1 Timothy 4:10; Amos 9:8–9; Isaiah 43:3–5

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1 Timothy 4:10

10 For to this end we toil and strive,1 because we have our hope set on the living God, qwho is the Savior of all people, especially of those who believe.

Amos 9:8–9

Behold, xthe eyes of the Lord God are upon the sinful kingdom,

and I will destroy it from the surface of the ground,

yexcept that I will not utterly destroy the house of Jacob,

declares the Lord.

For behold, I will command,

zand shake the house of Israel among all the nations

as one shakes with a sieve,

but no pebble shall fall to the earth.

Isaiah 43:3–5

For rI am the Lord your God,

the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.

sI give Egypt as your ransom,

Cush and tSeba in exchange for you.

Because you are precious in my eyes,

and honored, and I love you,

I give men in return for you,

peoples in exchange for your life.

uFear not, for I am with you;

vI will bring your offspring from the east,

and from the west I will gather you.