Deuteronomy 33:17
17 yA firstborn bull1—he has majesty,
and his horns are the horns of a zwild ox;
with them ahe shall gore the peoples,
all of them, to the ends of the earth;
bthey are the ten thousands of Ephraim,
and they are the thousands of Manasseh.”
Job 39:9–12
9 “Is mthe wild ox willing to serve you?
Will he spend the night at your nmanger?
10 Can you bind mhim in the furrow with ropes,
or will he harrow the valleys after you?
11 Will you depend on him because his strength is great,
and will you leave to him your labor?
12 Do you have faith in him that he will return your grain
and gather it to your threshing floor?
Psalm 22:21
21 Save me from fthe mouth of the lion!
Psalm 92:10