Proverbs 6:16–19; Proverbs 10:31; Proverbs 12:19–22; Proverbs 13:5; Proverbs 14:25; Proverbs 17:7; Proverbs 17:20; Proverbs 19:9; Proverbs 21:6; Proverbs 21:28; Proverbs 25:18; Proverbs 26:18–19; Proverbs 26:24; Proverbs 26:28; Proverbs 28:13; Proverbs 30:5–8

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Proverbs 6:16–19

16  There are dsix things that the Lord hates,

dseven that are an abomination to him:

17  ehaughty eyes, fa lying tongue,

and ghands that shed innocent blood,

18  ha heart that devises wicked plans,

ifeet that make haste to run to evil,

19  ja false witness who kbreathes out lies,

and one who asows discord among brothers.

Proverbs 10:31

31  xThe mouth of the righteous brings forth wisdom,

but the perverse tongue will be cut off.

Proverbs 12:19–22

19  Truthful lips endure forever,

but ea lying tongue is but for a moment.

20  Deceit is in the heart of fthose who devise evil,

but those who plan peace have joy.

21  gNo ill befalls the righteous,

but the wicked are filled with trouble.

22  hLying lips are ian abomination to the Lord,

jbut those who act faithfully are his delight.

Proverbs 13:5

The righteous hates falsehood,

but the wicked brings shame1 and disgrace.

Proverbs 14:25

25  A truthful witness saves lives,

but one who lbreathes out lies is deceitful.

Proverbs 17:7

Fine speech is not wbecoming to a fool;

still less is xfalse speech to a prince.

Proverbs 17:20

20  mA man of crooked heart does not discover good,

and one with a dishonest tongue falls into calamity.

Proverbs 19:9

gA false witness will not go unpunished,

and he who hbreathes out lies will perish.

Proverbs 21:6

hThe getting of treasures by a lying tongue

is a ifleeting jvapor and a ksnare of death.1

Proverbs 21:28

28  kA false witness will perish,

but the word of a man who hears will endure.

Proverbs 25:18

18  A man who hbears false witness against his neighbor

is like a war club, or ia sword, or a sharp arrow.

Proverbs 26:18–19

18  Like a madman who throws ofirebrands, arrows, and death

19  is the man who deceives his neighbor

and says, I am only joking!

Proverbs 26:24

24  Whoever hates disguises himself with his lips

and harbors deceit in his heart;

Proverbs 26:28

28  A lying tongue hates its victims,

and a flattering mouth works ruin.

Proverbs 28:13

13  Whoever xconceals his transgressions will not prosper,

but he who yconfesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy.

Proverbs 30:5–8

tEvery word of God proves true;

he is ua shield to those who take refuge in him.

vDo not add to his words,

lest he rebuke you and you be found a liar.

Two things I ask of you;

deny them not to me wbefore I die:

Remove far from me falsehood and lying;

give me neither poverty nor riches;

feed me with the food that is xneedful for me,