how, like a father with his c, • 1 Thes 2:11
For you are all c of light, • 1 Thes 5:5
women to love their husbands and c, • Ti 2:4
Beloved, we are God’s c now, and what • 1 Jn 3:2
Therefore c life, that you and • Dt 30:19
c this day whom you will serve, • Jos 24:15
Blessed is the one you c and bring near, • Ps 65:4
You did not c me, but I chose you • Jn 15:16
Lord set his love on you and c • Dt 7:7
But I c David to be over my people • 1 Kgs 8:16
elect, whom he c, he shortened the days. • Mk 13:20
his disciples and c from them twelve, • Lk 6:13
the world, but I c you out of the world, • Jn 15:19
God c what is low and despised in • 1 Cor 1:28
even as he c us in him before • Eph 1:4
because God c you as the firstfruits • 2 Thes 2:13
The Lord your God has c you to • Dt 7:6
A good name is to be c rather than • Prv 22:1
and Israel my c, I call you by • Is 45:4
Mary has c the good portion, • Lk 10:42
I know whom I have c. • Jn 13:18
is a remnant, c by grace. • Rom 11:5
Put on then, as God’s c ones, holy • Col 3:12
loved by God, that he has c you, • 1 Thes 1:4
has not God c those who are poor in • Jas 2:5
But you are a c race, a royal priesthood, • 1 Pt 2:9
Peter replied, “You are the C, the Son • Mt 16:16
that the C should suffer and on the • Lk 24:46
I believe that you are the C, • Jn 11:27
God has made him both Lord and C, • Acts 2:36
still sinners, C died for us. • Rom 5:8
have been baptized into C Jesus • Rom 6:3
for those who are in C Jesus. • Rom 8:1
and the Rock was C. • 1 Cor 10:4
But in fact C has been raised from • 1 Cor 15:20
For we are the aroma of C • 2 Cor 2:15
if anyone is in C, he is a • 2 Cor 5:17
insight into the mystery of C, • Eph 3:4
For to me to live is C, and to • Phil 1:21
When C who is your life appears, • Col 3:4
But when C had offered for all time a • Heb 10:12
For C also suffered once for sins, • 1 Pt 3:18
C, and he shall reign forever and ever.” • Rv 11:15
we share abundantly in C sufferings, • 2 Cor 1:5
If anyone is confident that he is C, let • 2 Cor 10:7
And if you are C, then you • Gal 3:29
persuade me to be a C?” • Acts 26:28
Yet if anyone suffers as a C, • 1 Pt 4:16
For false c and false prophets will arise • Mt 24:24
tell it to the c. And if he refuses to • Mt 18:17
fear came upon the whole c • Acts 5:11
persecution against the c in Jerusalem, • Acts 8:1
Greet also the c in their house. • Rom 16:5
when you come together as a c, • 1 Cor 11:18
prophesies builds up the c. • 1 Cor 14:4
him as head over all things to the c, • Eph 1:22
through the c the manifold wisdom • Eph 3:10
Christ is the head of the c, • Eph 5:23
as Christ loved the c and gave himself • Eph 5:25
sake of his body, that is, the c, • Col 1:24
how will he care for God’s c? • 1 Tm 3:5
So the c were strengthened in the faith, • Acts 16:5
As in all the c of the saints, • 1 Cor 14:33
give proof before the c of your love • 2 Cor 8:24
to you about these things for the c. • Rv 22:16
He has inscribed a c on the face of • Jb 26:10
he drew a c on the face of the deep, • Prv 8:27
It is he who sits above the c of the earth, • Is 40:22
C therefore the foreskin of your heart, • Dt 10:16
your God will c your heart and the • Dt 30:6
C yourselves to the Lord; • Jer 4:4
“It is necessary to c them and to order • Acts 15:5
Every male among you shall be c. • Gn 17:10
who will justify the c by faith • Rom 3:30
For even those who are c do not • Gal 6:13
c on the eighth day, of the people of • Phil 3:5
In him also you were c with • Col 2:11
Greek and Jew, c and uncircumcised, • Col 3:11
and c is a matter of the heart, • Rom 2:29
He received the sign of c as a seal • Rom 4:11
For neither c counts for anything, • Gal 6:15
For we are the c, who worship by • Phil 3:3
In all c take up the shield of faith, • Eph 6:16
give thanks in all c; for this is the • 1 Thes 5:18
Drink water from your own c, flowing • Prv 5:15
put Jeremiah into the c—the king was • Jer 38:7
when he overthrew the c in which Lot • Gn 19:29
people blossom in the c like the grass • Ps 72:16
Your holy c have become a wilderness; • Is 64:10
you shall have authority over ten c.’ • Lk 19:17
But his c hated him and sent a • Lk 19:14
but you are fellow c with the saints • Eph 2:19
“I bought this c for a large sum.” • Acts 22:28
But our c is in heaven, and • Phil 3:20
When he built a c, he called • Gn 4:17
let us build ourselves a c and a tower • Gn 11:4
streams make glad the c of God, • Ps 46:4
greatly to be praised in the c of our • Ps 48:1
blessing of the upright a c is exalted, • Prv 11:11
shall be called the c of righteousness, • Is 1:26
And this c shall be to me a name of joy, • Jer 33:9
should not I pity Nineveh, that great c, • Jon 4:11
A c set on a hill cannot be hidden. • Mt 5:14
the c that kills the prophets and stones • Lk 13:34
God, for he has prepared for them a c. • Heb 11:16
we seek the c that is to come. • Heb 13:14
camp of the saints and the beloved c, • Rv 20:9
And I saw the holy c, new Jerusalem, • Rv 21:2
C your hands, all peoples! • Ps 47:1
Let the rivers c their hands; let the hills • Ps 98:8
the trees of the field shall c their hands. • Is 55:12
Does the c say to him who forms it, • Is 45:9
we are the c, and you are our potter; • Is 64:8
like the c in the potter’s hand, • Jer 18:6
its feet partly of iron and partly of c. • Dn 2:33
Has the potter no right over the c, • Rom 9:21
with you seven pairs of all c animals, • Gn 7:2
He who has c hands and a pure heart, • Ps 24:4
Create in me a c heart, O God, • Ps 51:10
“Lord, if you will, you can make me c.” • Mt 8:2
“What God has made c, • Acts 10:15
our hearts sprinkled c from an evil • Heb 10:22
and c me from my sin! • Ps 51:2
to c them from sin and uncleanness. • Zec 13:1
C out the old leaven that you may be • 1 Cor 5:7
let us c ourselves from every • 2 Cor 7:1
C your hands, you sinners, and purify • Jas 4:8
And immediately his leprosy was c. • Mt 8:3
Then Jesus answered, “Were not ten c? • Lk 17:17
having c their hearts by faith. • Acts 15:9
having c her by the washing of water • Eph 5:26
having once been c, would no longer • Heb 10:2
forgotten that he was c from his former • 2 Pt 1:9
have a c conscience toward both God • Acts 24:16
also what eagerness to c yourselves, • 2 Cor 7:11
are sure that we have a c conscience, • Heb 13:18
while the city was pure gold, like c glass. • Rv 21:18
by I will put you in a c of the rock, • Ex 33:22
and hide it there in a c of the rock.” • Jer 13:4
you take your neighbor’s c in pledge, • Ex 22:26
let him have your c as well. • Mt 5:40
stripped him of the purple c • Mk 15:20
has no sword sell his c and buy one. • Lk 22:36
a piece of unshrunk c on an old • Mt 9:16
the face c, which had been on Jesus’ • Jn 20:7
how much more will he c you, • Lk 12:28
C yourselves, all of you, with humility • 1 Pt 5:5
his wife garments of skins and c them. • Gn 3:21
You c me with skin and flesh, and knit • Jb 10:11
c me with the garments of salvation; • Is 61:10
in the city until you are c with power • Lk 24:49
a woman c with the sun, with the moon • Rv 12:1
He is c in a robe dipped in blood, and • Rv 19:13
But if God so c the grass of the field, • Mt 6:30
sun, and his c became white as light. • Mt 17:2
For a long time he had worn no c, and • Lk 8:27
Your c did not wear out on you • Dt 8:4
why are you anxious about c? • Mt 6:28
who come to you in sheep’s c but • Mt 7:15
than food, and the body more than c. • Lk 12:23
he saw the linen c by themselves; • Lk 24:12
and bound it in linen c with the spices, • Jn 19:40
tomb. He saw the linen c lying there, • Jn 20:6
I have set my bow in the c, and it shall • Gn 9:13
them by day in a pillar of c to lead • Ex 13:21
Moses entered the c and went up • Ex 24:18
a little c like a man’s hand is rising • 1 Kgs 18:44
and a voice came out of the c, • Mk 9:7
Son of Man coming in a c with power • Lk 21:27
a c took him out of their sight. • Acts 1:9
the heavens, your faithfulness to the c. • Ps 57:10
c of heaven there came one like a son • Dn 7:13
and the c are the dust of his feet. • Na 1:3
Son of Man coming on the c of heaven • Mt 24:30
with them in the c to meet the Lord • 1 Thes 4:17
Behold, he is coming with the c, and • Rv 1:7
His breath kindles c, and a flame comes • Jb 41:21
for you will heap burning c on his head, • Prv 25:22
you will heap burning c on his head.” • Rom 12:20
Show me the c for the tax.” • Mt 22:19
for I have found the c that I had lost.’ • Lk 15:9
put in two small copper c, • Mk 12:42
poured out the c of the money-changers • Jn 2:15
increased, the love of many will grow c. • Mt 24:12
Would that you were either c or hot! • Rv 3:15
Now concerning the c for the saints: • 1 Cor 16:1
He was a chief tax c and was rich. • Lk 19:2
he was eating with sinners and tax c, • Mk 2:16
Tax c also came to be baptized and • Lk 3:12
on a c, the foal of a donkey. • Zec 9:9
and throwing their cloaks on the c, • Lk 19:35
is coming, sitting on a donkey’s c!” • Jn 12:15
C, let us go down and there confuse • Gn 11:7
doors, that the King of glory may c in. • Ps 24:7
Oh c, let us worship and bow down; • Ps 95:6
C into his presence with singing! • Ps 100:2
“C, everyone who thirsts, c to the • Is 55:1
Arise, shine, for your light has c, • Is 60:1
all flesh shall c to worship before me, • Is 66:23
“C, let us return to the Lord; • Hos 6:1
C to me, all who labor and are heavy • Mt 11:28
“Let the children c to me; do not hinder • Mk 10:14
you do not know when the time will c. • Mk 13:33
“Are you the one who is to c, • Lk 7:19
led astray. For many will c in my name, • Lk 21:8
I will c again and will take you • Jn 14:3
“Father, the hour has c; • Jn 17:1
When you c together, each one has • 1 Cor 14:26
that Jesus Christ has c in the flesh is • 1 Jn 4:2
who is and who was and who is to c, • Rv 1:4
coming soon.” Amen. C, Lord Jesus! • Rv 22:20
Blessed is he who c in the name of • Ps 118:26
and to another, ‘Come,’ and he c, • Mt 8:9
Blessed is he who c in the name of the • Mk 11:9
Nevertheless, when the Son of Man c, • Lk 18:8
But we know where this man c from, • Jn 7:27
No one c to the Father except through • Jn 14:6
When the Spirit of truth c, he will • Jn 16:13
proclaim the Lord’s death until he c. • 1 Cor 11:26
when he c on that day to be glorified • 2 Thes 1:10
your rod and your staff, they c me. • Ps 23:4
Let your steadfast love c • Ps 119:76
C, c my people, says your • Is 40:1
the Lord and in the c of the Holy Spirit, • Acts 9:31
the Father of mercies and God of all c, • 2 Cor 1:3
so that we may be able to c those who • 2 Cor 1:4
c one another, agree with one • 2 Cor 13:11
and gave us eternal c and good hope • 2 Thes 2:16
Lord has c his people and will • Is 49:13
she refused to be c, because they are no • Mt 2:18
those who mourn, for they shall be c. • Mt 5:4
affliction we have been c about you • 1 Thes 3:7
I am he who c you; who are • Is 51:12
who c us in all our affliction, • 2 Cor 1:4
God, who c the downcast, • 2 Cor 7:6
and the time is c to gather all nations • Is 66:18
the sound of his c was like the sound • Ezk 43:2
But who can endure the day of his c, • Mal 3:2
be the sign of your c and of the end • Mt 24:3
not know on what day your Lord is c. • Mt 24:42
foreboding of what is c on the world. • Lk 21:26
then at his c those who belong to • 1 Cor 15:23
account of these the wrath of God is c. • Col 3:6
c of our Lord Jesus with all his saints. • 1 Thes 3:13
who are left until the c of the Lord, • 1 Thes 4:15
Now concerning the c of our Lord • 2 Thes 2:1
“Where is the promise of his c? • 2 Pt 3:4
“Behold, I am c soon, bringing my • Rv 22:12
You shall speak all that I c you, • Ex 7:2
For he will c his angels concerning you • Ps 91:11
“‘He will c his angels concerning you, • Lk 4:10
are my friends if you do what I c • Jn 15:14
C and teach these things. • 1 Tm 4:11
And the Lord God c the man, • Gn 2:16
but I do as the Father has c me, • Jn 14:31
love one another, just as he has c us. • 1 Jn 3:23
I am the c of the army of the Lord. • Jos 5:14
a leader and c for the peoples. • Is 55:4
but a c shall put an end to his • Dn 11:18
the c of the Lord is pure, • Ps 19:8
For the c is a lamp and the teaching a • Prv 6:23
This is the great and first c. • Mt 22:38
“This is my c, that you love one another • Jn 15:12
Beloved, I am writing you no new c, • 1 Jn 2:7
who love me and keep my c. • Ex 20:6
the words of the covenant, the Ten C. • Ex 34:28
if you obey the c of the Lord • Dt 11:27
I find my delight in your c, • Ps 119:47
but let your heart keep my c, • Prv 3:1
Fear God and keep his c, for this is • Eccl 12:13
those who love him and keep his c, • Dn 9:4
On these two c depend all the Law and • Mt 22:40
but keeping the c of God. • 1 Cor 7:19
And his c are not burdensome. • 1 Jn 5:3
those who keep the c of God and hold • Rv 12:17
He c even the unclean spirits, and they • Mk 1:27
that he c even winds and water, • Lk 8:25
One generation shall c your works to • Ps 145:4
Food will not c us to God. • 1 Cor 8:8
each one will receive his c from God. • 1 Cor 4:5
A man is c according to his good sense, • Prv 12:8
The master c the dishonest manager for • Lk 16:8
where they had been c to the grace of • Acts 14:26
though c through their faith, • Heb 11:39
C your way to the Lord; trust • Ps 37:5
He who c adultery lacks sense; • Prv 6:32
wife and marries another c adultery, • Lk 16:18
lustful intent has already c adultery • Mt 5:28
if he has c sins, he will be forgiven. • Jas 5:15
He c no sin, neither was deceit found in • 1 Pt 2:22
distinguish between the holy and the c, • Lv 10:10
were together and had all things in c. • Acts 2:44
God has made clean, do not call c.’ • Acts 11:9
who forsakes the c of her youth • Prv 2:17
though she is your c and your wife • Mal 2:14
For the c of the godless is barren, • Jb 15:34
with joy and be refreshed in your c. • Rom 15:32
“Bad c ruins good morals.” • 1 Cor 15:33
none can c with you! I will • Ps 40:5
liken God, or what likeness c with him? • Is 40:18
As a father shows c to his children, • Ps 103:13
everlasting love I will have c on you,” • Is 54:8
my c grows warm and tender. • Hos 11:8
he saw the crowds, he had c for them, • Mt 9:36
his father saw him and felt c, and ran • Lk 15:20
I will have c on whom I have c.” • Rom 9:15
For you had c on those in prison, • Heb 10:34
if he cries to me, I will hear, for I am c. • Ex 22:27
c hearts, kindness, humility, • Col 3:12
how the Lord is c and merciful. • Jas 5:11
an eloquent man, c in the Scriptures. • Acts 18:24
and the c of fools destroys them; • Prv 1:32
against me and your c has come to my • Is 37:29
“Today also my c is bitter; my hand is • Jb 23:2
I am restless in my c and I moan, • Ps 55:2
I pour out my c before him; I • Ps 142:2
find a ground for c against Daniel • Dn 6:4
if one has a c against another, • Col 3:13
For he will c what he appoints for me, • Jb 23:14
c my joy by being of the same mind, • Phil 2:2
that the man of God may be c, • 2 Tm 3:17
that you may be perfect and c, • Jas 1:4
so that our joy may be c. • 1 Jn 1:4
the house of the Lord was c. • 2 Chr 8:16
works, and faith was c by his works; • Jas 2:22
except for his feet, but is c clean. • Jn 13:10
God of peace himself sanctify you c, • 1 Thes 5:23
bringing holiness to c in the fear of • 2 Cor 7:1
work in you will bring it to c • Phil 1:6
he will c me under the cover of his tent; • Ps 27:5
It is the glory of God to c things, but • Prv 25:2
slander, gossip, c, and disorder. • 2 Cor 12:20
Do nothing from selfish ambition or c, • Phil 2:3
he is puffed up with c and understands • 1 Tm 6:4
Let us not become c, provoking one • Gal 5:26
the virgin shall c and bear a son, • Is 7:14
the virgin shall c and bear a son, • Mt 1:23
you will c in your womb and bear a son, • Lk 1:31
for that which is c in her is from the • Mt 1:20
Elizabeth in her old age has also c a son, • Lk 1:36
Then desire when it has c gives birth • Jas 1:15
save him from those who c his soul • Ps 109:31
c not, and you will not be condemned; • Lk 6:37
his Son into the world to c the world, • Jn 3:17
And Jesus said, “Neither do I c you; • Jn 8:11
Who is to c? Christ Jesus is the one • Rom 8:34
if our heart does not c us, we • 1 Jn 3:21
C is ready for scoffers, and beating for • Prv 19:29
They will receive the greater c.” • Mk 12:40
as one trespass led to c for all men, • Rom 5:18
There is therefore now no c for those • Rom 8:1
be no, so that you may not fall under c. • Jas 5:12
Their c from long ago is not idle, • 2 Pt 2:3
and by your words you will be c.” • Mt 12:37
rulers delivered him up to be c to death, • Lk 24:20
Whoever believes in him is not c, • Jn 3:18
for sin, he c sin in the flesh, • Rom 8:3
By this he c the world and became an • Heb 11:7
for whenever our heart c us, God is • 1 Jn 3:20
but the c of the pure is upright. • Prv 21:8
For rulers are not a terror to good c, • Rom 13:3
By his good c let him show his works • Jas 3:13
is holy, you also be holy in all your c, • 1 Pt 1:15
c my transgressions to the Lord,” • Ps 32:5
if you c with your mouth that Jesus is • Rom 10:9
c your sins to one another • Jas 5:16
If we c our sins, he is faithful and just • 1 Jn 1:9
not c the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh. • 2 Jn 7
I will c his name before my Father • Rv 3:5
but he who c and forsakes them will • Prv 28:13
and with the mouth one c and is saved. • Rom 10:10
Whoever c that Jesus is the Son of God, • 1 Jn 4:15
Now then make c to the Lord, • Ezr 10:11
that comes from your c of the gospel • 2 Cor 9:13
you made the good c in the presence • 1 Tm 6:12
us hold fast the c of our hope without • Heb 10:23
Is not your fear of God your c, • Jb 4:6
for the Lord will be your c • Prv 3:26
we have boldness and access with c • Eph 3:12
And we have c in the Lord about you, • 2 Thes 3:4
if indeed we hold fast our c • Heb 3:6
Let us then with c draw near • Heb 4:16
since we have c to enter the holy • Heb 10:19
appears we may have c and not shrink • 1 Jn 2:28
not condemn us, we have c before God; • 1 Jn 3:21
in order to c the promises given to • Rom 15:8
will himself restore, c, strengthen, • 1 Pt 5:10
with them and c the message by • Mk 16:20
about Christ was c among you— • 1 Cor 1:6
he also predestined to be c to the • Rom 8:29
Do not be c to this world, but be • Rom 12:2
do not be c to the passions of your • 1 Pt 1:14
go down and there c their language, • Gn 11:7
and having gathered the c together, • Acts 15:30
in the midst of the c I will sing your • Heb 2:12
and he came out conquering, and to c. • Rv 6:2
the Lamb will c them, for he is Lord of • Rv 17:14
who through faith c kingdoms, • Heb 11:33
also those who had c the beast and its • Rv 15:2
we are more than c through him • Rom 8:37
to have a clear c toward both God • Acts 24:16
while their c also bears witness, • Rom 2:15
their c, being weak, is defiled. • 1 Cor 8:7
any question on the ground of c. • 1 Cor 10:25
testimony of our c, that we behaved • 2 Cor 1:12
the mystery of the faith with a clear c. • 1 Tm 3:9
but as an appeal to God for a good c, • 1 Pt 3:21
insincerity of liars whose c are seared, • 1 Tm 4:2
both their minds and their c are defiled. • Ti 1:15
“C to me all the firstborn. • Ex 13:2
C yourselves, therefore, and be holy, • Lv 20:7
C a fast; call a solemn assembly. • Jl 1:14
And for their sake I c myself, that • Jn 17:19
I have c this house that you have built, • 1 Kgs 9:3
and before you were born I c you; • Jer 1:5
whom the Father c and sent into • Jn 10:36
For c what great things he has done • 1 Sm 12:24
let them c the steadfast love of the • Ps 107:43
the Lord of hosts: C your ways. • Hg 1:5
C the lilies, how they grow: they • Lk 12:27
So you also must c yourselves dead • Rom 6:11
C him who endured from sinners such • Heb 12:3
and devout, waiting for the c of Israel, • Lk 2:25
and encouragement and c. • 1 Cor 14:3
So also good works are c, and even • 1 Tm 5:25
“Do not call c all that this people calls • Is 8:12
discernment trained by c practice to • Heb 5:14
Whom did he c, and who made him • Is 40:14
I will c your uncleanness out of you. • Ezk 22:15
come down from heaven and c them?” • Lk 9:54
“Zeal for your house will c me.” • Jn 2:17
the bush was burning, yet it was not c. • Ex 3:2
of his jealousy, all the earth shall be c; • Zep 1:18
that you are not c by one another. • Gal 5:15
For the Lord your God is a c fire, • Dt 4:24
for our God is a c fire. • Heb 12:29
the world itself could not c the books • Jn 21:25
When wickedness comes, c comes also, • Prv 18:3
and some to shame and everlasting c. • Dn 12:2
and treated others with c: • Lk 18:9
treated him with c and mocked him. • Lk 23:11
own harm and holding him up to c. • Heb 6:6
accusation, and be c with your wages.” • Lk 3:14
then, I am c with weaknesses, • 2 Cor 12:10
in whatever situation I am to be c. • Phil 4:11
and clothing, with these we will be c. • 1 Tm 6:8
and be c with what you have, • Heb 13:5
If anyone is inclined to be c, we have • 1 Cor 11:16
cheerful of heart has a c feast. • Prv 15:15
not beat me down by her c coming.’” • Lk 18:5
thoughts of his heart was only evil c. • Gn 6:5
his strength; seek his presence c! • 1 Chr 16:11
his praise shall c be in my mouth. • Ps 34:1
were c in the temple blessing God. • Lk 24:53
to the people, and prayed c to God. • Acts 10:2
but c in the fear of the Lord • Prv 23:17
urged them to c in the grace of God. • Acts 13:43
Are we to c in sin that grace may • Rom 6:1
if indeed you c in the faith, stable and • Col 1:23
c in what you have learned • 2 Tm 3:14
preach to you a gospel c to the one • Gal 1:8
Is the law then c to the promises of God? • Gal 3:21
for reviling, but on the c, bless, • 1 Pt 3:9
of Israel, that they take for me a c. • Ex 25:2
pleased to make some c for the poor • Rom 15:26
the generosity of your c for them • 2 Cor 9:13
a broken and c heart, O God, • Ps 51:17
also with him who is of a c and lowly • Is 57:15
he who is humble and c in spirit • Is 66:2
my body and keep it under c, • 1 Cor 9:27
how to c his own body in holiness • 1 Thes 4:4
For the love of Christ c us, • 2 Cor 5:14
he will c the world concerning sin • Jn 16:8
judgment on all and to c all the ungodly • Jude 15
in the Holy Spirit and with full c. • 1 Thes 1:5
hoped for, the c of things not seen. • Heb 11:1
will they be c if someone should rise • Lk 16:31
for they are c that John was a prophet.” • Lk 20:6
fully c that God was able to do • Rom 4:21
C of this, I know that I will remain • Phil 1:25
write for himself in a book a c of this law, • Dt 17:18
They serve a c and shadow of • Heb 8:5
I led them with c of kindness, • Hos 11:4
making a whip of c, he drove them • Jn 2:15
Caesarea there was a man named C, • Acts 10:1
were its bases sunk, or who laid its c, • Jb 38:6
the builders rejected has become the c. • Ps 118:22
a precious c, of a sure foundation: • Is 28:16
From him shall come the c, • Zec 10:4
the builders rejected has become the c; • Mt 21:42
which has become the c. • Acts 4:11
Jesus himself being the c, • Eph 2:20
the builders rejected has become the c,” • 1 Pt 2:7
them, but they refused to take c. • Jer 5:3
She listens to no voice; she accepts no c. • Zep 3:2
for c, and for training in righteousness, • 2 Tm 3:16
Now the earth was c in God’s sight, • Gn 6:11
were eager to make all their deeds c. • Zep 3:7
your former manner of life and is c • Eph 4:22
or let your holy one see c. • Ps 16:10
or let your Holy One see c. • Acts 2:27
his own flesh will from the flesh reap c, • Gal 6:8
but they themselves are slaves of c. • 2 Pt 2:19
and the whole c were seeking false • Mt 26:59
them, they set them before the c. • Acts 5:27
And looking intently at the c, Paul • Acts 23:1
that darkens c by words without • Jb 38:2
The c of the Lord stands • Ps 33:11
no c can avail against the Lord. • Prv 21:30
great in c and mighty in deed, whose • Jer 32:19
declaring to you the whole c of God. • Acts 20:27
all things according to the c of his will, • Eph 1:11
shall be called Wonderful C, • Is 9:6
of the Lord, or who has been his c?” • Rom 11:34
and in abundance of c there is victory. • Prv 24:6
if one can c the dust of the earth, • Gn 13:16
If I would c them, they are more than • Ps 139:18
does not first sit down and c the cost, • Lk 14:28
whom the Lord will not c his sin.” • Rom 4:8
I c everything as loss because • Phil 3:8
C it all joy, my brothers, when • Jas 1:2
he c it to him as righteousness. • Gn 15:6
is why his faith was “c to him as • Rom 4:22
it was c to him as righteousness”? • Gal 3:6
I c as loss for the sake of Christ. • Phil 3:7
For Jesus has been c worthy of more • Heb 3:3
the Lord lift up his c upon you • Nm 6:26
“Go from your c and your kindred • Gn 12:1
it to tenants, and went into another c. • Mt 21:33
he had and took a journey into a far c, • Lk 15:13
went into a far c to receive for himself • Lk 19:12
Be strong, and let your heart take c, • Ps 31:24
strong and of good c.” And as he spoke • Dn 10:19
“Take c, for as you have testified • Acts 23:11
with full c now as always Christ • Phil 1:20
Be strong and c. Do not fear or • Dt 31:6
Be strong and c, for you shall • Jos 1:6
“You shall make the c of the tabernacle. • Ex 27:9
do not hastily bring into c, for • Prv 25:8
Stand in the c of the Lord’s • Jer 26:2
c sat in judgment, and the books • Dn 7:10
while you are going with him to c, • Mt 5:25
and the ones who drag you into c? • Jas 2:6
who shall build my house and my c, • 1 Chr 28:6
For a day in your c is better than a • Ps 84:10
and his c with praise! Give thanks • Ps 100:4
But I will establish my c with you, • Gn 6:18
the Lord made a c with Abram, • Gn 15:18
So shall my c be in your flesh an • Gn 17:13
God remembered his c with Abraham, • Ex 2:24
their generations, as a c forever. • Ex 31:16
observed your word and kept your c. • Dt 33:9
he has made with me an everlasting c, • 2 Sm 23:5
The Lord made a c with them • 2 Kgs 17:35
Therefore let us make a c with our God • Ezr 10:3
faithfulness, for those who keep his c • Ps 25:10
I will make with you an everlasting c, • Is 55:3
I will make a new c with the house of • Jer 31:31
I will make a c of peace with them. • Ezk 37:26
annulling the c that I had made with • Zec 11:10
for this is my blood of the c, • Mt 26:28
“This cup is the new c in my blood. • 1 Cor 11:25
read the old c, that same veil remains • 2 Cor 3:14
makes Jesus the guarantor of a better c. • Heb 7:22
new c, he makes the first one obsolete. • Heb 8:13
and to Jesus, the mediator of a new c, • Heb 12:24
the ark of his c was seen within his • Rv 11:19
the c, the giving of the law, • Rom 9:4
these women are two c. • Gal 4:24
and I will c you with my hand until I • Ex 33:22
He will c you with his pinions, and • Ps 91:4
I say, “Surely the darkness shall c me, • Ps 139:11
‘Fall on us,’ and to the hills, ‘C us.’ • Lk 23:30
is forgiven, whose sin is c. • Ps 32:1
is trustworthy in spirit keeps a thing c. • Prv 11:13
Nothing is c up that will not be • Lk 12:2
are forgiven, and whose sins are c; • Rom 4:7
prophesies with his head c dishonors • 1 Cor 11:4
Whoever c an offense seeks love, • Prv 17:9
since love c a multitude of sins. • 1 Pt 4:8
“You shall not c your neighbor’s • Ex 20:17
They c fields and seize them, • Mi 2:2
You shall not c,” and any other • Rom 13:9
You c and cannot obtain, so you fight • Jas 4:2
be on your guard against all c, • Lk 12:15
produced in me all kinds of c. • Rom 7:8
all impurity or c must not even be • Eph 5:3
impurity, passion, evil desire, and c, • Col 3:5
He catches the wise in their own c, • Jb 5:13
“He catches the wise in their c,” • 1 Cor 3:19
soul of the sluggard c and gets nothing, • Prv 13:4
All day long he c and c, but • Prv 21:26
C in me a clean heart, O God, • Ps 51:10
I form light and c darkness, I make • Is 45:7
I c new heavens and a new earth, • Is 65:17
that he might c in himself one new man • Eph 2:15
God c the heavens and the earth. • Gn 1:1
So God c man in his own image, • Gn 1:27
Male and female he c them, and he • Gn 5:2
For he commanded and they were c. • Ps 148:5
Lord, who c the heavens and • Is 42:5
read that he who c them from the • Mt 19:4
of the creation that God c until now, • Mk 13:19
Neither was man c for woman, but • 1 Cor 11:9
c in Christ Jesus for good works, • Eph 2:10
hidden for ages in God who c all things, • Eph 3:9
For by him all things were c, in heaven • Col 1:16
For everything c by God is good, • 1 Tm 4:4
the universe was c by the word of God, • Heb 11:3
honor and power, for you c all things, • Rv 4:11
who c heaven and what is in it, • Rv 10:6
beginning of c, ‘God made them male • Mk 10:6
For the c waits with eager longing • Rom 8:19
in Christ, he is a new c. The old has • 2 Cor 5:17
nor uncircumcision, but a new c. • Gal 6:15
the invisible God, the firstborn of all c. • Col 1:15
true witness, the beginning of God’s c. • Rv 3:14
Remember also your C in the days of • Eccl 12:1
God, the C of the ends of the earth. • Is 40:28
served the creature rather than the C, • Rom 1:25
in knowledge after the image of its c. • Col 3:10
souls to a faithful C while doing good. • 1 Pt 4:19
whatever the man called every living c, • Gn 2:19
For the life of every c is its blood: • Lv 17:14
Each c had two wings, each of which • Ezk 1:11
And no c is hidden from his sight, but • Heb 4:13
bring forth living c according to their • Gn 1:24
the earth is full of your c. • Ps 104:24
of it came the likeness of four living c. • Ezk 1:5
should be a kind of firstfruits of his c. • Jas 1:18
c of instinct, born to be caught • 2 Pt 2:12
and the four living c fell down and • Rv 19:4
I c to you for help, and you • Ps 30:2
left alone, I fell upon my face, and c, • Ezk 9:8
the ninth hour Jesus c out with a loud • Mt 27:46
Once more they c out, “Hallelujah! • Rv 19:3
suffering, bound with chains as a c. • 2 Tm 2:9
there they crucified him, and the c, • Lk 23:33
saw the mute speaking, the c healthy, • Mt 15:31
better for you to enter life c • Mt 18:8
a good deed done to a c man, • Acts 4:9
they are a c and twisted generation. • Dt 32:5
The way of the guilty is c, • Prv 21:8
the c shall become straight, • Lk 3:5
without blemish in the midst of a c • Phil 2:15
but abundant c come by the strength • Prv 14:4
for I have nowhere to store my c?’ • Lk 12:17
ought to have the first share of the c. • 2 Tm 2:6
whoever does not take his c and follow • Mt 10:38
let him come down now from the c, • Mt 27:42
but standing by the c of Jesus were his • Jn 19:25
lest the c of Christ be emptied of its • 1 Cor 1:17
For the word of the c is folly to those • 1 Cor 1:18
boast except in the c of our Lord • Gal 6:14
point of death, even death on a c. • Phil 2:8
set aside, nailing it to the c. • Col 2:14
that was set before him endured the c, • Heb 12:2
compassion on the c because they • Mt 15:32
could not get near him because of the c, • Mk 2:4
And all the c sought to touch him, for • Lk 6:19
withdrawn, as there was a c in the place. • Jn 5:13
Then he ordered the c to sit down on • Mt 14:19
and great c gathered to hear him and to • Lk 5:15
you set a c of fine gold upon his head. • Ps 21:3
You shall be a c of beauty in the hand • Is 62:3
wearing the c of thorns and the purple • Jn 19:5
whom I love and long for, my joy and c, • Phil 4:1
laid up for me the c of righteousness, • 2 Tm 4:8
the test he will receive the c of life, • Jas 1:12
receive the unfading c of glory. • 1 Pt 5:4
and I will give you the c of life. • Rv 2:10
heavenly beings and c him with glory • Ps 8:5
An athlete is not c unless he competes • 2 Tm 2:5
Jesus, c with glory and honor because • Heb 2:9
who c you with steadfast love and • Ps 103:4
They cast their c before the throne, • Rv 4:10
mocked and flogged and c, • Mt 20:19
I know that you seek Jesus who was c. • Mt 28:5
is called The Skull, there they c him, • Lk 23:33
of sinful men and be c and on the third • Lk 24:7
There they c him, and with him two • Jn 19:18
this Jesus whom you c.” • Acts 2:36
know that our old self was c with him • Rom 6:6
but we preach Christ c, • 1 Cor 1:23
For he was c in weakness, but lives • 2 Cor 13:4
I have been c with Christ. • Gal 2:20
by which the world has been c to me, • Gal 6:14
where their Lord was c. • Rv 11:8
him and led him away to c him. • Mt 27:31
“C, c him!” • Lk 23:21
“Shall I c your King?” The chief • Jn 19:15
since they are c once again the Son of • Heb 6:6
They c your people, O Lord, • Ps 94:5
the will of the Lord to c him; • Is 53:10
who oppress the poor, who c the needy, • Am 4:1
when it falls on anyone, it will c him.” • Mt 21:44
The God of peace will soon c Satan • Rom 16:20
brokenhearted and saves the c in spirit. • Ps 34:18
but by sorrow of heart the spirit is c. • Prv 15:13
but a c spirit dries up the bones. • Prv 17:22
but not c; perplexed, but not • 2 Cor 4:8
he inclined to me and heard my c. • Ps 40:1
I rise before dawn and c for help; • Ps 119:147
He will not c aloud or lift up his voice, • Is 42:2
They do not c to me from the heart, • Hos 7:14
He will not quarrel or c aloud, • Mt 12:19
Jesus uttered a loud c and breathed his • Mk 15:37
silent, the very stones would c out.” • Lk 19:40
expanse, shining like awe-inspiring c, • Ezk 1:22
river of the water of life, bright as c, • Rv 22:1
is my chosen portion and my c; • Ps 16:5
head with oil; my c overflows. • Ps 23:5
my hand this c of the wine of wrath, • Jer 25:15
little ones even a c of cold water • Mt 10:42
you clean the outside of the c • Mt 23:25
if it be possible, let this c pass • Mt 26:39
shall I not drink the c that the Father • Jn 18:11
“This c is the new covenant • 1 Cor 11:25
full strength into the c of his anger, • Rv 14:10
He would c him of his leprosy.” • 2 Kgs 5:3
he is not able to c you or heal your • Hos 5:13
over all demons and to c diseases, • Lk 9:1
troubled with unclean spirits were c. • Lk 6:18
had diseases also came and were c. • Acts 28:9
“I will never again c the ground • Gn 8:21
and him who dishonors you I will c, • Gn 12:3
revile God, nor c a ruler of your people. • Ex 22:28
The Lord’s c is on the house of • Prv 3:33
You are cursed with a c, for you are • Mal 3:9
began to invoke a c on himself and to • Mt 26:74
of the law by becoming a c for us— • Gal 3:13
with it we c people who are made in • Jas 3:9
c is the ground because of you; • Gn 3:17
The fig tree that you c has withered.” • Mk 11:21
“C is everyone who is hanged on a” • Gal 3:13
and they c the name of God who had • Rv 16:9
If one c his father or his mother, his • Prv 20:20
mouth is full of c and bitterness.” • Rom 3:14
length of each c shall be twenty-eight • Ex 26:2
who stretches out the heavens like a c, • Is 40:22
the c of the temple was torn in two, • Mt 27:51
that he opened for us through the c, • Heb 10:20
“I am c off from your sight.” But you • Ps 31:22
considered that he was c off out of the • Is 53:8
everlasting name that shall not be c off. • Is 56:5
you to sin, c it off and throw it away. • Mt 5:30
of the high priest and c off his ear. • Mt 26:51
they heard this they were c to the heart, • Acts 2:37
I am a noisy gong or a clanging c. • 1 Cor 13:1
“Thus says C king of Persia, • 2 Chr 36:23
In the first year of C king of Persia, • Ezr 1:1
was there until the first year of King C. • Dn 1:21
offer a great sacrifice to D their god • Jgs 16:23
it into the house of D and set it up • 1 Sm 5:2
twice as much as they gather d.” • Ex 16:5
Blessed be the Lord, who d bears us up; • Ps 68:19
Give us this day our d bread, • Mt 6:11
and take up his cross d and follow me. • Lk 9:23
examining the Scriptures d to see if • Acts 17:11
him for letters to the synagogues at D, • Acts 9:2
Therefore she called his name D. • Gn 30:6
“D shall judge his people as one of the • Gn 49:16
And the people of D set up the carved • Jgs 18:30
Praise him with tambourine and d; • Ps 150:4
a time to mourn, and a time to d; • Eccl 3:4
for you, and you did not d; we sang a • Mt 11:17
And David d before the Lord • 2 Sm 6:14
daughter of Herodias d before the • Mt 14:6
the camp and saw the calf and the d, • Ex 32:19
turned for me my mourning into d; • Ps 30:11
Let them praise his name with d, • Ps 149:3
our d has been turned to mourning. • Lam 5:15
The prudent sees d and hides himself, • Prv 27:12
frequent journeys, in d from rivers, • 2 Cor 11:26
even if Noah, D, and Job were in it, • Ezk 14:20
D he called Belteshazzar, • Dn 1:7
And God gave D favor and compassion • Dn 1:9
Then this D became distinguished • Dn 6:3
D was brought and cast into the den • Dn 6:16
desolation spoken of by the prophet D, • Mt 24:15
good person one would d even to die— • Rom 5:7
even until the reign of D king of Persia. • Ezr 4:5
And D the Mede received the kingdom, • Dn 5:31
In the second year of D the king, in the • Hg 1:1
even the darkness is not d to you; • Ps 139:12
body is full of light, having no part d, • Lk 11:36
whatever you have said in the d shall • Lk 12:3
to the tomb early, while it was still d, • Jn 20:1
the whole land, so that the land was d, • Ex 10:15
that tribulation, the sun will be d, • Mk 13:24
and their foolish hearts were d. • Rom 1:21
They are d in their understanding, • Eph 4:18
was pitch d in all the land of Egypt • Ex 10:22
who walked in d have seen a great • Is 9:2
The sun shall be turned to d, • Jl 2:31
the people dwelling in d have seen • Mt 4:16
is bad, your whole body will be full of d. • Mt 6:23
will be thrown into the outer d. • Mt 8:12
loved the d rather than the light • Jn 3:19
Whoever follows me will not walk in d, • Jn 8:12
Or what fellowship has light with d? • 2 Cor 6:14
for at one time you were d, but now • Eph 5:8
God is light, and in him is no d at all. • 1 Jn 1:5
chains under gloomy d until the • Jude 6
and its kingdom was plunged into d. • Rv 16:10
“Please tell me whose d you are. • Gn 24:23
shall transfer his inheritance to his d. • Nm 27:8
year to lament the d of Jephthah the • Jgs 11:40
For the wound of the d of my people is • Jer 8:21
about you: ‘Like mother, like d.’ • Ezk 16:44
Rejoice greatly, O d of Zion! Shout • Zec 9:9
“My d has just died, but come and • Mt 9:18
his father, and a d against her mother, • Mt 10:35
“D, your faith has made you well; • Mk 5:34
Jesus said, “D of Jerusalem, do not • Lk 23:28
and you shall be sons and d to me, • 2 Cor 6:18
was the father of Jesse, the father of D. • Ru 4:17
Spirit of the Lord rushed upon D • 1 Sm 16:13
and there they anointed D king over • 2 Sm 2:4
D said to Nathan, “I have sinned • 2 Sm 12:13
And D built there an altar to the • 2 Sm 24:25
D said to Solomon, “My son, I had • 1 Chr 22:7
anointed, to D and his offspring forever. • Ps 18:50
covenant, my steadfast, sure love for D. • Is 55:3
the son of D, the son of Abraham. • Mt 1:1
“Have mercy on us, Son of D.” • Mt 9:27
to the city of D, which is called • Lk 2:4
Christ comes from the offspring of D, • Jn 7:42
risen from the dead, the offspring of D, • 2 Tm 2:8
of D and Samuel and the prophets— • Heb 11:32
of Judah, the Root of D, has conquered, • Rv 5:5
I am the root and the descendant of D, • Rv 22:16
God called the light D, and the • Gn 1:5
for it is a D of Atonement, to make • Lv 23:28
in a pillar of cloud by d and in a pillar • Nm 14:14
There has been no d like it before or • Jos 10:14
This is the d that the Lord has • Ps 118:24
you do not know what a d may bring. • Prv 27:1
for the d of the Lord is near; • Is 13:6
For the d of the Lord is great • Jl 2:11
For the d of the Lord is near • Ob 15
And there shall be a unique d, which is • Zec 14:7
But who can endure the d of his coming, • Mal 3:2
do not know on what d your Lord is • Mt 24:42
given me, but raise it up on the last d. • Jn 6:39
manifest, for the D will disclose it, • 1 Cor 3:13
spirit may be saved in the d of the Lord. • 1 Cor 5:5
were sealed for the d of redemption. • Eph 4:30
it to completion at the d of Jesus Christ. • Phil 1:6
d of the Lord will come like a thief • 1 Thes 5:2
that he is able to guard until that D • 2 Tm 1:12
more as you see the D drawing near. • Heb 10:25
with the Lord one d is as a thousand • 2 Pt 3:8
battle on the great d of God the • Rv 16:14
for he is flesh: his d shall be 120 years.” • Gn 6:3
he shall read in it all the d of his life, • Dt 17:19
in those d I will pour out my Spirit. • Jl 2:29
be killed, and after three d rise again. • Mk 8:31
use of the time, because the d are evil. • Eph 5:16
that in the last d there will come times • 2 Tm 3:1
but in these last d he has spoken to us • Heb 1:2
scoffers will come in the last d with • 2 Pt 3:3
at Philippi, with the overseers and d: • Phil 1:1
D likewise must be dignified, not • 1 Tm 3:8
Let d each be the husband of one • 1 Tm 3:12
he stood between the d and the living, • Nm 16:48
I have been forgotten like one who is d; • Ps 31:12
Your d shall live; their bodies shall rise. • Is 26:19
leave the d to bury their own d.” • Mt 8:22
disciples that he has risen from the d, • Mt 28:7
He is not God of the d, but of the living. • Mk 12:27
do you seek the living among the d? • Lk 24:5
But God raised him from the d, • Acts 13:30
Christ to suffer and to rise from the d, • Acts 17:3
who raised from the d Jesus our Lord, • Rom 4:24
must consider yourselves d to sin • Rom 6:11
For if the d are not raised, • 1 Cor 15:16
And you were d in the trespasses • Eph 2:1
may attain the resurrection from the d. • Phil 3:11
of God, who raised him from the d. • Col 2:12
And the d in Christ will rise first. • 1 Thes 4:16
who is to judge the living and the d, • 2 Tm 4:1
faith apart from works is d. • Jas 2:26
ready to judge the living and the d. • 1 Pt 4:5
And the d were judged by what was • Rv 20:12
He delivered us from such a d peril, • 2 Cor 1:10
tongue. It is a restless evil, full of d • Jas 3:8
Who makes him mute, or d, or seeing, • Ex 4:11
In that day the d shall hear the words • Is 29:18
“You mute and d spirit, I command • Mk 9:25
we will d kindly and faithfully with • Jos 2:14
his prayer not to d with you according • Jb 42:8
children who will not d falsely.” • Is 63:8
I will d with you as you have done, • Ezk 16:59
that I have set before you life and d, • Dt 30:19
if anything but d parts me from you.” • Ru 1:17
through the valley of the shadow of d, • Ps 23:4
For you have delivered my soul from d, • Ps 56:13
the Lord is the d of his saints. • Ps 116:15
Her feet go down to d; her steps follow • Prv 5:5
to a man, but its end is the way to d. • Prv 14:12
upon your arm, for love is strong as d, • Sg 8:6
He will swallow up d forever; • Is 25:8
I have no pleasure in the d of anyone, • Ezk 18:32
O D, where are your plagues? • Hos 13:14
who will not taste d until they see the • Mt 16:28
but has passed from d to life. • Jn 5:24
keeps my word, he will never see d.” • Jn 8:51
reconciled to God by the d of his Son, • Rom 5:10
For the wages of sin is d, but the free • Rom 6:23
Christ Jesus from the law of sin and d. • Rom 8:2
I am sure that neither d nor life, • Rom 8:38
“O d, where is your victory? • 1 Cor 15:55
point of d, even d on a cross. • Phil 2:8
sufferings, becoming like him in his d, • Phil 3:10
Put to d therefore what is earthly in • Col 3:5
through d he might destroy the one • Heb 2:14
when it is fully grown brings forth d. • Jas 1:15
we have passed out of d into life, • 1 Jn 3:14
There is sin that leads to d; • 1 Jn 5:16
they loved not their lives even unto d. • Rv 12:11
Over such the second d has no power, • Rv 20:6
This is the second d, the lake of fire. • Rv 20:14
from their eyes, and d shall be no more, • Rv 21:4
gave them up to a d mind to do what • Rom 1:28
and not open to the charge of d • Ti 1:6
do not join them in the same flood of d, • 1 Pt 4:4
Now D, a prophetess, the wife • Jgs 4:4
I forgave you all that d because you • Mt 18:32
by canceling the record of d that stood • Col 2:14
“A certain moneylender had two d. • Lk 7:41
summoning his master’s d one by one, • Lk 16:5
we are d, not to the flesh, to live • Rom 8:12
“Go, sell the oil and pay your d, • 2 Kgs 4:7
and forgive us our d, as we also have • Mt 6:12
and in whose spirit there is no d. • Ps 32:2
D is in the heart of those who devise • Prv 12:20
and there was no d in his mouth. • Is 53:9
d, sensuality, envy, slander, • Mk 7:22
full of envy, murder, strife, d, • Rom 1:29
neither was d found in his mouth. • 1 Pt 2:22
Charm is d, and beauty is vain, but a • Prv 31:30
The heart is d above all things, • Jer 17:9
false apostles, d workmen, disguising • 2 Cor 11:13
cares of the world and the d of riches • Mt 13:22
may be hardened by the d of sin. • Heb 3:13
d us, saying, ‘We are very far from • Jos 9:22
diviners who are among you d you, • Jer 29:8
Let no one d himself. If anyone • 1 Cor 3:18
Let no one d you with empty words, • Eph 5:6
we d ourselves, and the truth • 1 Jn 1:8
will come out to d the nations that are • Rv 20:8
“The serpent d me, and I ate.” • Gn 3:13
Take care lest your heart be d, • Dt 11:16
Do not be d: “Bad company ruins • 1 Cor 15:33
Do not be d: God is not mocked, • Gal 6:7
not d, but the woman was d • 1 Tm 2:14
Such a one is the d and the antichrist. • 2 Jn 7
Satan, the d of the whole world— • Rv 12:9
empty talkers and d, especially • Ti 1:10
For many d have gone out into the • 2 Jn 7
when he is nothing, he d himself. • Gal 6:3
not bridle his tongue but d his heart, • Jas 1:26
of the beast it d those who dwell on • Rv 13:14
his way, but the folly of fools is d. • Prv 14:8
bad to worse, d and being deceived. • 2 Tm 3:13
but its every d is from the Lord. • Prv 16:33
the d by the word of the holy ones, • Dn 4:17
Lord is near in the valley of d. • Jl 3:14
For my d is to gather nations, to • Zep 3:8
The heavens d the glory of God, • Ps 19:1
to d your steadfast love in the morning, • Ps 92:2
D his glory among the nations, his • Ps 96:3
and new things I now d; before they • Is 42:9
d how much God has done for you.” • Lk 8:39
D these things; exhort and rebuke • Ti 2:15
He must increase, but I must d.” • Jn 3:30
Whatever is d by the God of heaven, • Ezr 7:23
which God d before the ages for our • 1 Cor 2:7
celebrated the d of this house of God • Ezr 6:16
time the Feast of D took place at • Jn 10:22
God will bring every d into judgment, • Eccl 12:14
what good d must I do to have eternal • Mt 19:16
Lord will rescue me from every evil d • 2 Tm 4:18
let us not love in word or talk but in d • 1 Jn 3:18
awesome in glorious d, doing wonders? • Ex 15:11
make known his d among the peoples! • Ps 105:1
all our righteous d are like a polluted • Is 64:6
They do all their d to be seen by • Mt 23:5
are receiving the due reward of our d; • Lk 23:41
d in keeping with their repentance. • Acts 26:20
impartially according to each one’s d, • 1 Pt 1:17
may see your good d and glorify God • 1 Pt 2:12
linen is the righteous d of the saints. • Rv 19:8
and darkness was over the face of the d. • Gn 1:2
the fountains of the great d burst forth, • Gn 7:11
He makes the d boil like a pot; he makes • Jb 41:31
D calls to d at the roar of your • Ps 42:7
he drew a circle on the face of the d, • Prv 8:27
to draw water with, and the well is d. • Jn 4:11
As a d pants for flowing streams, • Ps 42:1
For I will d this city to save it, for my • 2 Kgs 19:34
d the rights of the poor and needy. • Prv 31:9
they do not d the rights of the needy. • Jer 5:28
how you should d yourself or what you • Lk 12:11
I am put here for the d of the gospel. • Phil 1:16
being prepared to make a d to anyone • 1 Pt 3:15
resolved that he would not d himself • Dn 1:8
These are what d a person. • Mt 15:20
The earth lies d under its inhabitants; • Is 24:5
you d my land and made my heritage • Jer 2:7
and their conscience, being weak, is d. • 1 Cor 8:7
And if I have d anyone of anything, I • Lk 19:8
suffer wrong? Why not rather be d? • 1 Cor 6:7
not far off, and my salvation will not d; • Is 46:13
Will he d long over them? • Lk 18:7
upon the earth fully and without d.” • Rom 9:28
coming one will come and will not d; • Heb 10:37
that there would be no more d, • Rv 10:6
people saw that Moses d to come down • Ex 32:1
says to himself, ‘My master is d,’ • Mt 24:48
As the bridegroom was d, they all • Mt 25:5
his d is in the law of the Lord, • Ps 1:2
D yourself in the Lord, • Ps 37:4
For you will not d in sacrifice, or I • Ps 51:16
to me a joy and the d of my heart, • Jer 15:16
For I d in the law of God, in my inner • Rom 7:22
them drink from the river of your d. • Ps 36:8
you are, O loved one, with all your d! • Sg 7:6
my chosen, in whom my soul d; • Is 42:1
forever, because he d in steadfast love. • Mi 7:18
So D said to Samson, “Please tell me • Jgs 16:6
I have come down to d them out of the • Ex 3:8
there is none that can d out of my hand. • Dt 32:39
“He trusts in the Lord; let him d • Ps 22:8
but d us from evil. • Mt 6:13
He trusts in God; let God d him now, • Mt 27:43
gave himself for our sins to d us • Gal 1:4
you surround me with shouts of d. • Ps 32:7
Jesus Christ this will turn out for my d, • Phil 1:19
For you have d my soul from death, • Ps 56:13
Son of Man will be d up to be crucified.” • Mt 26:2
who was d up for our trespasses • Rom 4:25
He d us from such a deadly peril, • 2 Cor 1:10
He has d us from the domain of • Col 1:13
and that we may be d from wicked • 2 Thes 3:2
the Lord raised up a d for the • Jgs 3:9
my rock and my fortress and my d, • Ps 18:2
“The D will come from Zion, • Rom 11:26
the Lord hears and d them out • Ps 34:17
but righteousness d from death. • Prv 10:2
when he d the kingdom to God • 1 Cor 15:24
d us from the wrath to come. • 1 Thes 1:10
breath; those of high estate are a d; • Ps 62:9
Behold, they are all a d; their works • Is 41:29
God sends them a strong d, • 2 Thes 2:11
away your goods do not d them back. • Lk 6:30
And when the d had been cast out, • Mt 9:33
daughter is severely oppressed by a d.” • Mt 15:22
man who had the spirit of an unclean d, • Lk 4:33
he was casting out a d that was mute. • Lk 11:14
words of one who is oppressed by a d. • Jn 10:21
a d man who was mute was brought • Mt 9:32
Then a d man who was blind • Mt 12:22
two d men met him, coming out • Mt 8:28
what had happened to the d men. • Mt 8:33
above, but is earthly, unspiritual, d. • Jas 3:15
For they are d spirits, performing signs, • Rv 16:14
They sacrificed to d that were no gods, • Dt 32:17
sons and their daughters to the d; • Ps 106:37
And if I cast out d by Beelzebul, by • Mt 12:27
they cast out many d and anointed • Mk 6:13
and authority over all d and to cure • Lk 9:1
they offer to d and not to God. • 1 Cor 10:20
to deceitful spirits and teachings of d, • 1 Tm 4:1
Even the d believe—and shudder! • Jas 2:19
become a d of robbers in your eyes? • Jer 7:11
brought and cast into the d of lions. • Dn 6:16
but you make it a d of robbers.” • Mt 21:13
agreeing with the laborers for a d a day, • Mt 20:2
Bring me a d and let me look at it.” • Mk 12:15
Peter again d it, and at once a rooster • Jn 18:27
he has d the faith and is worse than an • 1 Tm 5:8
kept my word and have not d my name. • Rv 3:8
but whoever d me before men, I also • Mt 10:33
No one who d the Son has the Father. • 1 Jn 2:23
let him d himself and take up his cross • Lk 9:23
you will d me three times.” • Lk 22:61
if we d him, he also will d us; • 2 Tm 2:12
profess to know God, but they d him • Ti 1:16
into sensuality and d our only Master • Jude 4
my name, and you did not d my faith • Rv 2:13
and d the Lord, and turning • Is 59:13
of godliness, but d its power. Avoid • 2 Tm 3:5
even d the Master who bought them, • 2 Pt 2:1
lest they d from your heart all the days • Dt 4:9
d from me, you workers of lawlessness.’ • Mt 7:23
say to those on his left, ‘D from me, • Mt 25:41
“D from me, for I am a sinful man, • Lk 5:8
later times some will d from the faith • 1 Tm 4:1
appeared in glory and spoke of his d, • Lk 9:31
that after my d fierce wolves will • Acts 20:29
and the time of my d has come. • 2 Tm 4:6
so that after my d you may be able • 2 Pt 1:15
That is why it d on faith, in order • Rom 4:16
righteousness from God that d on faith • Phil 3:9
are d in mind and deprived of the truth, • 1 Tm 6:5
her nakedness; they are relatives; it is d. • Lv 18:17
wicked or to d the righteous of justice. • Prv 18:5
a bribe, and d the innocent of his right! • Is 5:23
Do not d one another, except perhaps • 1 Cor 7:5
sprang up, since they had no d of soil, • Mt 13:5
nor height nor d, nor anything else in • Rom 8:39
Oh, the d of the riches and wisdom • Rom 11:33
they went down into the d like a stone. • Ex 15:5
In his hand are the d of the earth; the • Ps 95:4
Lord, from the d of the pit; • Lam 3:55
cast all our sins into the d of the sea. • Mi 7:19
everything, even the d of God. • 1 Cor 2:10
“I saw the Spirit d from heaven like a • Jn 1:32
‘Who will d into the abyss?’” (that is, • Rom 10:7
All the d of Jacob were seventy • Ex 1:5
Lord rejected all the d of Israel • 2 Kgs 17:20
it forever to the d of Abraham your • 2 Chr 20:7
offspring, and my blessing on your d. • Is 44:3
were born d as many as the stars of • Heb 11:12
and the Holy Spirit d on him in bodily • Lk 3:22
He who d is the one who also ascended • Eph 4:10
saw the Spirit of God d like a dove • Mt 3:16
and something like a great sheet d, • Acts 10:11
He turns a d into pools of water, • Ps 107:35
the d shall rejoice and blossom like the • Is 35:1
in the wilderness, and streams in the d; • Is 35:6
Its d is for you, but you must rule over • Gn 4:7
had sought him with their whole d, • 2 Chr 15:15
you hear the d of the afflicted; • Ps 10:17
grant you your heart’s d and fulfill all • Ps 20:4
He fulfills the d of those who fear him; • Ps 145:19
and nothing you d can compare with • Prv 3:15
the d of the righteous will be granted. • Prv 10:24
A d fulfilled is sweet to the soul, • Prv 13:19
D without knowledge is not good, • Prv 19:2
I am my beloved’s, and his d is for me. • Sg 7:10
and satisfy the d of the afflicted, • Is 58:10
For I d steadfast love and not sacrifice, • Hos 6:6
‘I d mercy, and not sacrifice.’ • Mt 9:13
but having his d under control, • 1 Cor 7:37
My d is to depart and be with Christ, • Phil 1:23
d a better country, that is, a heavenly • Heb 11:16
lured and enticed by his own d. • Jas 1:14
More to be d are they than gold, • Ps 19:10
And whatever my eyes d I did not keep • Eccl 2:10
many prophets and kings d to see what • Lk 10:24
he will give you the d of your heart. • Ps 37:4
For the d of the flesh are against • Gal 5:17
world is passing away along with its d, • 1 Jn 2:17
following their own sinful d; • Jude 16
let the one who d take the water of life • Rv 22:17
lest the land become d and the wild • Ex 23:29
set up the abomination that makes d. • Dn 11:31
went away in the boat to a d place • Mk 6:32
he would withdraw to d places and pray. • Lk 5:16
they should become a d and a curse, • 2 Kgs 22:19
see the abomination of d spoken of by • Mt 24:15
then know that its d has come near. • Lk 21:20
how he has brought d on the earth. • Ps 46:8
there shall be war. D are decreed. • Dn 9:26
broken my heart, so that I am in d. • Ps 69:20
crushed; perplexed, but not driven to d; • 2 Cor 4:8
therefore I d myself, and repent in dust • Jb 42:6
O priests, who d my name. • Mal 1:6
Or do you d the church of God and • 1 Cor 11:22
Let no one d you for your youth, • 1 Tm 4:12
d the word of the Holy One of Israel. • Is 5:24
He was d and rejected by men; • Is 53:3
chose what is low and d in the world, • 1 Cor 1:28
Whoever d the word brings • Prv 13:13
A fool d his father’s instruction, • Prv 15:5
know that we are d for this. • 1 Thes 3:3
For God has not d us for wrath, • 1 Thes 5:9
the right of the afflicted and the d. • Ps 82:3
regards the prayer of the d • Ps 102:17
d, afflicted, mistreated— • Heb 11:37
Behold, I will d them with the earth. • Gn 6:13
Haman sought to d all the Jews, • Est 3:6
fear him who can d both soul and • Mt 10:28
thief comes only to steal and kill and d. • Jn 10:10
but have divine power to d strongholds. • 2 Cor 10:4
judge, he who is able to save and to d. • Jas 4:12
was to d the works of the devil. • 1 Jn 3:8
set up a kingdom that shall never be d, • Dn 2:44
ark, and the flood came and d them all. • Lk 17:27
earthly home is d, we have a building • 2 Cor 5:1
of those who shrink back and are d, • Heb 10:39
will not allow the d to enter your • Ex 12:23
did and were destroyed by the D. • 1 Cor 10:10
so that the D of the firstborn might • Heb 11:28
lacks sense; he who does it d himself. • Prv 6:32
but one sinner d much good. • Eccl 9:18
no thief approaches and no moth d. • Lk 12:33
If anyone d God’s temple, God will • 1 Cor 3:17
Pride goes before d, and a haughty • Prv 16:18
wide and the way is easy that leads to d, • Mt 7:13
vessels of wrath prepared for d, • Rom 9:22
peace and security,” then sudden d • 1 Thes 5:3
suffer the punishment of eternal d, • 2 Thes 1:9
Since his days are d, and the number • Jb 14:5
“‘Have you not heard that I d it long • Is 37:26
of the earth, having d allotted periods • Acts 17:26
Cast away the d things your eyes feast • Ezk 20:7
and became d like the thing they loved. • Hos 9:10
They are d, disobedient, unfit for any • Ti 1:16
as for the cowardly, the faithless, the d, • Rv 21:8
foolishly, and a man of evil d is hated. • Prv 14:17
upon this people, the fruit of their d, • Jer 6:19
the wilderness to be tempted by the d. • Mt 4:1
the enemy who sowed them is the d. • Mt 13:39
fire prepared for the d and his angels. • Mt 25:41
then the d comes and takes away • Lk 8:12
And yet one of you is a d.” • Jn 6:70
You are of your father the d, and your • Jn 8:44
the d had already put it into the heart • Jn 13:2
give no opportunity to the d. • Eph 4:27
to stand against the schemes of the d. • Eph 6:11
fall into disgrace, into a snare of the d. • 1 Tm 3:7
Your adversary the d prowls around • 1 Pt 5:8
makes a practice of sinning is of the d, • 1 Jn 3:8
and the d who had deceived them was • Rv 20:10
for the d person is an abomination • Prv 3:32
but he who is d in his ways despises • Prv 14:2
to d artistic designs, to work in gold, • Ex 31:4
Those who d good meet steadfast love • Prv 14:22
Woe to those who d wickedness • Mi 2:1
worldly people, d of the Spirit. • Jude 19
But we will d ourselves to prayer • Acts 6:4
that you may d yourselves to prayer; • 1 Cor 7:5
d yourself to the public reading of • 1 Tm 4:13
every d thing is most holy to the • Lv 27:28
that they have d themselves to the • 1 Cor 16:15
“I remember the d of your youth, • Jer 2:2
from a sincere and pure d to Christ. • 2 Cor 11:3
to Joab, “Shall the sword d forever? • 2 Sm 2:26
But if you bite and d one another, • Gal 5:15
when she bore her child he might d it. • Rv 12:4
your own sword d your prophets like a • Jer 2:30
fig trees and your olive trees the locust d; • Am 4:9
path, and the birds came and d them. • Mt 13:4
glory of the Lord was like a d fire • Ex 24:17
his nostrils, and d fire from his mouth; • Ps 18:8
in furious anger and a flame of d fire, • Is 30:30
and this man was righteous and d, • Lk 2:25
d men from every nation under heaven. • Acts 2:5
God give you of the d of heaven • Gn 27:28
as the rain, my speech distill as the d, • Dt 32:2
If there is d on the fleece alone, • Jgs 6:37
upon him as the d falls on the • 2 Sm 17:12
I will be like the d to Israel; he shall • Hos 14:5
day that you eat of it you shall surely d.” • Gn 2:17
fast your integrity? Curse God and d.” • Jb 2:9
to be born, and a time to d; a time to • Eccl 3:2
The soul who sins shall d. The son • Ezk 18:20
“Even if I must d with you, I will • Mt 26:35
for they cannot d anymore, • Lk 20:36
lives and believes in me shall never d. • Jn 11:26
that one man should d for the people, • Jn 11:50
good person one would dare even to d • Rom 5:7
if we d, we d to the Lord. • Rom 14:8
to me to live is Christ, and to d is gain. • Phil 1:21
it is appointed for man to d once, • Heb 9:27
And all flesh d that moved on the earth, • Gn 7:21
the right time Christ d for the ungodly. • Rom 5:6
How can we who d to sin still live in it? • Rom 6:2
Christ d for our sins in accordance • 1 Cor 15:3
For through the law I d to the law, so • Gal 2:19
If with Christ you d to the elemental • Col 2:20
we believe that Jesus d and rose again, • 1 Thes 4:14
If we have d with him, we will also • 2 Tm 2:11
These all d in faith, not having • Heb 11:13
and the last, who d and came to life. • Rv 2:8
For when he d he will carry nothing • Ps 49:17
“Sir, come down before my child d.” • Jn 4:49
but if it d, it bears much fruit. • Jn 12:24
sow does not come to life unless it d. • 1 Cor 15:36
Christ and are turning to a d gospel— • Gal 1:6
for star d from star in glory. • 1 Cor 15:41
and that no mystery is too d for you, • Dn 4:9
“How d it is for those who have wealth • Lk 18:24
quiet life, godly and d in every way. • 1 Tm 2:2
be sober-minded, d, self-controlled, • Ti 2:2
“Adorn yourself with majesty and d; • Jb 40:10
Strength and d are her clothing, • Prv 31:25
with all d keeping his children • 1 Tm 3:4
or when a man d a pit and does not • Ex 21:33
He who d a pit will fall into • Eccl 10:8
The plans of the d lead surely to • Prv 21:5
be all the more d to confirm your calling • 2 Pt 1:10
be d to be found by him without spot • 2 Pt 3:14
“Only take care, and keep your soul d, • Dt 4:9
Whoever d seeks good seeks favor, • Prv 11:27
the house and seek d until she finds it? • Lk 15:8
My eye has grown d from vexation, • Jb 17:7
eyes grow d with waiting for my God. • Ps 69:3
for the men are to d with me at noon.” • Gn 43:16
a Pharisee asked him to d with him, • Lk 11:37
he went to d at the house of a ruler • Lk 14:1
are invited, “See, I have prepared my d, • Mt 22:4
“When you give a d or a banquet, • Lk 14:12
So they gave a d for him there. Martha • Jn 12:2
slaughtered a goat and d the robe in • Gn 37:31
went down and d himself seven times • 2 Kgs 5:14
d the morsel, he gave it to Judas, • Jn 13:26
If you do this, God will d you, you will • Ex 18:23
is not in man who walks to d his steps. • Jer 10:23
May the Lord d your hearts to the love • 2 Thes 3:5
a lament, and each to her neighbor a d. • Jer 9:20
sang a d, and you did not weep.’ • Lk 7:32
He d the rulers and authorities • Col 2:15
relent from this d against your people. • Ex 32:12
I will relent of the d that I intended to • Jer 18:8
D after d! Behold, it comes. • Ezk 7:5
in steadfast love, and relenting from d. • Jon 4:2
still d for joy and were marveling, he • Lk 24:41
by what he said, but others d. • Acts 28:24
Can I d what is pleasant and what is • 2 Sm 19:35
Who can d his errors? Declare me • Ps 19:12
I rise up; you d my thoughts from afar. • Ps 139:2
and try to d what is pleasing to the • Eph 5:10
sanctuary of God; then I d their end. • Ps 73:17
them because they are spiritually d. • 1 Cor 2:14
The woman was d and beautiful, • 1 Sm 25:3
The d sets his face toward wisdom, • Prv 17:24
whoever is d, let him know them; • Hos 14:9
For this is a people without d; therefore • Is 27:11
and more, with knowledge and all d, • Phil 1:9
who have their powers of d trained by • Heb 5:14
“A d is not above his teacher, • Mt 10:24
a cup of cold water because he is a d, • Mt 10:42
even his own life, he cannot be my d. • Lk 14:26
his mother and the d whom he loved • Jn 19:26
Pharisees fast, but your d do not fast?” • Mt 9:14
his twelve d and gave them authority • Mt 10:1
Go therefore and make d of all nations, • Mt 28:19
he called his d and chose from them • Lk 6:13
abide in my word, you are truly my d, • Jn 8:31
all people will know that you are my d, • Jn 13:35
consider the d of the Lord your • Dt 11:2
Blessed is the man whom you d, • Ps 94:12
Whoever loves d loves knowledge, • Prv 12:1
he who loves him is diligent to d him. • Prv 13:24
Do not withhold d from a child; if you • Prv 23:13
D your son, and he will give you rest; • Prv 29:17
But I d my body and keep it under • 1 Cor 9:27
do not regard lightly the d of the Lord, • Heb 12:5
For the moment all d seems painful • Heb 12:11
I love, I reprove and d, so be zealous • Rv 3:19
The Lord has d me severely, • Ps 118:18
we are d so that we may not be • 1 Cor 11:32
self-controlled, upright, holy, and d. • Ti 1:8
had earthly fathers who d us and we • Heb 12:9
son, the Lord your God d you. • Dt 8:5
For the Lord d the one he loves, • Heb 12:6
but he d us for our good, • Heb 12:10
the secrets of his heart are d, • 1 Cor 14:25
He will not grow faint or be d till he • Is 42:4
your children, lest they become d. • Col 3:21
may the Lord grant you d • 1 Chr 22:12
snout is a beautiful woman without d. • Prv 11:22
Daniel replied with prudence and d • Dn 2:14
I will put none of the d on you that I put • Ex 15:26
all your iniquity, who heals all your d, • Ps 103:3
those afflicted with various d and pains, • Mt 4:24
When pride comes, then comes d, • Prv 11:2
wears long hair it is a d for him, • 1 Cor 11:14
so that he may not fall into d, • 1 Tm 3:7
Whoever hates d himself with his lips • Prv 26:24
for even Satan d himself as an angel • 2 Cor 11:14
The sluggard buries his hand in the d; • Prv 26:15
his hand in the d with me will betray • Mt 26:23
A d man spreads strife, and a whisperer • Prv 16:28
who is d in a very little is also • Lk 16:10
to much wine, not greedy for d gain. • 1 Tm 3:8
shame and d who seek after my life! • Ps 35:4
but I honor my Father, and you d me. • Jn 8:49
You who boast in the law d God by • Rom 2:23
It is sown in d; it is raised in glory. • 1 Cor 15:43
God gave them up to d passions. • Rom 1:26
some for honorable use, some for d. • 2 Tm 2:20
“‘Cursed be anyone who d his father • Dt 27:16
with his head covered d his head, • 1 Cor 11:4
Do not be frightened, and do not be d, • Jos 1:9
they were d and greatly afraid. • 1 Sm 17:11
courageous. Fear not; do not be d. • 1 Chr 22:13
be not d, for I am your God; • Is 41:10
by the one man’s d the many were • Rom 5:19
For God has consigned all to d, • Rom 11:32
that is now at work in the sons of d— • Eph 2:2
or d received a just retribution, • Heb 2:2
boastful, inventors of evil, d to parents, • Rom 1:30
you were at one time d to God but • Rom 11:30
abusive, d to their parents, ungrateful, • 2 Tm 3:2
detestable, d, unfit for any good work. • Ti 1:16
slander, gossip, conceit, and d. • 2 Cor 12:20
there will be d and every vile practice. • Jas 3:16
people of the whole earth were d. • Gn 9:19
So the Lord d them from there • Gn 11:8
and gather the d of Judah from the four • Is 11:12
followed him were d and came to • Acts 5:36
of your slaughter and d have come, • Jer 25:34
Does he intend to go to the D • Jn 7:35
To the twelve tribes in the D: • Jas 1:1
blazed hotly, and Moses was d. • Nm 11:10
But the thing that David had done d • 2 Sm 11:27
it, and it d him that there was no justice. • Is 59:15
But it d Jonah exceedingly, and he • Jon 4:1
A d also arose among them, as to • Lk 22:24
to settle a d between the brothers, • 1 Cor 6:5
preaching to others I myself should be d. • 1 Cor 9:27
corrupted in mind and d regarding • 2 Tm 3:8
had no small d and debate with • Acts 15:2
a d arose between the Pharisees and • Acts 23:7
fits of anger, rivalries, d, divisions, • Gal 5:20
genealogies, d, and quarrels about • Ti 3:9
the heavens will be set on fire and d, • 2 Pt 3:12
to make a d between the unclean and • Lv 11:47
d between the holy and the common, • Ezk 22:26
and he made no d between us and • Acts 15:9
for all who believe. For there is no d: • Rom 3:22
For there is no d between Jew and • Rom 10:12
d between the holy and the common, • Lv 10:10
the ability to d between spirits, • 1 Cor 12:10
by constant practice to d good from evil. • Heb 5:14
you and want to d the gospel of Christ. • Gal 1:7
God who answers me in the day of my d • Gn 35:3
In my d I called upon the Lord; • Ps 18:6
called out to the Lord, out of my d, • Jon 2:2
will be great d upon the earth and • Lk 21:23
Sell all that you have and d to the poor, • Lk 18:22
inheritances that Moses d in the plains • Jos 13:32
has d freely; he has given to the poor; • Ps 112:9
and it was d to each as any had need. • Acts 4:35
“He has d freely, he has given to the • 2 Cor 9:9
out your hand over the sea and d it, • Ex 14:16
king said, “D the living child in two, • 1 Kgs 3:25
they cast lots to d his garments. • Lk 23:34
the sea dry land, and the waters were d. • Ex 14:21
“Every kingdom d against itself is laid • Mt 12:25
“They d my garments among them, • Jn 19:24
Is Christ d? Was Paul crucified • 1 Cor 1:13
who practices d or tells fortunes • Dt 18:10
For rebellion is as the sin of d, • 1 Sm 15:23
to you a lying vision, worthless d, • Jer 14:14
had a spirit of d and brought her • Acts 16:16
because in his d forbearance he had • Rom 3:25
not of the flesh but have d power to • 2 Cor 10:4
His d power has granted to us all things • 2 Pt 1:3
called for the priests and the d and said, • 1 Sm 6:2
the signs of liars and makes fools of d, • Is 44:25
So do not listen to your prophets, your d, • Jer 27:9
I will put a d between my people and • Ex 8:23
No, I tell you, but rather d. • Lk 12:51
that there may be no d in the body, • 1 Cor 12:25
As for a person who stirs up d, after • Ti 3:10
watch out for those who cause d • Rom 16:17
and that there be no d among you, • 1 Cor 1:10
It is these who cause d, worldly people, • Jude 19
he writes her a certificate of d • Dt 24:1
let him give her a certificate of d.’ • Mt 5:31
“Is it lawful to d one’s wife for any • Mt 19:3
the husband should not d his wife. • 1 Cor 7:11
live with her, she should not d him. • 1 Cor 7:13
who does not love his wife but d her, • Mal 2:16
I say to you that everyone who d his • Mt 5:32
whoever d his wife, except for sexual • Mt 19:9
‘My d is pure, and I am clean • Jb 11:4
create obstacles contrary to the d • Rom 16:17
carried about by every wind of d, • Eph 4:14
whatever else is contrary to sound d, • 1 Tm 1:10
the good d that you have followed. • 1 Tm 4:6
anyone teaches a different d • 1 Tm 6:3
to give instruction in sound d • Ti 1:9
teach what accords with sound d. • Ti 2:1
d of Christ and go on to maturity, • Heb 6:1
the d of the law who will be justified. • Rom 2:13
But be d of the word, and not hearers • Jas 1:22
Philistine said to David, “Am I a d, • 1 Sm 17:43
“The d returns to its own vomit, • 2 Pt 2:22
“Do not give d what is holy, • Mt 7:6
even the d eat the crumbs that fall • Mt 15:27
fill the earth and subdue it, and have d • Gn 1:28
You have given him d over the works • Ps 8:6
for his d is an everlasting d, • Dn 4:34
death no longer has d over him. • Rom 6:9
all rule and authority and power and d, • Eph 1:21
to him be glory and d forever and ever. • Rv 1:6
He shall be a wild d of a man, his hand • Gn 16:12
And the d saw the angel of the • Nm 22:23
humble and mounted on a d, • Zec 9:9
humble, and mounted on a d, • Mt 21:5
a speechless d spoke with human voice • 2 Pt 2:16
and do not go near the d of her house, • Prv 5:8
As a d turns on its hinges, so does a • Prv 26:14
the marriage feast, and the d was shut. • Mt 25:10
“Strive to enter through the narrow d. • Lk 13:24
I am the d. If anyone enters by me, • Jn 10:9
God may open to us a d for the word, • Col 4:3
behold, the Judge is standing at the d. • Jas 5:9
Behold, I stand at the d and knock. If • Rv 3:20
I would rather be a d in the house of • Ps 84:10
put it on the two d and the lintel of the • Ex 12:7
write them on the d of your house • Dt 6:9
Tabitha, which, translated, means D. • Acts 9:36
he is a d man, unstable in all his ways. • Jas 1:8
sinners, and purify your hearts, you d. • Jas 4:8
“O you of little faith, why did you d?” • Mt 14:31
to you, if you have faith and do not d, • Mt 21:21
and does not d in his heart, • Mk 11:23
And have mercy on those who d; • Jude 22
why do d arise in your hearts? • Lk 24:38
one who d is like a wave of the sea • Jas 1:6
And the d came back to him • Gn 8:11
“Oh, that I had wings like a d! • Ps 55:6
Spirit of God descending like a d • Mt 3:16
“Why are your faces d today?” • Gn 40:7
But God, who comforts the d, • 2 Cor 7:6
and he will slay the d that is in the sea. • Is 27:1
and his angels fighting against the d. • Rv 12:7
And they worshiped the d, for he • Rv 13:4
he seized the d, that ancient serpent, • Rv 20:2
wicked of the earth shall d it down to • Ps 75:8
you shall drink it and d it out, and • Ezk 23:34
to make her d the cup of the wine of • Rv 16:19
D near to my soul, redeem me; ransom • Ps 69:18
a man of understanding will d it out. • Prv 20:5
With joy you will d water from the wells • Is 12:3
the earth, will d all people to myself.” • Jn 12:32
let us d near with a true heart in full • Heb 10:22
for whoever would d near to God • Heb 11:6
D near to God, and he will d near • Jas 4:8
sinners were all d near to hear him. • Lk 15:1
because your redemption is d near.” • Lk 21:28
all the more as you see the Day d near. • Heb 10:25
My righteousness d near, my salvation • Is 51:5
unless the Father who sent me d him. • Jn 6:44
the d of you shall be upon every beast • Gn 9:2
be your fear, and let him be your d. • Is 8:13
they shall turn in d to the Lord • Mi 7:17
Joseph had a d, and when he told • Gn 37:5
appeared to Solomon in a d by night, • 1 Kgs 3:5
Therefore show me the d and its • Dn 2:6
Lord appeared to Joseph in a d • Mt 2:13
and your old men shall d dreams; • Acts 2:17
to one another, “Here comes this d. • Gn 37:19
did not answer him, either by d, or by • 1 Sm 28:6
For when d increase and words grow • Eccl 5:7
relying on their d, defile the flesh, • Jude 8
the waters were d up from the earth. • Gn 8:7
had d up the waters of the Jordan for • Jos 5:1
D water from your own cistern, • Prv 5:15
Wine is a mocker, strong d a brawler, • Prv 20:1
Jesus said to her, “Give me a d.” • Jn 4:7
thirsts, let him come to me and d. • Jn 7:37
shall I not d the cup that the Father • Jn 18:11
and all were made to d of one Spirit. • 1 Cor 12:13
being poured out as a d offering, • 2 Tm 4:6
eats and d with drunkards, • Mt 24:49
whoever d of the water that I will give • Jn 4:14
who eats and d without discerning • 1 Cor 11:29
So you shall d them out and make them • Dt 9:3
they did not d out the Canaanites • Jos 16:10
D out a scoffer, and strife will go out, • Prv 22:10
temple and began to d out those • Mk 11:15
of the earth you discard like d, • Ps 119:119
Take away the d from the silver, • Prv 25:4
The Spirit immediately d him out into • Mk 1:12
his neck and to be d in the depth of • Mt 18:6
the steep bank into the lake and d. • Lk 8:33
delayed, they all became d and slept. • Mt 25:5
“How long will you go on being d? • 1 Sm 1:14
Be d, but not with wine; • Is 29:9
For these people are not d, as you • Acts 2:15
And do not get d with wine, for that • Eph 5:18
those who get d, are d at night. • 1 Thes 5:7
d and the glutton will come to poverty, • Prv 23:21
d, or swindler—not even to eat with • 1 Cor 5:11
not a d, not violent but gentle, not • 1 Tm 3:3
Be not among d or among gluttonous • Prv 23:20
nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor d, • 1 Cor 6:10
weighed down with dissipation and d • Lk 21:34
as in the daytime, not in orgies and d, • Rom 13:13
d, orgies, and things like these. • Gal 5:21
passions, d, orgies, drinking parties, • 1 Pt 4:3
may go through the sea on d ground. • Ex 14:16
on d ground in the midst of the Jordan, • Jos 3:17
O d bones, hear the word of the Lord. • Ezk 37:4
not pervert the justice d to your poor • Ex 23:6
to give them their food in d season. • Ps 104:27
in themselves the d penalty for their • Rom 1:27
may receive what is d for what he • 2 Cor 5:10
Make the heart of this people d, and • Is 6:10
For this people’s heart has grown d, • Mt 13:15
since you have become d of hearing. • Heb 5:11
Lord God formed the man of d • Gn 2:7
are d, and to d you shall return.” • Gn 3:19
he remembers that we are d. • Ps 103:14
All are from the d, and to d all • Eccl 3:20
town shake off the d from your feet as • Lk 9:5
they shook off the d from their feet • Acts 13:51
borne the image of the man of d, • 1 Cor 15:49
for this is the whole d of man. • Eccl 12:13
we have only done what was our d.’” • Lk 17:10
wisdom, whom we will appoint to this d. • Acts 6:3
“But will God indeed d with man on • 2 Chr 6:18
and I shall d in the house of the • Ps 23:6
I d in the midst of a people of unclean • Is 6:5
will come upon all who d on the face of • Lk 21:35
so that Christ may d in your hearts • Eph 3:17
fullness of God was pleased to d, • Col 1:19
the spirit that he has made to d in us”? • Jas 4:5
The eternal God is your d place, • Dt 33:27
And listen in heaven your d place, • 1 Kgs 8:30
been our d place in all generations. • Ps 90:1
longing to put on our heavenly d, • 2 Cor 5:2
“I will make my d among them • 2 Cor 6:16
built together into a d place for God • Eph 2:22
the d place of God is with man. • Rv 21:3
He who d in the shelter of the Most • Ps 91:1
is exalted, for he d on high; • Is 33:5
darkness, and the light d with him. • Dn 2:22
but the Father who d in me does his • Jn 14:10
if in fact the Spirit of God d in you. • Rom 8:9
temple and that God’s Spirit d in you? • 1 Cor 3:16
whole fullness of deity d bodily, • Col 2:9
By the Holy Spirit who d within us, • 2 Tm 1:14
a new earth in which righteousness d. • 2 Pt 3:13
Word became flesh and d among us, • Jn 1:14
Like an e that stirs up its nest, that • Dt 32:11
side, and the four had the face of an e. • Ezk 1:10
A great e with great wings and long • Ezk 17:3
fourth living creature like an e in flight. • Rv 4:7
so that your youth is renewed like the e. • Ps 103:5
I bore you on e wings and brought you • Ex 19:4
master shall bore his e through with an • Ex 21:6
Give e to my words, O Lord; • Ps 5:1
no one has heard or perceived by the e, • Is 64:4
of the high priest and cut off his e. • Mt 26:51
And if the e should say, “Because I • 1 Cor 12:16
And rising very e in the morning, • Mk 1:35
And e in the morning all the people • Lk 21:38
were at the tomb e in the morning, • Lk 24:22
quietly and to e their own living. • 2 Thes 3:12
O God, you are my God; e I seek you; • Ps 63:1
my spirit within me e seeks you. • Is 26:9
Therefore pray e to the Lord • Lk 10:2
Above all, keep loving one another e, • 1 Pt 4:8
He who has e to hear, let him hear. • Mt 11:15
but having itching e they will • 2 Tm 4:3
and his e are open to their prayer. • 1 Pt 3:12
God called the dry land E, • Gn 1:10
Now the e was corrupt in God’s sight, • Gn 6:11
Everything that is on the e shall die. • Gn 6:17
Most High, Possessor of heaven and e; • Gn 14:19
know that the e is the Lord’s. • Ex 9:29
is no God like you, in heaven or on e, • 2 Chr 6:14
the void and hangs the e on nothing. • Jb 26:7
how majestic is your name in all the e! • Ps 8:1
The e is the Lord’s and the fullness • Ps 24:1
He set the e on its foundations, so that • Ps 104:5
Lord by wisdom founded the e; • Prv 3:19
the whole e is full of his glory!” • Is 6:3
I made the e and created man on it; • Is 45:12
heavens and the new e that I make shall • Is 66:22
let all the e keep silence before him.” • Hab 2:20
until heaven and e pass away, not an iota, • Mt 5:18
your will be done, on e as it is in • Mt 6:10
you, Father, Lord of heaven and e, • Lk 10:21
For “the e is the Lord’s, and the • 1 Cor 10:26
descended into the lower regions, the e? • Eph 4:9
heaven and on e and under the e, • Phil 2:10
I have told you e things and you do not • Jn 3:12
if the tent that is our e home is • 2 Cor 5:1
but the Lord was not in the e. • 1 Kgs 19:11
And behold, there was a great e, for an • Mt 28:2
and suddenly there was a great e, so • Acts 16:26
and behold, there was a great e, • Rv 6:12
thousand people were killed in the e, • Rv 11:13
will be famines and e in various places. • Mt 24:7
There will be great e, and in various • Lk 21:11
I was at e, and he broke me apart; • Jb 16:12
Tremble, you women who are at e, • Is 32:11
shall return and have quiet and e, • Jer 30:10
For which is e, to say, ‘Your sins are • Mt 9:5
Again I tell you, it is e for a camel to • Mt 19:24
But it is e for heaven and earth to pass • Lk 16:17
as far as the e is from the west, so far • Ps 103:12
And people will come from e and west, • Lk 13:29
the way for the kings from the e. • Rv 16:12
on the e three gates, on the north three • Rv 21:13
gate is wide and the way is e that leads • Mt 7:13
For my yoke is e, and my burden is • Mt 11:30
day that you e of it you shall surely die.” • Gn 2:17
E this scroll, and go, speak to the • Ezk 3:1
They shall e, but not be satisfied; they • Hos 4:10
your life, what you will e or what • Mt 6:25
But to e with unwashed hands does not • Mt 15:20
“I have food to e that you do not know • Jn 4:32
voice to him: “Rise, Peter; kill and e.” • Acts 10:13
brother stumble, I will never e meat, • 1 Cor 8:13
e whatever is set before you without • 1 Cor 10:27
is not willing to work, let him not e. • 2 Thes 3:10
I will come in to him and e with him, • Rv 3:20
The Son of Man came e and drinking, • Mt 11:19
kingdom of God is not a matter of e • Rom 14:17
as to the e of food offered to idols, • 1 Cor 8:4
man receives sinners and e with them.” • Lk 15:2
If anyone e of this bread, he will live • Jn 6:51
For anyone who e and drinks without • 1 Cor 11:29
and called its name E; • 1 Sm 7:12
Lord God planted a garden in E, • Gn 2:8
settled in the land of Nod, east of E. • Gn 4:16
makes her wilderness like E, her desert • Is 51:3
You were in E, the garden of God; • Ezk 28:13
(Therefore his name was called E.) • Gn 25:30
But E said to him, “You shall not pass • Nm 20:18
the e of righteousness will be peace, • Is 32:17
For a will takes e only at death, since • Heb 9:17
And let steadfastness have its full e, • Jas 1:4
make an e to settle with him on the • Lk 12:58
make every e to supplement your faith • 2 Pt 1:5
They took Joseph to E. • Gn 37:28
and came into E, Jacob and all his • Gn 46:6
children of Israel, out of E.” • Ex 3:10
of Israel lived in E was 430 years. • Ex 12:40
‘Behold, a people has come out of E, • Nm 22:11
out of E I called my son. • Hos 11:1
the child and his mother, and flee to E, • Mt 2:13
“Out of E I called my son.” • Mt 2:15
By faith he left E, not being afraid of • Heb 11:27
symbolically is called Sodom and E, • Rv 11:8
the youth will be insolent to the e, • Is 3:5
a charge against an e except on the • 1 Tm 5:19
and seventy of the e of Israel went up, • Ex 24:9
they had appointed e for them in • Acts 14:23
Let the e who rule well be considered • 1 Tm 5:17
into order, and appoint e in every town • Ti 1:5
Let him call for the e of the church, • Jas 5:14
So I exhort the e among you, • 1 Pt 5:1
on the thrones were twenty-four e, • Rv 4:4
And E the son of Aaron the priest was • Nm 3:32
Then Moses and E came down from • Nm 20:28
And E the son of Aaron died, and they • Jos 24:33
But for the sake of the e those days • Mt 24:22
angels and gather his e from the four • Mk 13:27
And will not God give justice to his e, • Lk 18:7
shall bring any charge against God’s e? • Rom 8:33
The e obtained it, but the rest were • Rom 11:7
Christ Jesus and of the e angels • 1 Tm 5:21
endure everything for the sake of the e, • 2 Tm 2:10
for the sake of the faith of God’s e • Ti 1:1
God’s purpose of e might continue, • Rom 9:11
But as regards e, they are beloved for • Rom 11:28
to confirm your calling and e, • 2 Pt 1:10
Now the e disciples went to Galilee, to • Mt 28:16
he was numbered with the e apostles. • Acts 1:26
Now E the Tishbite, of • 1 Kgs 17:1
E took the child and brought him • 1 Kgs 17:23
Then E said to the prophets of Baal, • 1 Kgs 18:25
E passed by him and cast his cloak • 1 Kgs 19:19
And E went up by a whirlwind into • 2 Kgs 2:11
“Behold, I will send you E the prophet • Mal 4:5
there appeared to them Moses and E, • Mt 17:3
But I tell you that E has already come, • Mt 17:12
spirit and power of E, to turn the hearts • Lk 1:17
many widows in Israel in the days of E, • Lk 4:25
Are you E?” He said, “I am not.” • Jn 1:21
not know what the Scripture says of E, • Rom 11:2
E was a man with a nature like ours, • Jas 5:17
Then E the Temanite answered and said: • Jb 4:1
Lord said to E the Temanite: • Jb 42:7
found E the son of Shaphat, who was • 1 Kgs 19:19
“The spirit of Elijah rests on E.” • 2 Kgs 2:15
and chariots of fire all around E. • 2 Kgs 6:17
all the great things that E has done.” • 2 Kgs 8:4
So E died, and they buried him. Now • 2 Kgs 13:20
in Israel in the time of the prophet E, • Lk 4:27
had no child, because E was barren, • Lk 1:7
when E heard the greeting of Mary, • Lk 1:41
“Oh, my Lord, I am not e, either in • Ex 4:10
He was an e man, competent in the • Acts 18:24
were going to a village named E, • Lk 24:13
in custody for the decision of the e, • Acts 25:21
brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the e. • 1 Pt 2:17
it shall not return to me e, but it shall • Is 55:11
captive by philosophy and e deceit, • Col 2:8
insubordinate, e talkers and deceivers, • Ti 1:10
The angel of the Lord e around • Ps 34:7
The cords of death e me; the torrents • Ps 18:4
The snares of death e me; the pangs of • Ps 116:3
Therefore e one another and build • 1 Thes 5:11
admonish the idle, e the fainthearted, • 1 Thes 5:14
so that all may learn and all be e, • 1 Cor 14:31
that their hearts may be e, being knit • Col 2:2
Barnabas (which means son of e), • Acts 4:36
e of the Scriptures we might have hope. • Rom 15:4
their upbuilding and e and consolation. • 1 Cor 14:3
So if there is any e in Christ, any • Phil 2:1
determined to make an e of all flesh, • Gn 6:13
“O Lord, make me know my e • Ps 39:4
we bring our years to an e like a sigh. • Ps 90:9
declaring the e from the beginning and • Is 46:10
one who endures to the e will be saved. • Mt 10:22
to all nations, and then the e will come. • Mt 24:14
and of his kingdom there will be no e.” • Lk 1:33
to sanctification and its e, eternal life. • Rom 6:22
For Christ is the e of the law • Rom 10:4
will sustain you to the e, guiltless • 1 Cor 1:8
Then comes the e, when he delivers • 1 Cor 15:24
your years will have no e.” • Heb 1:12
The e of all things is at hand; • 1 Pt 4:7
keeps my works until the e, to him I • Rv 2:26
will judge the e of the earth; • 1 Sm 2:10
All the e of the earth shall remember • Ps 22:27
whistle for them from the e of the earth; • Is 5:26
your dominion to the e of the earth. • Dn 4:22
bring salvation to the e of the earth. • Acts 13:47
words to the e of the world.” • Rom 10:18
Love never e. As for prophecies, • 1 Cor 13:8
“My e has perished; so has my hope • Lam 3:18
By your e you will gain your lives. • Lk 21:19
knowing that suffering produces e, • Rom 5:3
by great e, in afflictions, hardships, • 2 Cor 6:4
his glorious might, for all e and • Col 1:11
For you have need of e, so that when • Heb 10:36
you have kept my word about patient e, • Rv 3:10
Here is a call for the e of the saints, • Rv 14:12
May the glory of the Lord e forever; • Ps 104:31
we bless; when persecuted, we e; • 1 Cor 4:12
when you patiently e the same • 2 Cor 1:6
always be sober-minded, e suffering, • 2 Tm 4:5
It is for discipline that you have to e. • Heb 12:7
you do good and suffer for it you e, • 1 Pt 2:20
The steadfast love of God e all the day. • Ps 52:1
that whatever God does e forever; • Eccl 3:14
Lord is good, for his steadfast love e • Jer 33:11
your throne e to all generations. • Lam 5:19
But the one who e to the end will be • Mt 24:13
but for the food that e to eternal life, • Jn 6:27
things, hopes all things, e all things. • 1 Cor 13:7
when, mindful of God, one e sorrows • 1 Pt 2:19
fear of the Lord is clean, e • Ps 19:9
for he is the living God, e forever; • Dn 6:26
and in the afflictions that you are e. • 2 Thes 1:4
I know you are e patiently and bearing • Rv 2:3
table before me in the presence of my e; • Ps 23:5
he makes even his e to be at peace • Prv 16:7
Love your e and pray for those • Mt 5:44
And a person’s e will be those of his • Mt 10:36
be saved from our e and from the hand • Lk 1:71
until I make your e your footstool.’ • Lk 20:43
if while we were e we were reconciled • Rom 5:10
he has put all his e under his feet. • 1 Cor 15:25
until I make your e a footstool • Heb 1:13
in a cloud, and their e watched them. • Rv 11:12
me from my strong e and from those • Ps 18:17
my refuge, a strong tower against the e. • Ps 61:3
Do not rejoice when your e falls, • Prv 24:17
If your e is hungry, give him bread • Prv 25:21
his e came and sowed weeds • Mt 13:25
and over all the power of the e, • Lk 10:19
To the contrary, “if your e is hungry, • Rom 12:20
The last e to be destroyed is death. • 1 Cor 15:26
Do not regard him as an e, but warn • 2 Thes 3:15
the world makes himself an e of God. • Jas 4:4
and e on them the names of the sons of • Ex 28:9
with seven eyes, I will e its inscription, • Zec 3:9
I have e you on the palms of my hands; • Is 49:16
but the upright e acceptance. • Prv 14:9
my chosen shall long e the work of their • Is 65:22
provides us with everything to e. • 1 Tm 6:17
you would bless me and e my border, • 1 Chr 4:10
when you e my heart! • Ps 119:32
“E the place of your tent, and let the • Is 54:2
having the eyes of your hearts e, • Eph 1:18
those who have once been e, • Heb 6:4
I will put e between you and the • Gn 3:15
idolatry, sorcery, e, strife, jealousy, fits • Gal 5:20
friendship with the world is e with God? • Jas 4:4
E walked with God, and he was not, • Gn 5:24
the son of Methuselah, the son of E, • Lk 3:37
By faith E was taken up so that he • Heb 11:5
It was also about these that E, the • Jude 14
never satisfied; four never say, “E”: • Prv 30:15
It is e; the hour has come. The Son of • Mk 14:41
Whoever brings blessing will be e, • Prv 11:25
trusts in the Lord will be e. • Prv 28:25
in every way you were e in him in all • 1 Cor 1:5
so that we would no longer be e to sin. • Rom 6:6
we were children, were e to the • Gal 4:3
No soldier gets e in civilian pursuits, • 2 Tm 2:4
are again e in them and overcome, • 2 Pt 2:20
E his gates with thanksgiving, • Ps 100:4
nation that keeps faith may e in. • Is 26:2
Pharisees, you will never e the • Mt 5:20
“E by the narrow gate. For the gate is • Mt 7:13
than for a rich person to e the kingdom • Lk 18:25
have confidence to e the holy places • Heb 10:19
and no one could e the sanctuary until • Rv 15:8
the Spirit e into me and set me on my • Ezk 2:2
for whoever has e God’s rest has also • Heb 4:10
he e once for all into the holy places, • Heb 9:12
since it e not his heart but his stomach, • Mk 7:19
I am the door. If anyone e by me, • Jn 10:9
a hope that e into the inner place • Heb 6:19
received us and e us hospitably for • Acts 28:7
some have e angels unawares. • Heb 13:2
Lord who sits e above the • 1 Chr 13:6
Yet you are holy, e on the praises • Ps 22:3
God of Israel, e above the cherubim, • Is 37:16
My son, if sinners e you, do not • Prv 1:10
insatiable for sin. They e unsteady • 2 Pt 2:14
he e the favor of the Lord his • 2 Chr 33:12
yet we have not e the favor of the • Dn 9:13
who will e to you the true riches? • Lk 16:11
on his part did not e himself to them, • Jn 2:24
e to faithful people who will be able • 2 Tm 2:2
suffer according to God’s will e their • 1 Pt 4:19
Jews were e with the oracles of God. • Rom 3:2
saw that I had been e with the gospel • Gal 2:7
approved by God to be e with the • 1 Thes 2:4
For I was e of the arrogant when I saw • Ps 73:3
Be not e of evil men, nor desire to be • Prv 24:1
but e makes the bones rot. • Prv 14:30
Let not your heart e sinners, • Prv 23:17
it was out of e that they had delivered • Mt 27:18
e, slander, pride, foolishness. • Mk 7:22
They are full of e, murder, strife, • Rom 1:29
love does not e or boast; it • 1 Cor 13:4
e, drunkenness, orgies, and things like • Gal 5:21
preach Christ from e and rivalry, • Phil 1:15
and hypocrisy and e and all slander. • 1 Pt 2:1
And they came to E, and he left them • Acts 18:19
I fought with beasts at E? • 1 Cor 15:32
“To the angel of the church in E write: • Rv 2:1
“And they shall make the e of gold, • Ex 28:6
And Gideon made an e of it • Jgs 8:27
Abiathar the priest, “Bring the e here.” • 1 Sm 23:9
The name of the second he called E, • Gn 41:52
Joseph were two tribes, Manasseh and E. • Jos 14:4
near the wilderness, to a town called E, • Jn 11:54
you act worthily in E and be renowned • Ru 4:11
you, O Bethlehem E, who are too little • Mi 5:2
Some of the E and Stoic philosophers • Acts 17:18
will you liken me and make me e, • Is 46:5
you have made them e to us who have • Mt 20:12
are e to angels and are sons of God, • Lk 20:36
Father, making himself e with God. • Jn 5:18
obtained a faith of e standing with ours • 2 Pt 1:1
form of God, did not count e with God • Phil 2:6
besides me there is no God; I e you, • Is 45:5
to e the saints for the work of ministry, • Eph 4:12
e you with everything good that you • Heb 13:21
the God who e me with strength and • Ps 18:32
may be complete, e for every good • 2 Tm 3:17
David administered justice and e to all • 2 Sm 8:15
You have established e; you have • Ps 99:4
dealing, in righteousness, justice, and e; • Prv 1:3
and decide with e for the meek of the • Is 11:4
and no e or fault was found in him. • Dn 6:4
escaping from those who live in e. • 2 Pt 2:18
away with the e of lawless people • 2 Pt 3:17
the Spirit of truth and the spirit of e. • 1 Jn 4:6
Thus E despised his birthright. • Gn 25:34
But E ran to meet him and embraced • Gn 33:4
but E I have hated. I have laid waste • Mal 1:3
“Jacob I loved, but E I hated.” • Rom 9:13
unholy like E, who sold his birthright • Heb 12:16
went into the ark to e the waters of the • Gn 7:7
how are you to e being sentenced to • Mt 23:33
may have strength to e all these things • Lk 21:36
that you will e the judgment of God? • Rom 2:3
he will also provide the way of e, • 1 Cor 10:13
e from the snare of the devil, • 2 Tm 2:26
how shall we e if we neglect such • Heb 2:3
much less will we e if we reject him • Heb 12:25
We have e like a bird from the snare • Ps 124:7
to arrest him, but he e from their hands. • Jn 10:39
of fire, e the edge of the sword, • Heb 11:34
I will e his kingdom forever if he • 1 Chr 28:7
and e the work of our hands upon us; • Ps 90:17
of God, and seeking to e their own, • Rom 10:3
that he may e your hearts blameless • 1 Thes 3:13
E your hearts, for the coming of the • Jas 5:8
confirm, strengthen, and e you. • 1 Pt 5:10
The steps of a man are e by the • Ps 37:23
by understanding he e the heavens; • Prv 3:19
No one is e by wickedness, but the • Prv 12:3
Who has e all the ends of the earth? • Prv 30:4
who e the world by his wisdom, • Jer 10:12
and built up in him and e in the faith, • Col 2:7
know them and are e in the truth that • 2 Pt 1:12
but the Lord e his steps. • Prv 16:9
no rest until he e Jerusalem and makes • Is 62:7
And it is God who e us with you in • 2 Cor 1:21
He was bringing up Hadassah, that is E, • Est 2:7
The e God is your dwelling place, • Dt 33:27
because man is going to his e home, • Eccl 12:5
but the righteous into e life.” • Mt 25:46
what must I do to inherit e life?” • Mk 10:17
should not perish but have e life. • Jn 3:16
a spring of water welling up to e life.” • Jn 4:14
believes him who sent me has e life. • Jn 5:24
as were appointed to e life believed. • Acts 13:48
righteousness leading to e life through • Rom 5:21
This was according to the e purpose • Eph 3:11
blood, thus securing an e redemption. • Heb 9:12
you an entrance into the e kingdom • 2 Pt 1:11
may know that you have e life. • 1 Jn 5:13
he has put e into man’s heart, yet • Eccl 3:11
the glory both now and to the day of e. • 2 Pt 3:18
And the fourth river is the E. • Gn 2:14
of Egypt to the great river, the river E, • Gn 15:18
So I went and hid it by the E, as the • Jer 13:5
out his bowl on the great river E, • Rv 16:12
we entered the house of Philip the e, • Acts 21:8
endure suffering, do the work of an e, • 2 Tm 4:5
gave the apostles, the prophets, the e, • Eph 4:11
The man called his wife’s name E, • Gn 3:20
as the serpent deceived E by his • 2 Cor 11:3
For Adam was formed first, then E; • 1 Tm 2:13
Lord will reign forever and e.” • Ex 15:18
“No one e spoke like this man!” • Jn 7:46
to whom be the glory forever and e. • Gal 1:5
might be to our God forever and e! • Rv 7:12
But nothing unclean will e enter it, nor • Rv 21:27
see it and remember the e covenant • Gn 9:16
from e to e you are God. • Ps 90:2
way in me, and lead me in the way e! • Ps 139:24
the e God, the Creator of the ends • Is 40:28
I will make with you an e covenant, • Is 55:3
a double portion; they shall have e joy. • Is 61:7
I have loved you with an e love; • Jer 31:3
I will make with them an e covenant, • Jer 32:40
His kingdom is an e kingdom, • Dn 4:3
of the earth shall awake, some to e life, • Dn 12:2
He blotted out e living thing that was on • Gn 7:23
E valley shall be lifted up, and e • Is 40:4
bearing fruit in e good work and • Col 1:10
let e who is godly offer prayer • Ps 32:6
e whose name shall be found written • Dn 12:1
that e who calls on the name of the • Jl 2:32
Let e turn from his evil way and from • Jon 3:8
“Not e who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ • Mt 7:21
So it is with e who is born of the Spirit.” • Jn 3:8
E who is of the truth listens to my • Jn 18:37
e whose name has not been written • Rv 13:8
And God saw e that he had made, and • Gn 1:31
Let e that has breath praise the • Ps 150:6
made e for its purpose, even the • Prv 16:4
to land, they left e and followed him. • Lk 5:11
and e that is written about the Son of • Lk 18:31
as having nothing, yet possessing e. • 2 Cor 6:10
in order that in e God may be glorified • 1 Pt 4:11
On the e of two witnesses or of three • Dt 17:6
be established by the e of two or three • 2 Cor 13:1
This is e of the righteous judgment of • 2 Thes 1:5
their corrosion will be e against you • Jas 5:3
Now the works of the flesh are e: • Gal 5:19
By this it is e who are the children • 1 Jn 3:10
will be like God, knowing good and e.” • Gn 3:5
intention of man’s heart is e from his • Gn 8:21
Turn away from e and do good; • Ps 34:14
no e shall be allowed to befall you, • Ps 91:10
an e person will not go unpunished, • Prv 11:21
Woe to those who call e good and • Is 5:20
into temptation, but deliver us from e. • Mt 6:13
The weeds are the sons of the e one, • Mt 13:38
Depart from me, all you workers of e!’ • Lk 13:27
the light because their works were e. • Jn 3:19
but that you keep them from the e one. • Jn 17:15
the good I want, but the e I do not • Rom 7:19
Repay no one e for e, but • Rom 12:17
“Purge the e person from among • 1 Cor 5:13
use of the time, because the days are e. • Eph 5:16
speak e of no one, to avoid quarreling, • Ti 3:2
for God cannot be tempted with e, • Jas 1:13
Do not speak e against one another, • Jas 4:11
using your freedom as a cover-up for e, • 1 Pt 2:16
because you have overcome the e one. • 1 Jn 2:13
and the e one does not touch him. • 1 Jn 5:18
Beloved, do not imitate e but imitate • 3 Jn 11
me; a company of e encircles me; • Ps 22:16
is a joy to the righteous but terror to e. • Prv 21:15
laden with iniquity, offspring of e, • Is 1:4
Lord with me, and let us e his name • Ps 34:3
my God; I will e you; I will praise • Is 25:1
So also Christ did not e himself to be • Heb 5:5
before the Lord, and he will e you. • Jas 4:10
at the proper time he may e you, • 1 Pt 5:6
Be e, O God, above the heavens! Let • Ps 108:5
the blessing of the upright a city is e, • Prv 11:11
Lord alone will be e in that • Is 2:11
whoever humbles himself will be e. • Mt 23:12
For what is e among men is an • Lk 16:15
Being therefore e at the right hand of • Acts 2:33
Therefore God has highly e him and • Phil 2:9
Righteousness e a nation, but sin is a • Prv 14:34
Whoever e himself will be humbled, • Mt 23:12
who opposes and e himself against • 2 Thes 2:4
Let us test and e our ways, and return • Lam 3:40
Let a person e himself, • 1 Cor 11:28
E yourselves, to see whether you are • 2 Cor 13:5
For I have given you an e, that you • Jn 13:15
things happened to them as an e, • 1 Cor 10:11
you became an e to all the believers • 1 Thes 1:7
give you in ourselves an e to imitate. • 2 Thes 3:9
e to those who were to believe in him • 1 Tm 1:16
also suffered for you, leaving you an e, • 1 Pt 2:21
serve as an e by undergoing a • Jude 7
strive to e in building up the church. • 1 Cor 14:12
But as you e in everything—in faith, • 2 Cor 8:7
I will show you a still more e way. • 1 Cor 12:31
so that you may approve what is e, • Phil 1:10
These things are e and profitable • Ti 3:8
that is as much more e than the old • Heb 8:6
They e the glory of God for the image • Ps 106:20
and e the glory of the immortal God • Rom 1:23
but now they have no e for their sin. • Jn 15:22
So they are without e. • Rom 1:20
Therefore you have no e, O man, • Rom 2:1
He will e judgment among the nations, • Ps 110:6
has given him authority to e judgment, • Jn 5:27
to e judgment on all and to convict all • Jude 15
reprove, rebuke, and e, with complete • 2 Tm 4:2
e and rebuke with all authority. Let no • Ti 2:15
So I e the elders among you, as a fellow • 1 Pt 5:1
Judah was taken into e out of its • 2 Kgs 25:21
of Israel who had returned from e, • Ezr 6:21
go into e for lack of knowledge; • Is 5:13
all Judah is taken into e, wholly taken • Jer 13:19
fear throughout the time of your e, • 1 Pt 1:17
into existence the things that do not e. • Rom 4:17
are all things and for whom we e, • 1 Cor 8:6
for whom and by whom all things e, • Heb 2:10
earth that now e are stored up for fire, • 2 Pt 3:7
that I had with you before the world e. • Jn 17:5
by your will they e and were created.” • Rv 4:11
“Let there be an e in the midst of the • Gn 1:6
you comprehended the e of the earth? • Jb 38:18
to the light, lest his works should be e. • Jn 3:20
But when anything is e by the light, • Eph 5:13
but all are naked and e to the eyes of • Heb 4:13
the works that are done on it will be e. • 2 Pt 3:10
I will e you, my God and King, • Ps 145:1
and let all the peoples e him.” • Rom 15:11
he will e over you with loud singing. • Zep 3:17
Let us rejoice and e and give him the • Rv 19:7
e for e, tooth for tooth, • Ex 21:24
He who formed the e, does he not see? • Ps 94:9
the e is not satisfied with seeing, nor • Eccl 1:8
it was said, ‘An e for an e • Mt 5:38
first take the log out of your own e, • Mt 7:5
And if your e causes you to sin, tear • Mt 18:9
Your e is the lamp of your body. • Lk 11:34
a camel to go through the e of a needle • Lk 18:25
“What no e has seen, nor ear heard, • 1 Cor 2:9
in a moment, in the twinkling of an e, • 1 Cor 15:52
the clouds, and every e will see him, • Rv 1:7
eat of it your e will be opened, • Gn 3:5
For the e of the Lord run to • 2 Chr 16:9
Open my e, that I may behold • Ps 119:18
I lift up my e to the hills. From where • Ps 121:1
Let your e look directly forward, • Prv 4:25
for my e have seen the King, • Is 6:5
my e will weep bitterly and run down • Jer 13:17
of all four were full of e all around. • Ezk 1:18
But blessed are your e, for they see, • Mt 13:16
“Lord, let our e be opened.” • Mt 20:33
for my e have seen your salvation • Lk 2:30
he said to them, “He put mud on my e, • Jn 9:15
For the e of the Lord are on the • 1 Pt 3:12
heard, which we have seen with our e, • 1 Jn 1:1
His e were like a flame of fire, • Rv 1:14
creatures, full of e in front and behind: • Rv 4:6
from the beginning were e and • Lk 1:2
Christ, but we were e of his majesty. • 2 Pt 1:16
word of the Lord came to E • Ezk 1:3
Thus shall E be to you a sign; • Ezk 24:24
king of Persia, E the son of Seraiah, • Ezr 7:1
While E prayed and made confession, • Ezr 10:1
And they told E the scribe to bring • Neh 8:1
“For I have seen God f to f, • Gn 32:30
But,” he said, “you cannot see my f, • Ex 33:20
Lord make his f to shine upon • Nm 6:25
Moses, whom the Lord knew f • Dt 34:10
Then they spit in his f and struck him. • Mt 26:67
mirror dimly, but then f to f. • 1 Cor 13:12
of the glory of God in the f of Jesus • 2 Cor 4:6
intently at his natural f in a mirror. • Jas 1:23
They will see his f, and his name will • Rv 22:4
but each had four f, and each of them • Ezk 1:6
they fell on their f before the throne • Rv 7:11
For they will soon f like the grass • Ps 37:2
We all f like a leaf, and our iniquities, • Is 64:6
will the rich man f away in the midst • Jas 1:11
My flesh and my heart may f, but God • Ps 73:26
for you that your faith may not f. • Lk 22:32
or this undertaking is of man, it will f; • Acts 5:38
unless indeed you f to meet the test! • 2 Cor 13:5
not as though the word of God has f. • Rom 9:6
received the good news f to enter • Heb 4:6
quickly, O Lord! My spirit f! • Ps 143:7
See to it that no one f to obtain • Heb 12:15
keeps the whole law but f in one point • Jas 2:10
knows the right thing to do and f to • Jas 4:17
God has made my heart f; • Jb 23:16
I call to you when my heart is f. • Ps 61:2
they shall walk and not f. • Is 40:31
and not another. My heart f within me! • Jb 19:27
soul thirsts for you; my flesh f for you, • Ps 63:1
f for the courts of the Lord; • Ps 84:2
because you broke f with me • Dt 32:51
“We have broken f with our God • Ezr 10:2
righteous shall live by his f. • Hab 2:4
“According to your f be it done • Mt 9:29
if you have f like a grain • Mt 17:20
“Daughter, your f has made you well; • Mk 5:34
Jesus answered them, “Have f in God. • Mk 11:22
not even in Israel have I found such f.” • Lk 7:9
to the Lord, “Increase our f!” • Lk 17:5
Man comes, will he find f on earth?” • Lk 18:8
prayed for you that your f may not fail. • Lk 22:32
having cleansed their hearts by f. • Acts 15:9
“The righteous shall live by f.” • Rom 1:17
since we have been justified by f, • Rom 5:1
righteousness that is by f; • Rom 9:30
So f comes from hearing, • Rom 10:17
that your f might not rest in • 1 Cor 2:5
So now f, hope, and love abide, • 1 Cor 13:13
for we walk by f, not by sight. • 2 Cor 5:7
whether you are in the f. • 2 Cor 13:5
we might be justified by f. • Gal 3:24
grace you have been saved through f. • Eph 2:8
one Lord, one f, one baptism, • Eph 4:5
some have made shipwreck of their f, • 1 Tm 1:19
disqualified regarding the f. • 2 Tm 3:8
but my righteous one shall live by f, • Heb 10:38
Now f is the assurance of things hoped • Heb 11:1
By f Moses, when he was born, • Heb 11:23
But let him ask in f, with no doubting, • Jas 1:6
and I will show you my f by my works. • Jas 2:18
so that your f and hope are in God. • 1 Pt 1:21
those who have obtained a f of equal • 2 Pt 1:1
effort to supplement your f with virtue, • 2 Pt 1:5
that has overcome the world—our f. • 1 Jn 5:4
appealing to you to contend for the f • Jude 3
for the endurance and f of the saints. • Rv 13:10
Lord your God is God, the f God • Dt 7:9
love, but a f man who can find? • Prv 20:6
because of the Lord, who is f, • Is 49:7
‘Well done, good and f servant. • Mt 25:21
who is f in a very little is also f • Lk 16:10
God is f, and he will not let you be • 1 Cor 10:13
He who calls you is f; he will surely • 1 Thes 5:24
But the Lord is f. He will establish • 2 Thes 3:3
if we are faithless, he remains f— • 2 Tm 2:13
for he who promised is f. • Heb 10:23
Be f unto death, and I will give you • Rv 2:10
one sitting on it is called F and True, • Rv 19:11
A God of f and without iniquity, • Dt 32:4
and serve him in sincerity and in f. • Jos 24:14
his f is a shield and buckler. • Ps 91:4
Let not steadfast love and f forsake you; • Prv 3:3
belt of his waist, and f the belt of • Is 11:5
are new every morning; great is your f. • Lam 3:23
their faithlessness nullify the f of God? • Rom 3:3
if we are f, he remains faithful— • 2 Tm 2:13
But as for the cowardly, the f, the • Rv 21:8
though he f, he shall not be cast • Ps 37:24
For if they f, one will lift up his fellow. • Eccl 4:10
“You will all f away because of me • Mt 26:31
to say to the mountains, ‘F on us,’ • Lk 23:30
all have sinned and f short of the glory • Rom 3:23
that he stands take heed lest he f. • 1 Cor 10:12
It is a fearful thing to f into the hands • Heb 10:31
“F on us and hide us from the face of • Rv 6:16
law; you have f away from grace. • Gal 5:4
with him those who have f asleep. • 1 Thes 4:14
have f away, to restore them again • Heb 6:6
“F, f is Babylon the great, • Rv 14:8
to you to keep you from f away. • Jn 16:1
year you shall let it rest and lie f, • Ex 23:11
“Break up your f ground, and sow not • Jer 4:3
“You shall not bear f witness • Ex 20:16
they tell f dreams and give empty • Zec 10:2
And many f prophets will arise and • Mt 24:11
Do not steal, Do not bear f witness, • Mk 10:19
For f christs and f prophets will • Mk 13:22
For such men are f apostles, • 2 Cor 11:13
all power and f signs and wonders, • 2 Thes 2:9
are from God, for many f prophets • 1 Jn 4:1
and out of the mouth of the f prophet, • Rv 16:13
him is true, and in him there is no f. • Jn 7:18
Therefore, having put away f, let • Eph 4:25
everyone who loves and practices f. • Rv 22:15
adulterers, against those who swear f, • Mal 3:5
all kinds of evil against you f on my • Mt 5:11
to those of old, ‘You shall not swear f, • Mt 5:33
in you all the f of the earth shall be • Gn 12:3
offspring shall all the f of the earth be • Acts 3:25
are upsetting whole f by teaching for • Ti 1:11
was baptized at once, he and all his f. • Acts 16:33
from whom every f in heaven and on • Eph 3:15
there will arise seven years of f, • Gn 41:30
not a f of bread, nor a thirst for water, • Am 8:11
sword and with f and with pestilence • Rv 6:8
and there will be f and earthquakes in • Mt 24:7
in various places; there will be f. • Mk 13:8
their lips, but their heart is f from me; • Mt 15:8
“You are not f from the kingdom of • Mk 12:34
once were f off have been brought near • Eph 2:13
It is the hard-working f who ought to • 2 Tm 2:6
how the f waits for the precious fruit • Jas 5:7
Consecrate a f; call a solemn assembly. • Jl 1:14
“And when you f, do not look gloomy • Mt 6:16
but your disciples do not f?” • Mk 2:18
I f twice a week; I give tithes of all • Lk 18:12
test everything; hold f what is good. • 1 Thes 5:21
So we f and implored our God for • Ezr 8:23
‘Why have we f, and you see it not? • Is 58:3
pleas for mercy with f and sackcloth • Dn 9:3
And after f forty days and forty nights, • Mt 4:2
worshiping with f and prayer night and • Lk 2:37
they were worshiping the Lord and f, • Acts 13:2
shall be the f of a multitude of nations. • Gn 17:4
“Honor your f and your mother, that • Ex 20:12
Is not he your f, who created you, • Dt 32:6
how you left your f and mother and • Ru 2:11
For my f and my mother have forsaken • Ps 27:10
F of the fatherless and protector of • Ps 68:5
As a f shows compassion to his • Ps 103:13
He who loves wisdom makes his f glad, • Prv 29:3
you are our F; we are the clay, • Is 64:8
son suffer for the iniquity of the f?’ • Ezk 18:19
If then I am a f, where is my honor? • Mal 1:6
“Our F in heaven, hallowed be • Mt 6:9
acknowledge before my F who is in • Mt 10:32
Whoever loves f or mother more than • Mt 10:37
a man shall leave his f and his mother • Mt 19:5
And call no man your f on earth, for • Mt 23:9
What f among you, if his son asks for • Lk 11:11
They will be divided, f against son and • Lk 12:53
his f saw him and felt compassion, • Lk 15:20
And Jesus said, “F, forgive them, for • Lk 23:34
“F, into your hands I commit my • Lk 23:46
I and the F are one.” • Jn 10:30
No one comes to the F except through • Jn 14:6
whatever you ask of the F in my name, • Jn 16:23
to make him the f of all who believe • Rom 4:11
For I became your f in Christ Jesus • 1 Cor 4:15
and I will be a f to you, and you shall • 2 Cor 6:18
our hearts, crying, “Abba! F!” • Gal 4:6
both have access in one Spirit to the F. • Eph 2:18
“Honor your f and mother” (this • Eph 6:2
how, like a f with his children, • 1 Thes 2:11
whom his f does not discipline? • Heb 12:7
See what kind of love the F has given • 1 Jn 3:1
it new with you in my F kingdom.” • Mt 26:29
know that I must be in my F house?” • Lk 2:49
to snatch them out of the F hand. • Jn 10:29
In my F house are many rooms. If it • Jn 14:2
his name and his F name written on • Rv 14:1
shall not mistreat any widow or f child. • Ex 22:22
He executes justice for the f and the • Dt 10:18
Father of the f and protector of widows • Ps 68:5
he upholds the widow and the f, • Ps 146:9
or violence to the resident alien, the f, • Jer 22:3
visiting the iniquity of the f on the • Ex 20:5
and the glory of children is their f. • Prv 17:6
our sins, and for the iniquities of our f, • Dn 9:16
turn the hearts of f to their children • Mal 4:6
F, do not provoke your children, lest • Col 3:21
have had earthly f who disciplined us • Heb 12:9
sins against you, go and tell him his f, • Mt 18:15
to me then, “Why does he still find f? • Rom 9:19
Noah found f in the eyes of the Lord. • Gn 6:8
a moment, and his f is for a lifetime. • Ps 30:5
the Lord bestows f and honor. • Ps 84:11
good man obtains f from the Lord, • Prv 12:2
the year of the Lord’s f, • Is 61:2
And the f of God was upon him. • Lk 2:40
to proclaim the year of the Lord’s f.” • Lk 4:19
praising God and having f with all the • Acts 2:47
to her and said, “Greetings, O f one, • Lk 1:28
The f of you and the dread of you shall • Gn 9:2
the Lord your God you shall f. • Dt 6:13
“Now therefore f the Lord • Jos 24:14
Serve the Lord with f, • Ps 2:11
the f of the Lord is clean, • Ps 19:9
light and my salvation; whom shall I f? • Ps 27:1
f of the Lord is the beginning • Prv 1:7
The f of man lays a snare, but • Prv 29:25
F God and keep his commandments, • Eccl 12:13
F not, for I am with you; • Is 43:5
And do not f those who kill the body • Mt 10:28
“Do not f, only believe.” • Mk 5:36
“F not, little flock, for it is your • Lk 12:32
is no f of God before their eyes.” • Rom 3:18
So do not become proud, but f. • Rom 11:20
no f of the one who is in authority? • Rom 13:3
holiness to completion in the f of God. • 2 Cor 7:1
God gave us a spirit not of f but of • 2 Tm 1:7
let us f lest any of you should seem • Heb 4:1
F God. Honor the emperor. • 1 Pt 2:17
no f of them, nor be troubled, • 1 Pt 3:14
but perfect love casts out f. • 1 Jn 4:18
“F God and give him glory, because • Rv 14:7
so the people f the Lord, • Ex 14:31
greatly f the Lord and Samuel. • 1 Sm 12:18
there is forgiveness, that you may be f. • Ps 130:4
Then the men f the Lord • Jon 1:16
my name will be f among the nations. • Mal 1:14
seeking to arrest him but f the people, • Mk 12:12
by walking in his ways and by f him. • Dt 8:6
but with sincerity of heart, f the Lord. • Col 3:22
and delivered me from all my f. • Ps 34:4
Blessed is the one who f the Lord • Prv 28:14
made them a f and baked unleavened • Gn 19:3
shall observe the F of Unleavened • Ex 12:17
king who gave a wedding f for his son, • Mt 22:2
every year at the F of the Passover. • Lk 2:41
But when you give a f, invite the poor, • Lk 14:13
The Jews were looking for him at the f, • Jn 7:11
their deceptions, while they f with you. • 2 Pt 2:13
of joy and gladness and cheerful f. • Zec 8:19
place of honor at f and the best seats • Mt 23:6
These are hidden reefs at your love f, • Jude 12
Samaria, “What are these f Jews doing? • Neh 4:2
and you have made firm the f knees. • Jb 4:4
weak hands, and make firm the f knees. • Is 35:3
the ravens to f you there.” • 1 Kgs 17:4
The lips of the righteous f many, but • Prv 10:21
he shall f them and be their shepherd. • Ezk 34:23
desolate place to f so great a crowd?” • Mt 15:33
when did we see you hungry and f you, • Mt 25:37
Jesus said to him, “F my sheep. • Jn 21:17
you have put all things under his f, • Ps 8:6
made my f like the f of a deer • Ps 18:33
miry bog, and set my f upon a rock, • Ps 40:2
its f partly of iron and partly of clay. • Dn 2:33
he makes my f like the deer’s; • Hab 3:19
until I put your enemies under your f”’? • Mt 22:44
she began to wet his f with her tears • Lk 7:38
he showed them his hands and his f. • Lk 24:40
wash the disciples’ f and to wipe them • Jn 13:5
will soon crush Satan under your f. • Rom 16:20
all things in subjection under his f.” • 1 Cor 15:27
he put all things under his f • Eph 1:22
I saw him, I fell at his f as though dead. • Rv 1:17
found one of his f servants who owed • Mt 18:28
heirs of God and f heirs with Christ, • Rom 8:17
I am a f servant with you and your • Rv 22:9
you were called into the f of his Son, • 1 Cor 1:9
the love of God and the f of the Holy • 2 Cor 13:14
the right hand of f to Barnabas and me, • Gal 2:9
If we say we have f with him while we • 1 Jn 1:6
he is in the light, we have f with one • 1 Jn 1:7
male and f he created them. • Gn 1:27
of any figure, the likeness of male or f, • Dt 4:16
creation, ‘God made them male and f.’ • Mk 10:6
Let us therefore celebrate the f, not • 1 Cor 5:8
or with regard to a f or a new moon • Col 2:16
his mother-in-law lying sick with a f. • Mt 8:14
at the seventh hour the f left him.” • Jn 4:52
Therefore let your words be f. • Eccl 5:2
For many are called, but f are chosen.” • Mt 22:14
“Lord, will those who are saved be f?” • Lk 13:23
house to house, who add f to f, • Is 5:8
The f is the world, and the good seed • Mt 13:38
Then two men will be in the f; one • Mt 24:40
You are God’s f, God’s building. • 1 Cor 3:9
And they sewed f leaves together • Gn 3:7
And seeing a f tree by the wayside, he • Mt 21:19
“From the f tree learn its lesson: as • Mt 24:32
“A man had a f tree planted in his • Lk 13:6
Can a f tree, my brothers, bear olives, • Jas 3:12
The Lord will f for you, • Ex 14:14
Our God will f for us.” • Neh 4:20
F the good f of the faith. • 1 Tm 6:12
I have fought the good f, • 2 Tm 4:7
Lord your God who f for you, • Jos 23:10
and what causes f among you? • Jas 4:1
baskets of f placed before the temple • Jer 24:1
from thornbushes, or f from thistles? • Mt 7:16
Do I not f heaven and earth? • Jer 23:24
in, and I will f this house with glory, • Hg 2:7
“F the jars with water.” • Jn 2:7
the God of hope f you with all joy • Rom 15:13
the heavens, that he might f all things.) • Eph 4:10
of the Lord f the tabernacle. • Ex 40:34
glory of the Lord f the house • 1 Kgs 8:11
glory of the Lord f the temple. • Ezk 43:5
and he will be f with the Holy Spirit, • Lk 1:15
they were all f with the Holy Spirit • Acts 2:4
is debauchery, but be f with the Spirit, • Eph 5:18
f with the fruit of righteousness • Phil 1:11
Let there be no f nor foolish talk nor • Eph 5:4
Therefore put away all f and rampant • Jas 1:21
and be sure your sin will f you out. • Nm 32:23
your God and you will f him, • Dt 4:29
loses his life for my sake will f it. • Mt 16:25
you will f a baby wrapped in swaddling • Lk 2:12
“I f no guilt in this man.” • Lk 23:4
Blessed is the one who f wisdom, • Prv 3:13
He who f a wife f a good • Prv 18:22
and the one who seeks f, • Mt 7:8
Whoever f his life will lose it, and • Mt 10:39
after the one that is lost, until he f it? • Lk 15:4
“This is the f of God.” But Pharaoh’s • Ex 8:19
of stone, written with the f of God. • Ex 31:18
and wrote with his f on the ground. • Jn 8:6
said to Thomas, “Put your f here, • Jn 20:27
began to build and was not able to f.’ • Lk 14:30
So now f doing it as well, so that • 2 Cor 8:11
And on the seventh day God f his work • Gn 2:2
When Moses had f writing the words • Dt 31:24
“It is f,” and he bowed his head • Jn 19:30
fought the good fight, I have f the race, • 2 Tm 4:7
for with them the wrath of God is f. • Rv 15:1
night in a pillar of f to give them light, • Ex 13:21
Lord your God is a consuming f, • Dt 4:24
Then the f of the Lord fell • 1 Kgs 18:38
and chariots of f all around Elisha. • 2 Kgs 6:17
can dwell with the consuming f? • Is 33:14
Is not my word like f, declares the • Jer 23:29
unbound, walking in the midst of the f, • Dn 3:25
For he is like a refiner’s f and like • Mal 3:2
to be thrown into the hell of f. • Mt 18:9
into the eternal f prepared for the devil • Mt 25:41
to go to hell, to the unquenchable f. • Mk 9:43
And divided tongues as of f appeared • Acts 2:3
f will test what sort of work each one • 1 Cor 3:13
though it is tested by f—may be found • 1 Pt 1:7
earth that now exist are stored up for f, • 2 Pt 3:7
others by snatching them out of the f; • Jude 23
but f came down from heaven and • Rv 20:9
This is the second death, the lake of f. • Rv 20:14
said to the people, “Fear not, stand f, • Ex 14:13
heart is f, trusting in the Lord. • Ps 112:7
your joy, for you stand f in your faith. • 2 Cor 1:24
day, and having done all, to stand f. • Eph 6:13
“I am the f and I am the last; • Is 44:6
But seek f the kingdom of God • Mt 6:33
But many who are f will be last, • Mt 19:30
the f of his signs, Jesus did at Cana • Jn 2:11
disciples were f called Christians. • Acts 11:26
covenant, he makes the f one obsolete. • Heb 8:13
We love because he f loved us. • 1 Jn 4:19
This is the f resurrection. • Rv 20:5
the Lord, Israel is my f son, • Ex 4:22
every f in the land of Egypt shall die, • Ex 11:5
“Consecrate to me all the f. • Ex 13:2
gave birth to her f son and wrapped • Lk 2:7
order that he might be the f among • Rom 8:29
the invisible God, the f of all creation. • Col 1:15
the faithful witness, the f of the dead, • Rv 1:5
the f of those who have fallen asleep. • 1 Cor 15:20
God chose you as the f to be saved, • 2 Thes 2:13
should be a kind of f of his creatures. • Jas 1:18
from mankind as f for God and • Rv 14:4
Or if he asks for a f, will give him a • Mt 7:10
three nights in the belly of the great f, • Mt 12:40
have only five loaves here and two f.” • Mt 14:17
haul it in, because of the quantity of f. • Jn 21:6
and I will make you f of men.” • Mt 4:19
the f loaves for the f thousand, • Mt 16:9
F of them were foolish, and f • Mt 25:2
of the men came to about f thousand. • Acts 4:4
You have f all the boundaries • Ps 74:17
day and night and the f order of heaven • Jer 33:25
us and you a great chasm has been f, • Lk 16:26
become a fire, and his Holy One a f, • Is 10:17
tongue, for I am in anguish in this f.’ • Lk 16:24
you to fan into f the gift of God, • 2 Tm 1:6
For he f himself in his own eyes • Ps 36:2
A man who f his neighbor spreads a • Prv 29:5
shall seduce with f those who violate • Dn 11:32
and by smooth talk and f they deceive • Rom 16:18
For we never came with words of f, • 1 Thes 2:5
where shall I f from your presence? • Ps 139:7
The wicked f when no one pursues, • Prv 28:1
F from sexual immorality. • 1 Cor 6:18
my beloved, f from idolatry. • 1 Cor 10:14
So f youthful passions and pursue • 2 Tm 2:22
Resist the devil, and he will f from you. • Jas 4:7
let me test just once more with the f. • Jgs 6:39
bone of my bones and f of my f; • Gn 2:23
wife, and they shall become one f. • Gn 2:24
not abide in man forever, for he is f: • Gn 6:3
my covenant be in your f an everlasting • Gn 17:13
destroyed, yet in my f I shall see God, • Jb 19:26
not be afraid. What can f do to me? • Ps 56:4
“What shall I cry?” All f is grass, • Is 40:6
Be silent, all f, before the Lord, • Zec 2:13
So they are no longer two but one f. • Mt 19:6
willing, but the f is weak.” • Mt 26:41
all f shall see the salvation of God.’” • Lk 3:6
That which is born of the f is f, • Jn 3:6
For my f is true food, and my blood is • Jn 6:55
For while we were living in the f, • Rom 7:5
who are in the f cannot please God. • Rom 8:8
and make no provision for the f, • Rom 13:14
to Satan for the destruction of the f, • 1 Cor 5:5
we regard no one according to the f. • 2 Cor 5:16
you will not gratify the desires of the f. • Gal 5:16
all once lived in the passions of our f, • Eph 2:3
wife, and the two shall become one f.” • Eph 5:31
we do not wrestle against f and blood, • Eph 6:12
put no confidence in the f— • Phil 3:3
by putting off the body of the f, • Col 2:11
“All f is like grass and all its glory • 1 Pt 1:24
the desires of the f and the desires of • 1 Jn 2:16
Christ has come in the f is from God, • 1 Jn 4:2
You led your people like a f • Ps 77:20
gather the remnant of my f out of all • Jer 23:3
keeping watch over their f by night. • Lk 2:8
So there will be one f, one shepherd. • Jn 10:16
shepherd the f of God that is among • 1 Pt 5:2
some you will f in your synagogues • Mt 23:34
spit on him, and f him and kill him. • Mk 10:34
“Is it lawful for you to f a man who • Acts 22:25
And after f him, they will kill him, • Lk 18:33
Others suffered mocking and f, • Heb 11:36
For behold, I will bring a f of waters • Gn 6:17
never again become a f to destroy all • Gn 9:15
as in those days before the f they were • Mt 24:38
when he brought a f upon the world • 2 Pt 2:5
piled up; the f stood up in a heap; • Ex 15:8
quench love, neither can f drown it. • Sg 8:7
And the rain fell, and the f came, • Mt 7:25
all vigilance, for from it f the springs • Prv 4:23
living waters shall f out from Jerusalem, • Zec 14:8
‘Out of his heart will f rivers of • Jn 7:38
he flourishes like a f of the field; • Ps 103:15
The grass withers, the f fades, but • Is 40:8
because like a f of the grass he will • Jas 1:10
The grass withers, and the f falls, • 1 Pt 1:24
a land f with milk and honey. • Jos 5:6
The water was f down from below • Ezk 47:1
f from the throne of God and of the • Rv 22:1
He will f away like a dream and not • Jb 20:8
like a dove! I would f away and be at • Ps 55:6
they are soon gone, and we f away. • Ps 90:10
Consider how many are my f, and • Ps 25:19
it is he who will tread down our f. • Ps 60:12
If the Lord is God, f him; • 1 Kgs 18:21
“F me, and I will make you fishers of • Mt 4:19
and take up his cross and f me. • Mt 16:24
he goes before them, and the sheep f • Jn 10:4
If anyone serves me, he must f me; • Jn 12:26
F the pattern of the sound words • 2 Tm 1:13
their labors, for their deeds f them!” • Rv 14:13
I wholly f the Lord my God. • Jos 14:8
they left their nets and f him. • Mt 4:20
earth marveled as they f the beast. • Rv 13:3
O God, you know my f; the wrongs I • Ps 69:5
of her cubs rather than a fool in his f. • Prv 17:12
The devising of f is sin, and the scoffer • Prv 24:9
word of the cross is f to those who • 1 Cor 1:18
wisdom of this world is f with God. • 1 Cor 3:19
very far, for their f will be plain to all, • 2 Tm 3:9
I have given every green plant for f.” • Gn 1:30
moving thing that lives shall be f for • Gn 9:3
not defile himself with the king’s f, • Dn 1:8
Is not life more than f, and • Mt 6:25
“My f is to do the will of him who sent • Jn 4:34
Do not work for the f that perishes, • Jn 6:27
Do not, for the sake of f, destroy the • Rom 14:20
F will not commend us to God. • 1 Cor 8:8
But if we have f and clothing, with • 1 Tm 6:8
is poorly clothed and lacking in daily f, • Jas 2:15
(Thus he declared all f clean.) • Mk 7:19
abstinence from f that God created • 1 Tm 4:3
to be strengthened by grace, not by f, • Heb 13:9
The f says in his heart, “There is no • Ps 14:1
way of a f is right in his own eyes, • Prv 12:15
so honor is not fitting for a f. • Prv 26:1
A f gives full vent to his spirit, but • Prv 29:11
whoever says, ‘You f!’ will • Mt 5:22
But God said to him, ‘F! This night • Lk 12:20
my people are f; they know me not; • Jer 4:22
like a f man who built his house • Mt 7:26
But God chose what is f in the world • 1 Cor 1:27
Therefore do not be f, but understand • Eph 5:17
For we ourselves were once f, • Ti 3:3
deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride, f. • Mk 7:22
For the f of God is wiser than men, • 1 Cor 1:25
f despise wisdom and instruction. • Prv 1:7
You blind f! For which is greater, the • Mt 23:17
Claiming to be wise, they became f, • Rom 1:22
We are f for Christ’s sake, but you • 1 Cor 4:10
He will not let your f be moved; • Ps 121:3
And if your f causes you to sin, • Mk 9:45
lest you strike your f against a stone.’” • Lk 4:11
If the f should say, “Because I am • 1 Cor 12:15
is my throne, and the earth is my f; • Is 66:1
until I make your enemies your f.’ • Lk 20:43
is my throne, and the earth is my f. • Acts 7:49
should be made a f for his feet. • Heb 10:13
In your f take me not away; know that • Jer 15:15
riches of his kindness and f and • Rom 2:4
because in his divine f he had passed • Rom 3:25
And if anyone f you to go one mile, go • Mt 5:41
and everyone f his way into it. • Lk 16:16
turned back to the iniquities of their f, • Jer 11:10
are beloved for the sake of their f. • Rom 11:28
the futile ways inherited from your f, • 1 Pt 1:18
a mark on the f of the men who sigh • Ezk 9:4
sealed the servants of our God on their f.” • Rv 7:3
face, and his name will be on their f. • Rv 22:4
forsake the Lord and serve f • Jos 24:20
you shall not bow down to a f god. • Ps 81:9
“I am a sojourner and f among you; • Gn 23:4
and give praise to God except this f?” • Lk 17:18
I will be a f to the speaker • 1 Cor 14:11
those whom he f he also predestined • Rom 8:29
has not rejected his people whom he f. • Rom 11:2
to the definite plan and f of God, • Acts 2:23
according to the f of God the Father, • 1 Pt 1:2
He was f before the foundation of • 1 Pt 1:20
Jesus has gone as a f on our behalf, • Heb 6:20
had made, as the Lord had f. • 2 Kgs 24:13
But what God f by the mouth of all • Acts 3:18
tree of life and eat, and live f—” • Gn 3:22
This is my name f, and thus I am to • Ex 3:15
dwell in the house of the Lord f. • Ps 23:6
his steadfast love endures f, • Ps 100:5
for riches do not last f; and does a • Prv 27:24
but the word of our God will stand f. • Is 40:8
but my salvation will be f, and my • Is 51:6
eats of this bread, he will live f. • Jn 6:51
you another Helper, to be with you f, • Jn 14:16
another place, “You are a priest f, • Heb 5:6
word of the Lord remains f.” • 1 Pt 1:25
whoever does the will of God abides f. • 1 Jn 2:17
that abides in us and will be with us f: • 2 Jn 2
Christ, and he shall reign f and ever.” • Rv 11:15
gain the whole world and f his soul? • Mk 8:36
servant released him and f him the • Mt 18:27
one another, as God in Christ f you. • Eph 4:32
take care lest you f the Lord, • Dt 6:12
O my soul, and f not all his benefits, • Ps 103:2
these may f, yet I will not f you. • Is 49:15
But one thing I do: f what lies behind • Phil 3:13
But you are a God ready to f, gracious • Neh 9:17
my trouble, and f all my sins. • Ps 25:18
For I will f their iniquity, • Jer 31:34
and f us our debts, as we also • Mt 6:12
Who can f sins but God alone?” • Mk 2:7
who is in heaven may f you your • Mk 11:25
f, and you will be forgiven; • Lk 6:37
And Jesus said, “Father, f them, for • Lk 23:34
has forgiven you, so you also must f. • Col 3:13
he is faithful and just to f us our sins • 1 Jn 1:9
people of Israel, and they shall be f, • Nm 15:25
is the one whose transgression is f, • Ps 32:1
people who dwell there will be f • Is 33:24
‘Your sins are f,’ or to say, • Mt 9:5
word against the Son of Man will be f, • Mt 12:32
But he who is f little, loves little.” • Lk 7:47
alive together with him, having f us • Col 2:13
if he has committed sins, he will be f. • Jas 5:15
because your sins are f for his name’s • 1 Jn 2:12
the Lord our God belong mercy and f, • Dn 9:9
poured out for many for the f of sins. • Mt 26:28
a baptism of repentance for the f • Mk 1:4
of Jesus Christ for the f of your sins, • Acts 2:38
we have redemption, the f of sins. • Col 1:14
shedding of blood there is no f of sins. • Heb 9:22
who f all your iniquity, who heals all • Ps 103:3
“Who is this, who even f sins?” • Lk 7:49
f iniquity and transgression and sin, • Ex 34:7
you, O Lord, are good and f, • Ps 86:5
failed me, my close friends have f me. • Jb 19:14
God, my rock: “Why have you f me? • Ps 42:9
former troubles are f and are hidden • Is 65:16
And not one of them is f before God. • Lk 12:6
having f that he was cleansed from • 2 Pt 1:9
by taking the f of a servant • Phil 2:7
Abstain from every f of evil. • 1 Thes 5:22
then the Lord God f the man • Gn 2:7
For you f my inward parts; • Ps 139:13
“Before I f you in the womb I knew • Jer 1:5
and f the spirit of man within him: • Zec 12:1
of childbirth until Christ is f in you! • Gal 4:19
and the earth was f out of water and • 2 Pt 3:5
He will not leave you or f you.” • Dt 31:6
if you f him, he will f you. • 2 Chr 15:2
For the Lord will not f his • Ps 94:14
let the wicked f his way, and • Is 55:7
“I will never leave you nor f • Heb 13:5
my God, why have you f me? • Ps 22:1
not seen the righteous f or his children • Ps 37:25
my God, why have you f me?” • Mt 27:46
persecuted, but not f; struck down, • 2 Cor 4:9
F the right way, they have gone • 2 Pt 2:15
is my rock and my f and my deliverer, • 2 Sm 22:2
For you are my rock and my f; • Ps 31:3
rain on the earth f days and f • Gn 7:4
people of Israel ate the manna f years, • Ex 16:35
was on the mountain f days and f • Ex 24:18
after fasting f days and f nights, • Mt 4:2
for f days, being tempted by the devil. • Lk 4:2
appearing to them during f days and • Acts 1:3
If you seek him, he will be f by you, • 2 Chr 15:2
at a time when you may be f; • Ps 32:6
“Seek the Lord while he may be f; • Is 55:6
f by those who did not seek me. • Is 65:1
he was lost, and is f.’” • Lk 15:32
anyone’s name was not f written in • Rv 20:15
Of old you laid the f of the earth, • Ps 102:25
a precious cornerstone, of a sure f: • Is 28:16
loved me before the f of the world. • Jn 17:24
For no one can lay a f other than • 1 Cor 3:11
chose us in him before the f of the • Eph 1:4
But God’s firm f stands, bearing this • 2 Tm 2:19
was foreknown before the f of the • 1 Pt 1:20
book of life from the f of the world • Rv 17:8
looking forward to the city that has f, • Heb 11:10
And the wall of the city had twelve f, • Rv 21:14
to glory, should make the f of their • Heb 2:10
looking to Jesus, the f and perfecter • Heb 12:2
For with you is the f of life; in • Ps 36:9
the f of wisdom is a bubbling brook. • Prv 18:4
forsaken me, the f of living waters, • Jer 2:13
spreads the f of the knowledge of him • 2 Cor 2:14
anointing oil and for the f incense, • Ex 25:6
gave himself up for us, a f offering • Eph 5:2
For he knows our f; he remembers • Ps 103:14
My f was not hidden from you, • Ps 139:15
They shall bring gold and f, and • Is 60:6
him gifts, gold and f and myrrh. • Mt 2:11
and the truth will set you f.” • Jn 8:32
But the f gift is not like the trespass. • Rom 5:15
you have been set f from sin • Rom 6:22
Spirit of life has set you f in Christ • Rom 8:2
Live as people who are f, not using • 1 Pt 2:16
everyone who believes is f from • Acts 13:39
To him who loves us and has f us • Rv 1:5
to corruption and obtain the f of the • Rom 8:21
the Spirit of the Lord is, there is f. • 2 Cor 3:17
For f Christ has set us free; • Gal 5:1
They promise them f, but they • 2 Pt 2:19
F not yourself because of evildoers; • Ps 37:1
F not yourself because of evildoers, • Prv 24:19
face to face, as a man speaks to his f. • Ex 33:11
A f loves at all times, and a brother • Prv 17:17
to ruin, but there is a f who sticks • Prv 18:24
gracious, will have the king as his f. • Prv 22:11
Faithful are the wounds of a f; • Prv 27:6
a f of tax collectors and sinners!’ • Mt 11:19
a whisperer separates close f. • Prv 16:28
make f for yourselves by means of • Lk 16:9
lay down his life for his f. • Jn 15:13
when the f of God was upon my tent, • Jb 29:4
The f of the Lord is for those • Ps 25:14
Make no f with a man given to anger, • Prv 22:24
Do you not know that f with the world • Jas 4:4
and f trees bearing f in • Gn 1:11
one wise, she took of its f and ate, • Gn 3:6
Blessed shall be the f of your womb • Dt 28:4
of water that yields its f in its season, • Ps 1:3
The f of the righteous is a tree of life, • Prv 11:30
salvation and righteousness may bear f; • Is 45:8
leaves will not wither, nor their f fail, • Ezk 47:12
Bear f in keeping with repentance. • Mt 3:8
healthy tree bears good f, • Mt 7:17
branch that does bear f he prunes, • Jn 15:2
But the f of the Spirit is love, • Gal 5:22
(for the f of light is found in • Eph 5:9
filled with the f of righteousness • Phil 1:11
“Be f and multiply and fill the earth • Gn 1:28
I will make you exceedingly f, • Gn 17:6
people of Israel were f and increased • Ex 1:7
they shall multiply and be f. • Ezk 36:11
you rains from heaven and f seasons, • Acts 14:17
in the flesh, that means f labor for me. • Phil 1:22
your heart’s desire and f all your plans! • Ps 20:4
not come to abolish them but to f • Mt 5:17
This was to f the Scripture which says, • Jn 19:24
If you really f the royal law according • Jas 2:8
A desire f is sweet to the soul, but to • Prv 13:19
in their case the prophecy of Isaiah is f • Mt 13:14
Scripture has been f in your hearing.” • Lk 4:21
Prophets and the Psalms must be f.” • Lk 24:44
requirement of the law might be f in us, • Rom 8:4
one who loves another has f the law. • Rom 13:8
For the whole law is f in one word: • Gal 5:14
angel, the mystery of God would be f, • Rv 10:7
earth shall be f of the knowledge • Is 11:9
Jesus, f of the Holy Spirit, returned • Lk 4:1
“Woe to you who are f now, for you • Lk 6:25
And Stephen, f of grace and power, • Acts 6:8
earth is the Lord’s and the f • Ps 24:1
For from his f we have all received, • Jn 1:16
until the f of the Gentiles has come • Rom 11:25
But when the f of time had come, God • Gal 4:4
may be filled with all the f of God. • Eph 3:19
For in him all the f of God was pleased • Col 1:19
be cast into a burning fiery f.” • Dn 3:6
throw them into the fiery f. In that • Mt 13:42
in anger and in f and in great wrath. • Jer 21:5
there will be wrath and f. • Rom 2:8
cup of the wine of the f of his wrath. • Rv 16:19
give thanks to him, but they became f • Rom 1:21
thoughts of the wise, that they are f.” • 1 Cor 3:20
has not been raised, your faith is f • 1 Cor 15:17
For the creation was subjected to f, • Rom 8:20
Gentiles do, in the f of their minds. • Eph 4:17
behold the upright, for there is a f • Ps 37:37
not for evil, to give you a f and a hope. • Jer 29:11
or the present or the f—all are yours, • 1 Cor 3:22
a good foundation for the f, • 1 Tm 6:19
“G, make this man understand the • Dn 8:16
I was speaking in prayer, the man G, • Dn 9:21
the angel answered him, “I am G. • Lk 1:19
has come!” so she called his name G. • Gn 30:11
Lord came to the prophet G, • 2 Sm 24:11
What does man g by all the toil • Eccl 1:3
does it profit a man to g the whole • Mk 8:36
but have not love, I g nothing. • 1 Cor 13:3
in order that I may g Christ • Phil 3:8
godliness with contentment is great g, • 1 Tm 6:6
not for shameful g, but eagerly; • 1 Pt 5:2
beyond the Jordan, G of the nations. • Is 9:1
beyond the Jordan, G of the Gentiles— • Mt 4:15
I will go before you to G.” • Mt 26:32
see that no prophet arises from G.” • Jn 7:52
“Men of G, why do you stand looking • Acts 1:11
wanderings, the wormwood and the g! • Lam 3:19
wine to drink, mixed with g, • Mt 27:34
a Pharisee in the council named G, • Acts 5:34
Lord God planted a g in Eden, • Gn 2:8
and you shall be like a watered g, like • Is 58:11
where he was crucified there was a g, • Jn 19:41
they will all wear out like a g. • Ps 102:26
the earth will wear out like a g, • Is 51:6
piece of unshrunk cloth on an old g, • Mt 9:16
might only touch the fringe of his g. • Mt 14:36
there a man who had no wedding g. • Mt 22:11
they will all wear out like a g, • Heb 1:11
for Adam and for his wife g of skins • Gn 3:21
they divide my g among them, • Ps 22:18
clothed me with the g of salvation; • Is 61:10
Jesus, they took his g and divided • Jn 19:23
have rotted and your g are moth-eaten. • Jas 5:2
of God, and this is the g of heaven.” • Gn 28:17
“Enter by the narrow g. For • Mt 7:13
in Jerusalem by the Sheep G a pool, • Jn 5:2
Enter his g with thanksgiving, • Ps 100:4
build my church, and the g of hell • Mt 16:18
high wall, with twelve g, and at the • Rv 21:12
that they may enter the city by the g. • Rv 22:14
Tell it not in G, publish it not in the • 2 Sm 1:20
“G to me my faithful ones, who • Ps 50:5
O Lord our God, and g us • Ps 106:47
time is coming to g all nations and • Is 66:18
Lord, and all nations shall g to it, • Jer 3:17
whoever does not g with me scatters. • Mt 12:30
“G up the leftover fragments, • Jn 6:12
where two or three are g in my name, • Mt 18:20
How often would I have g your • Mt 23:37
Before him will be g all the nations, • Mt 25:32
and our being g together to him, • 2 Thes 2:1
the earth and g the grape harvest • Rv 14:19
The Lord g, and the Lord • Jb 1:21
and who g you this authority?” • Mt 21:23
those whom you g me I have lost not • Jn 18:9
he bowed his head and g up his spirit. • Jn 19:30
For they g according to their means, • 2 Cor 8:3
g himself for our sins to deliver us • Gal 1:4
as Christ loved us and g himself up • Eph 5:2
who g himself as a ransom for all, • 1 Tm 2:6
to myths and endless g, • 1 Tm 1:4
avoid foolish controversies, g, • Ti 3:9
people to be enrolled by g. • Neh 7:5
The book of the g of Jesus • Mt 1:1
He is without father or mother or g, • Heb 7:3
One g shall commend your works to • Ps 145:4
and their children to another g. • Jl 1:3
“But to what shall I compare this g? • Mt 11:16
An evil and adulterous g seeks for a • Mt 16:4
this g will not pass away until all these • Mt 24:34
“Why does this g seek a sign? • Mk 8:12
“Save yourselves from this crooked g.” • Acts 2:40
These are the g of the heavens and the • Gn 2:4
have been our dwelling place in all g. • Ps 90:1
be forever, and my salvation to all g.” • Is 51:8
So all the g from Abraham to David • Mt 1:17
from now on all g will call me blessed; • Lk 1:48
to me? Or do you begrudge my g?’ • Mt 20:15
the one who contributes, in g; • Rom 12:8
Whoever is of a g heart, let him bring • Ex 35:5
but the righteous is g and gives; • Ps 37:21
but blessed is he who is g to the poor. • Prv 14:21
their food with glad and g hearts, • Acts 2:46
enriched in every way to be g in every • 2 Cor 9:11
to be g and ready to share, • 1 Tm 6:18
He is ever lending g, and his children • Ps 37:26
It is well with the man who deals g • Ps 112:5
ask God, who gives g to all without • Jas 1:5
Now the woman was a G, a • Mk 7:26
live like a G and not like a Jew, • Gal 2:14
Do not even the G do the same? • Mt 5:47
up empty phrases as the G do, • Mt 6:7
For the G seek after all these things, • Mt 6:32
a light for revelation to the G, • Lk 2:32
until the times of the G are fulfilled. • Lk 21:24
the G exercise lordship over them, • Lk 22:25
Spirit was poured out even on the G. • Acts 10:45
we are turning to the G. • Acts 13:46
opened a door of faith to the G. • Acts 14:27
From now on I will go to the G.” • Acts 18:6
Is he not the God of G also? Yes, • Rom 3:29
salvation has come to the G, so as to • Rom 11:11
block to Jews and folly to G, • 1 Cor 1:23
that God would justify the G by faith, • Gal 3:8
you must no longer walk as the G do, • Eph 4:17
how great among the G are the riches • Col 1:27
learn from me, for I am g and lowly in • Mt 11:29
imperishable beauty of a g and quiet • 1 Pt 3:4
by the meekness and g of Christ • 2 Cor 10:1
g, self-control; against such • Gal 5:23
restore him in a spirit of g. • Gal 6:1
with all humility and g, with patience, • Eph 4:2
correcting his opponents with g. • 2 Tm 2:25
went with them to a place called G, • Mt 26:36
on the sea they thought it was a g, • Mk 6:49
were descended from the g in Gath, • 2 Sm 21:22
was one of the descendants of the g, • 1 Chr 20:4
“Sun, stand still at G, and moon, • Jos 10:12
“A sword for the Lord and for G!” • Jgs 7:20
For time would fail me to tell of G, • Heb 11:32
A man’s g makes room for him and • Prv 18:16
who boasts of a g he does not give. • Prv 25:14
pleasure in all his toil—this is God’s g • Eccl 3:13
brother, and then come and offer your g. • Mt 5:24
“If you knew the g of God, and who • Jn 4:10
will receive the g of the Holy Spirit. • Acts 2:38
God gave the same g to them as he • Acts 11:17
justified by his grace as a g, • Rom 3:24
sin is death, but the free g of God is • Rom 6:23
But each has his own g from God, • 1 Cor 7:7
be to God for his inexpressible g! • 2 Cor 9:15
not your own doing; it is the g of God, • Eph 2:8
Do not neglect the g you have, which • 1 Tm 4:14
you to fan into flame the g of God, • 2 Tm 1:6
who have tasted the heavenly g, • Heb 6:4
Every good g and every perfect g is • Jas 1:17
each has received a g, use it to serve • 1 Pt 4:10
your train and receiving g among men, • Ps 68:18
Having g that differ according to the • Rom 12:6
Now concerning spiritual g, • 1 Cor 12:1
and earnestly desire the spiritual g, • 1 Cor 14:1
host of captives, and he gave g to men.” • Eph 4:8
by g of the Holy Spirit distributed • Heb 2:4
Is there no balm in G? Is there no • Jer 8:22
If there is iniquity in G, they shall • Hos 12:11
all Israel with him, to the camp at G. • Jos 10:15
“Come, let us go to G • 1 Sm 11:14
my glory I g to no other, nor my praise • Is 42:8
But when you g to the needy, do not • Mt 6:3
G us this day our daily bread, • Mt 6:11
For what can a man g in return for his • Mk 8:37
g, and it will be given to you. • Lk 6:38
‘It is more blessed to g than to. • Acts 20:35
So then each of us will g an account • Rom 14:12
If I g away all I have, and if • 1 Cor 13:3
Each one must g as he has decided • 2 Cor 9:7
“This is my body, which is g for you. • Lk 22:19
Holy Spirit who has been g to us. • Rom 5:5
the things freely g us by God. • 1 Cor 2:12
But grace was g to each one of us • Eph 4:7
One g freely, yet grows all the richer; • Prv 11:24
Whoever g to the poor will not want, • Prv 28:27
be to God, who g us the victory • 1 Cor 15:57
letter kills, but the Spirit g life. • 2 Cor 3:6
presence of God, who g life to all • 1 Tm 6:13
on it, for the glory of God g it light, • Rv 21:23
Therefore my heart is g, and my • Ps 16:9
I will rejoice and be g in your • Ps 31:7
Be g in the Lord, and rejoice, • Ps 32:11
a river whose streams make g the city • Ps 46:4
I was g when they said to me, “Let • Ps 122:1
A g heart makes a cheerful face, but • Prv 15:13
see my day. He saw it and was g.” • Jn 8:56
anointed you with the oil of g • Ps 45:7
Let me hear joy and g; let the • Ps 51:8
Serve the Lord with g! Come • Ps 100:2
ashes, the oil of g instead of mourning, • Is 61:3
and give them g for sorrow. • Jer 31:13
anointed you with the oil of g • Heb 1:9
go to the field and g among the ears of • Ru 2:2
“They shall g thoroughly as a vine the • Jer 6:9
wrapped in darkness, cloud, and g. • Dt 4:11
For them the g of utter darkness has • 2 Pt 2:17
I will be g.’” And Aaron held his peace. • Lv 10:3
‘Let the Lord be g, that we • Is 66:5
Fear seized them all, and they g God, • Lk 7:16
Jesus said, “Now is the Son of Man g, • Jn 13:31
those whom he justified he also g. • Rom 8:30
heart, and I will g your name forever. • Ps 86:12
Father, g your name.” Then a voice • Jn 12:28
g your Son that the Son may g you, • Jn 17:1
with a price. So g God in your body. • 1 Cor 6:20
see your good deeds and g God • 1 Pt 2:12
will not fear, O Lord, and g your name? • Rv 15:4
G things of you are spoken, O city of • Ps 87:3
On the g splendor of your majesty, • Ps 145:5
to the praise of his g grace, with which • Eph 1:6
lowly body to be like his g body, • Phil 3:21
The g of the Lord dwelt on • Ex 24:16
Moses said, “Please show me your g.” • Ex 33:18
Ichabod, saying, “The g has departed • 1 Sm 4:21
for the g of the Lord filled the • 1 Kgs 8:11
doors, that the King of g may come in. • Ps 24:7
Declare his g among the nations, • Ps 96:3
Let your g be over all the earth! • Ps 108:5
not to us, but to your name give g, • Ps 115:1
It is the g of God to conceal things, • Prv 25:2
the whole earth is full of his g!” • Is 6:3
My g I will not give to another. • Is 48:11
And behold, the g of the God of Israel • Ezk 43:2
I will change their g into shame. • Hos 4:7
“When the Son of Man comes in his g, • Mt 25:31
and the g of the Lord shone around • Lk 2:9
“G to God in the highest, and on earth • Lk 2:14
with the g that I had with you before • Jn 17:5
not worth comparing with the g • Rom 8:18
you do, do all to the g of God. • 1 Cor 10:31
since he is the image and g of God, • 1 Cor 11:7
eternal weight of g beyond all • 2 Cor 4:17
Christ might be to the praise of his g. • Eph 1:12
according to his riches in g in Christ • Phil 4:19
then you also will appear with him in g. • Col 3:4
on in the world, taken up in g. • 1 Tm 3:16
to shine on it, for the g of God gives it • Rv 21:23
g will come to poverty, and slumber • Prv 23:21
A g and a drunkard, a friend of tax • Lk 7:34
a companion of g shames his father. • Prv 28:7
are always liars, evil beasts, lazy g.” • Ti 1:12
will be weeping and g of teeth.” • Mt 8:12
will not let you g unless you bless me.” • Gn 32:26
the God of Israel, ‘Let my people g, • Ex 5:1
“If your presence will not g with me, • Ex 33:15
your God is with you wherever you g.” • Jos 1:9
For where you g I will g, • Ru 1:16
Where shall I g from your Spirit? • Ps 139:7
G therefore and make disciples of all • Mt 28:19
But if I g, I will send him to you. • Jn 16:7
“that it may g well with you and that • Eph 6:3
Never shall he g out of it, and I will • Rv 3:12
one male g for a sin offering; • Nm 7:16
not by means of the blood of g • Heb 9:12
blood of bulls and g to take away sins. • Heb 10:4
G sent him out from the garden of • Gn 3:23
the sons of G saw that the daughters • Gn 6:2
“For I have seen G face to face, • Gn 32:30
evil against me, but G meant it for • Gn 50:20
And G heard their groaning, and • Ex 2:24
G called to him out of the bush, • Ex 3:4
to be my people, and I will be your G, • Ex 6:7
no one like the Lord our G. • Ex 8:10
do not let G speak to us, lest we die.” • Ex 20:19
serve the Lord, for he is our G.” • Jos 24:18
defy the armies of the living G?” • 1 Sm 17:26
there is no G like you, in heaven • 1 Kgs 8:23
G who answers by fire, he is G.” • 1 Kgs 18:24
sinned against the Lord their G, • 2 Kgs 17:7
cherubim, you are the G, you alone, • 2 Kgs 19:15
for our G is greater than all gods. • 2 Chr 2:5
Lord filled the house of G. • 2 Chr 5:14
hearts to seek the Lord G • 2 Chr 11:16
Shall we receive good from G, and • Jb 2:10
My G, my G, why have you • Ps 22:1
G is our refuge and strength, a very • Ps 46:1
“Be still, and know that I am G. • Ps 46:10
Your way, O G, is holy. What g • Ps 77:13
my fortress, my G, in whom I trust.” • Ps 91:2
Be exalted, O G, above the heavens! • Ps 108:5
you are the G, you alone, of all the • Is 37:16
I am the last; besides me there is no g. • Is 44:6
But the Lord is the true G; • Jer 10:10
And I will be their G, and they shall • Jer 31:33
‘Ah, Lord G! It is you who have made • Jer 32:17
is proud, and you have said, ‘I am a g, • Ezk 28:2
our G whom we serve is able to deliver • Dn 3:17
I am the Lord your G and there • Jl 2:27
do this to you, prepare to meet your G, • Am 4:12
Who is a G like you, pardoning iniquity • Mi 7:18
one Father? Has not one G created us? • Mal 2:10
Caesar’s, and to G the things that are • Mt 22:21
that is, “My G, my G, why • Mt 27:46
The Lord our G, the Lord is one. • Mk 12:29
But if it is by the finger of G that I cast • Lk 11:20
answered him, “My Lord and my G!” • Jn 20:28
G raised him up, loosing the pangs of • Acts 2:24
For G shows no partiality. • Rom 2:11
“Abraham believed G, and it was • Rom 4:3
If G is for us, who can be against us? • Rom 8:31
do all to the glory of G. • 1 Cor 10:31
is not a G of confusion but of peace. • 1 Cor 14:33
one G and Father of all, who is over • Eph 4:6
though he was in the form of G, • Phil 2:6
proclaiming himself to be G. • 2 Thes 2:4
to fall into the hands of the living G. • Heb 10:31
for our G is a consuming fire. • Heb 12:29
“Abraham believed G, and it was • Jas 2:23
G is light, and in him is no darkness • 1 Jn 1:5
G is love, and whoever abides in love • 1 Jn 4:16
which he is called is The Word of G. • Rv 19:13
after Ashtoreth the g of the Sidonians, • 1 Kgs 11:5
temple of the great g Artemis may be • Acts 19:27
silly myths. Rather train yourself for g; • 1 Tm 4:7
g with contentment is great gain, • 1 Tm 6:6
the appearance of g, but denying • 2 Tm 3:5
of the truth, which accords with g, • Ti 1:1
us all things that pertain to life and g, • 2 Pt 1:3
and steadfastness with g, • 2 Pt 1:6
the Lord has set apart the g • Ps 4:3
let everyone who is g offer prayer to • Ps 32:6
a peaceful and quiet life, g and • 1 Tm 2:2
all who desire to live a g life in Christ • 2 Tm 3:12
“You shall have no other g before me. • Ex 20:3
Have the g of the nations delivered • Is 37:12
written in your Law, ‘I said, you are g’? • Jn 10:34
g made with hands are not g. • Acts 19:26
have made for themselves gods of g. • Ex 32:31
More to be desired are they than g, • Ps 19:10
I love your commandments above g, • Ps 119:127
which is greater, the g or the temple • Mt 23:17
a man wearing a g ring and fine • Jas 2:2
Your g and silver have corroded, • Jas 5:3
more precious than g that perishes • 1 Pt 1:7
and the street of the city was pure g, • Rv 21:21
came to a place called G • Mt 27:33
of a Skull, which in Aramaic is called G. • Jn 19:17
a champion named G of Gath, • 1 Sm 17:4
gave him the sword of G • 1 Sm 22:10
Lord destroyed Sodom and G.) • Gn 13:10
been like Sodom, and become like G. • Is 1:9
land of Sodom and G than for that • Mt 10:15
had made, and behold, it was very g. • Gn 1:31
Lord God said, “It is not g that • Gn 2:18
evil against me, but God meant it for g, • Gn 50:20
there is none who does g. • Ps 14:1
For you, O Lord, are g and forgiving, • Ps 86:5
For it is g to sing praises to our God; • Ps 147:1
Do not withhold g from those to • Prv 3:27
G sense makes one slow to anger, • Prv 19:11
Woe to those who call evil g and • Is 5:20
He has told you, O man, what is g; • Mi 6:8
are evil, know how to give g gifts to • Mt 7:11
“Why do you ask me about what is g? • Mt 19:17
Love your enemies, do g to • Lk 6:27
The g person out of the g treasure • Lk 6:45
all things work together for g, • Rom 8:28
Let no one seek his own g, but the • 1 Cor 10:24
he who began a g work in you • Phil 1:6
For everything created by God is g, • 1 Tm 4:4
So also g works are conspicuous, • 1 Tm 5:25
They are to do g, to be rich in g • 1 Tm 6:18
but he disciplines us for our g, • Heb 12:10
you have tasted that the Lord is g. • 1 Pt 2:3
will make all my g pass before you • Ex 33:19
Surely g and mercy shall follow • Ps 23:6
For how great is his g, and how great • Zec 9:17
But when the g and loving kindness • Ti 3:4
and proclaiming the g of the kingdom • Mt 4:23
the g must first be proclaimed to • Mk 13:10
preaching the g and healing • Lk 9:6
there they continued to preach the g. • Acts 14:7
I am eager to preach the g to you • Rom 1:15
I do it all for the sake of the g, • 1 Cor 9:23
even if our g is veiled, it is veiled • 2 Cor 4:3
is preaching to you a g contrary to • Gal 1:9
to proclaim the mystery of the g, • Eph 6:19
before in the word of the truth, the g, • Col 1:5
by God to be entrusted with the g, • 1 Thes 2:4
share in suffering for the g by the • 2 Tm 1:8
this is why the g was preached • 1 Pt 4:6
with an eternal g to proclaim • Rv 14:6
g, conceit, and disorder. • 2 Cor 12:20
deceit, maliciousness. They are g, • Rom 1:29
not only idlers, but also