Hebrews 2:14–18; Hebrews 5:5–10

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Hebrews 2:14–18

14 Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood, he himself likewise hpartook of the same things, that ithrough death he might jdestroy kthe one who has the power of death, that is, the devil, 15 and deliver all those who lthrough fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery. 16 For surely it is not angels that he helps, but he mhelps the offspring of Abraham. 17 Therefore he had nto be made like his brothers in every respect, oso that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest pin the service of God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people. 18 For because he himself has suffered qwhen tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.

Hebrews 5:5–10

So also Christ rdid not exalt himself to be made a high priest, but was appointed by him who said to him,

sYou are my Son,

today I have begotten you;

as he says also in another place,

tYou are a priest forever,

after the order of Melchizedek.

In the days of his flesh, uJesus1 offered up prayers and supplications, vwith loud cries and tears, to him wwho was able to save him from death, and xhe was heard because of his reverence. Although yhe was a son, zhe learned obedience through what he suffered. And abeing made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him, 10 being designated by God a high priest bafter the order of Melchizedek.