5 that in every way gyou were enriched in him in all hspeech and all knowledge—
2 And if I have aprophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, bso as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.
Food Offered to Idols
1 Now concerning1 mfood offered to idols: we know that n“all of us possess knowledge.” This “knowledge” opuffs up, pbut love builds up.
7 However, not all possess this knowledge. But some, athrough former association with idols, eat food as really offered to an idol, and btheir conscience, being weak, is defiled.
10 For if anyone sees you who have knowledge eating1 in an idol’s temple, will he not be encouraged,2 if his conscience is weak, to eat food offered to idols?
8 For to one is given through the Spirit the utterance of xwisdom, and to another the utterance of yknowledge according to the same Spirit,